I don’t know if they’re actually as rare as they feel, but those moments where everything comes together and we totally dominate something have a way of staying with us. I mean, that’s probably the entire reason why trophies exist.
But if someone actually catches those big moments on camera, it does a lot more to jog our memory than a little statue that tells people, “Yeah, I was pretty good at bowling or something.”
I suppose that means these people had about as much luck as they did skill…but in a good way.
1. Yeah, we should definitely be supportive when someone is making such a big change in their life.
And as someone who also once struggled with having to pull up their pants every four steps, I’m right there with him on celebrating this magic moment.
2. I’m not sure whether they froze the pool or performed a miracle here, but it obviously took an impressive amount of effort either way.
Honestly, even if I go full hater and say this is photoshopped, I’ve gotta admit: It’s hard to tell.
3. We finally learned how they get the caramel in chocolate bars, but some inconvenience wizard has given us a whole different mystery.
“How do you get clothes stuck on a ladder?” sounds like a question to clear your mind as you meditate, but here we are.
4. This fine scholar’s parents couldn’t go to his graduation, so his friends stepped up as substitutes.
I hope they said, “We have food at home,” whenever they passed a McDonald’s so it felt like his folks were really there.
Shout-out to the paper towels, as well.
5. Hey, I’m sure that a person who manages to get a TV on the ceiling without breaking it also knows not to skimp on the bolts.
Still, it’s a good thing that the Wii isn’t the new hotness anymore because that combination would end badly.
6. Sometimes, it only takes one look before I get so impressed that I say, “Yup, I definitely can’t do that.”
So, in case you were wondering, folding towels into origami people is one of the many things I can’t do.
Otherwise, those would be sunglasses.
7. Haha, through the magic of cropping, nobody will know the struggles this guy had to go through to get this picture right.
Frankly, I think the fact that he found a window to take this without someone’s head getting in the way is impressive enough.
8. The fact that she invented the ultimate selfie device isn’t even the most impressive part of this to me right now.
Nope, it’s the fact that we have no reason to notice that she’s probably using a remote to take these.
The magician reveals her tricks.
9. Finally, someone’s found the perfect middle ground between flexing for the ‘Gram and making sure mama doesn’t get mad.
Granted, they’re gonna have a hard time showing that arm for a while, but having a non-awkward Thanksgiving dinner with her would be worth it.
10. Hate all you want, but this is still a better move then letting that sudden bumping noise be your guide.
Not everybody can perfectly slide their cars into place like Jason Statham, so some folks just have to get creative.
11. Sometimes, it’s all about boldly seizing the right opportunity.
Bonus points if it only takes a trip to the dollar store to make your mark on history. Hey, maybe this guy played yo-yo in life and it just didn’t make it into the textbooks.
12. This is how someone pranked their dad’s cubicle on his birthday, and I could get used to this kind of trolling.
I’d probably pay money for somebody to do this kinda thing, so it definitely beats all the horrible names folks on Twitter keep throwing at me.
13. It’s so touching to see that shining moment when an artist discovers someone who truly understands their pain.
We all need someone in our lives who’s willing to offer us a nice egg when the times get trying. It brings a tear to the eye.
14. You know, I was a little worried about Ronald when scary clowns made McDonald’s retire him, but it looks like he’s gonna be just fine.
If this is a glimpse of what’s waiting for me, then I guess I’ll keep hope alive that I can retire.
15. Yes, what’s the point of catching the biggest fish in the lake if you can’t tastefully pose with it afterwards?
There may not be a stove big enough to cook it, and they’ll need to open every window in the place, but that’s not the point.
16. You know, this lady has a good point. Even walkers need a vacation, so it’s good that she found a substitute to spell it off.
Plus, how many times have you found someone who’s willing to cover for you and jump on their back?
Last Updated on July 26, 2018 by Diply