Life can be a difficult slog every now and then, what with taxes and all that jazz. However, it is important to cherish the little things, to take pleasure in the small moments of absurdity that occasionally pop up in life, and to generally have a good time.
Some people are naturally better at cherishing these moments, and so here are 12+ people who are just out here to have a good time!

That ferret looks almost like every 45-50-year-old man who spends every Wednesday in the pub.
“Still more reliable than my local weather channel”

The world’s first weather forecasting coconut! It really is amazing the things that we can do with technology these days.
Unbelievable Timing

That train driver has been waiting years for his moment in the spotlight! At least it is now immortalized on the internet.
“Student tries to charge solar panel external battery using the light from their phone so that they can charge their phone.”

Well, there it is, the solution to all of our problems. Give this person all of the awards for science, and peace, and everything else.
“Came in to see these all over for my co-worker I think my boss wants his s**t gone before the holiday break.”

Brian mate, I have a sneaking suspicion that your boss want’s your s**t gone out the fridge. I am curious as to what he could have in there that it is so crucial to be disposed of?
Wait, He Cracked It In How Long?

Never get in between a teenager and their terrible internet videos.

There’s nothing more embarrassing than being sharked by a group of wily squirrel hustlers. $300 I’ll never get back.
“Sticky fig cafe gets it”

Go on, you know you want to, all the other tip jars never have to know.
“When the Christmas card photo shoot with the sheep goes wrong”

Nothing screams Christmas like a full-grown woman dressed as Santa being devoured by ravenous sheep.
“I’m so sorry”

Cooking can be really difficult, things never look like they do in the promotional images. It probably also doesn’t help that this person fired the chocolate at the “penguins” from across the room instead of just dipping them in.
“NASA’s sense of humour”

Houston, we have a joker. I bet they won’t find these sort of jokes funny when they order something online that has a very clear “This way up” sticker on it sat upside down on their porch.
“Best pain scale ever. Found at my wife’s doctors office.”

I think bees should be a little higher up the scale, their stings hurt more than a bear attack for instance.
“So I got bored on one of my flights…”

Drinking from a life vest filled with wine is something that I will definitely be doing this New Year!
“Irish lads dress up as selection box to do epic pub crawl”

I’d only do this if I could be the flake, and then not turn up. Which one would you be?
“You know you wanna”

Let’s just all admit that we’ve all wanted to try this at some point in our lives.
Dental Perfection

These should now be standard issue. Can we make it the law that every piece of dental equipment needs to have Jeff Goldblum’s face on it?
“They’re getting nightmares for Christmas”

Ah, Christmas really is the most joyous time of the year. I was never a fan of visiting Santa as a kid, I just didn’t trust him for some reason.
“I’ll take your entire stock”

Sometimes you just have to enjoy the little things in life, no matter how childish they are.
“Apple now offers backwards compatibility.”

Now you can listen to your Samsung G10’s fifteen pre-loaded 8-bit ringtone tunes through your AirPods! Amazing!
Flag Pants

Oh, say can you see by the pant’s early light, what so proudly we hailed at the seams last gleaming?
Last Updated on December 20, 2019 by Paddy Clarke