Life ain’t always easy — in fact, just when you think it is, the universe can find a way to throw you a curveball . Well, we gotta take the bad with the good and remember that we’re all in this together.
So, today we’re looking at all kinds of people who are just havin’ a rough go at this crazy thing we call life.
1. You might’ve gotten a flat tire before, but have you ever needed a tow truck for your tow truck?
Yep — sometimes it’s just one thing after another…after another and another. At this point, I’d say cars are canceled for the year.
2. That’s just not gonna cut it.
Well, if it’s a cooking class, you’re set. Other than that, you’ll probably attract a few strange looks — but hey, just start dicing up a bell pepper in front of those haters and show ’em who’s boss.
3. What in the “wingardium levi-oh no” is this?!
It looks like she got a curse put on her hand to make her thumb uncomfortably large. At least she won’t have trouble hitching a ride in a flying car or anything.
4. Might not be the best security question if your mom helps out with your finances.
Really, though, nothing’s gonna bring you closer than having this chat…not that I really think anyone needs to have this chat and be that close.
5. “Coworker found a surprise at the bottom of their cup this morning.”
Hey, however you gotta wake up in the morning, right? Probably gives it that real smooth taste, too.
6. “Just got out of the gym and was really thirsty. Vending machine gave me frozen water now I have to wait.”
Nothing like cooling off after the gym…too bad you really can’t right now.
7. Here’s a crappy situation.
Do you risk spider attack or sticky crack ? Both are pretty scary, but I’d way rather do the cowboy walk home than fend off freakin’ Aragog.
8. Group work is its own kind of h**l.
Even when they’re not on trial for whatever mad antics they’re getting into, they still won’t come prepared. It’s always lose-lose.
9. Probably time to shred his bike, huh?
I’m kidding, of course, don’t be mean to the poor kid. Even if he did just cost you over a thousand dollars of savings… over a thousand .
10. Alright, kids have their own struggle, too.
I’m sure he’ll figure this out eventually. Maybe not today and maybe not tomorrow, but one day, he’ll pick up that book and probably put it in the shredder or something.
11. Sometimes it just all comes crashing down.
I don’t know how something like this happens, ’cause that’s got some real distance to it. Looks like it literally leaped from the wall!
12. That’s one way to make a splash.
Maybe “nice” isn’t the exact word to describe it — “risky” or “definitely a place to find some impending doom” would fit better.
13. Yep, all cats.
A beautiful, 3-story cat house and play area — but of course, this little creature just wants a box. Maybe if we built one of these things out of cardboard, they’d actually go for it.
14. I mean, “A” for effort, but not exactly what they were going for.
Not a bad look…you know, if you want to look like you’ve been picking your nose all day.
15. “Went to take a bite out of my hot pocket and it’s nothing but bread. No filling.”
Because that’s why you want a Hot Pocket — it’s rich in bunnly goodness.
16. Really, this one sums up the whole thing.
Sometimes, things like this are just a no-go from the get-go . But, there’s very much a “what are ya gonna do?” attitude that I can appreciate here.
Last Updated on October 24, 2018 by Diply