There are so many signs in our world, aren’t there? Signs to tell us where to go, signs to tell us what — and what not — to do, advertisements, warnings, and so many more.
It’s no wonder that we’ve developed a bad habit of glazing passed them without much notice. While that can be dangerous if it’s a stop sign, it usually just means that the makers of the sign need to work harder to make us notice.
Some do it with brutal honesty, but some are just funny.
When just the threat of death isn’t enough.

Either this is just a safety guy with a sense of humor or whatever it’s referencing is just really, really tempting to touch.
Church signs are a classic place for hilarity.

Look, I know God is supposed to love all his creations, but he was drunk the day he invented mosquitoes and probably would have been okay with them being left off the ark.
This bar makes a very good point.

I definitely prefer the option of nice drinks over the chance of running into some bears. Or my mother-in-law. Drinks, it is!
We laugh, because it’s true.

I don’t have a coffee problem. Coffee has an Amy problem. The only time I have a coffee problem is if the office machine is broken or we’re out of my favorite blend. Then, it’s ON.
This parent is not mincing words.

Why would someone steal a pumpkin? Are they just too lazy to carve one of their own? If so, just do what I did and spend $5 on a cheap plastic Jack o’Lantern and toss a glow stick inside.
I have a feeling this doctor’s office is a bit sick of anti-vaxxers.

Though, the lollipop is a very important part of the process. I’m always disappointed when the doc assumes I don’t want one. Like, I’m an adult or something and too old for lollipops.
This is one way to make sure everyone knows you installed cameras.

Seriously, though? This place had a guy that pooped there so much that they needed to install cameras and paid for a customized sign. Passive aggressiveness at its finest.
You know what? This makes me want to try it.

They say that all publicity is good, so why not lean into it? Either you get to laugh at the lady who gave the bad review or you get to feel some solidarity with her.
Signs like these are becoming more and more common at weddings.

It’s always been true that your drunken reception shenanigans will likely be documented, but where the hired photographer may leave out the ugliness from the final package, your buddies with smartphones won’t.
The gators put up this sign, didn’t they?

They want the food to come to them.
Seriously, though, maybe whoever is in charge of this road should come up with another solution for runners and motorists to share the road safely.
This is actually a good reminder.

Too many parents focus on the winning or losing and not on all the other important skills kids can learn by joining a team, and the kids’ attitudes often reflect that.
Ouch. You can’t say that this doesn’t get your attention.

People really drive too quickly in residential areas and it’s things like this that prove it.
There’s always a story behind the weirdest signs.

What happened when too many 6th graders got overloaded with caffeine? And how did they manage to have enough 6th graders with a taste for coffee for it to become a problem?
I kind of want this sign.

Except for the Google Fiber part, everything here is something that could apply to my neighborhood and probably many others.
Now, we’ve all made a banana or cucumber joke at some point, but there’s a line.

It’s pretty clear what kind of “gesturing” people were doing with the produce, but the fact that it was often enough to require a sign is kind of upsetting.
Though maybe they should rethink the price if they want to avoid more.
Another one with a good story implied.

There’s something extra special about it being in cross stitch. A classy-slash-grandma aesthetic that really speaks to the seriousness of the request.
Okay, who was smashing Oreos into books?

That must be what happened, right? That, or a fight broke out over the correct way to eat them and this was the only way to restore peace.
The idea of a taco emergency delights me.

I want to witness it: a pair of stoners realize that they are out of Doritos and the fridge is empty. Clearly, tacos are needed.
This is very specific.

The sign may have backfired, though, because I’m now incredibly curious about what happens if you do give the bisons psychoactive substances.
Last Updated on April 27, 2019 by Amy Pilkington