I’ve seen some pretty weird things while riding my local bus system. It really is a melting pot where absolutely anything can happen.
But nothing I’ve seen has ever matched some of the pics shared by the Instagram account @humansoftrulai .
Humans of Trūlai (Humans of Trolleybuses) is based in Lithuania and there is clearly something in the weirdness water there.
Does this actually help?

I totally understand the struggles of small phone screens and vision problems — texts sent without my glasses on are gibberish — but this seems like an odd solution.
Budget pedicure?

This doesn’t just happen. The person had to have planned ahead by bringing the bucket full of water (I assume) and wearing sandals that are easy to slide on and off.
I hope the safety is on.

I’m not sure what the gun laws are like in Lithuania, but considering the number of obvious firearms featured by this Instagram account, I’m going to assume “lax.”
OK, now I REALLY hope the safety is on.

It already seems pretty crazy to bring a gun on the bus, but what exactly does this guy think is going to happen today?
It’s certainly A Look.

Now, are those all real or is it simply a style choice to wear a bandolier full of fake bullets?

This lady may not even have noticed she’s wearing the same jacket as the passenger in front of her, but between the scowl and the weird lack of neck, she certainly seems p****d off about something.
Does this dog belong to the driver?

It seems like it might, since the chain doesn’t really make for a good walking leash.
It’s standing so stiffly, that I’d believe you if you said it was a statue.
The night lighting really adds to this one.

Imagine getting on the bus and wandering to the back to find a seat, only to find THIS staring back at you.
This person has very flexible ankles.

I mean, I can twist them that way, but couldn’t maintain the stance on a moving vehicle.
According to the date stamp, this pic is from the middle of February.

So even if Lithuania did Halloween (which I don’t think they do), these Teletubbies would be out of place.
It’s fashion, duh!

I have no idea whether the fox on this boot is real or not. And I don’t care, because a fox head on what otherwise appears to be a generic chunky boot is not a style I can get behind.
This is not fashion, duh.

He doesn’t seem like the type of guy who looks at a shirt like that and thinks “Yeah, that’s appropriate.”
Apparently, this is a birthday card for somebody.

As for what led them to choose this one, it probably has something to do with the fact that they could read it without squinting.
Because really, someone on the other side of the room could read it without squinting.
Aw man, someone is going to be really bummed when they realize they forgot their carrots.

I’d wonder what Bugs Bunny is doing in Lithuania, but I also know that if it was him, they’d be gone before he had a chance to lose them.
Not everything we see on this list has to be weird.

For instance, here we have a very cute dog doing a little blep and now I’m passing on that little gift to you. You’re welcome.
I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that this guy is drunk.

It’s not like that’s the only reason he could be sleeping on this bus, but I’ve noticed that nobody defies the laws of physics when they sleep quite like drunk people.
I’ll admit that I’m not up on Lithuanian fashion trends, but I suspect this person made this outfit themselves.

I also suspect that the last time they stayed at a hotel, they took a whole lot more than soap and towels.
I guess that the positions we find comfortable don’t always make sense to everyone.

Either that, or this bus is going a lot faster than I’m giving it credit for.
To any non-Lithuanian speakers, this sticker might make us wonder, “Wait, what’s wrong with the bus?”

However, any such concerns are totally the opposite of what this is trying to tell us, as it apparently means, “Everything is fine.”
Ah, settling in with a beer and a good book. This guy knows how to relax.

It’s just that it’s still a little unusual for me to see people making themselves at home like this on a bus.
That said, it would be pretty hard to notice that man if he’s sitting anywhere near this guy.

From the looks of it, he’s treating what looks like a pretty massive vodka bottle as a race to the finish.
No wonder the man next to him is offering some of his Sprite.
Yeah, there’s not much to see here. I mean, everybody takes a nap with their umbrella open indoors, right?

Unless the roof of this bus has sprung a leak, I’m not really sure what the point of that part is.
I can’t get over how casually this guy brought a chainsaw onto the bus.

Although I suppose that if people around here can see someone lug around an assault rifle on the bus without batting an eye, why should they react any differently here?
This isn’t the first time I’ve seen people do this, but I always wonder how they even got up there.

What makes this even more surreal is that this person almost looks like they’re up here because someone put them on time out.
I would’ve thought that mesh shirts had a very brief moment in the sun, but I guess this man is bringing them back.

What kills me about these photos isn’t the bold choices people are making in them, but rather how low key they are about it.
It’s just another Tuesday, I guess.
To understand that they’ve got some super chill buses in Lithuania, we don’t have to look any further than the drivers.

There’s probably some rule against doing this to your steering wheel in other parts of the world, but at least somebody out here isn’t sweating the small stuff.
I’ve seen some icky messes on buses in my time, but an egg puddle is a new one on me.

Obviously, stuff like this will happen, but we’ve seen enough weirdness by now to make me suspect that somebody did this on purpose.
Dogs and cats are nothing new on these buses, but this guy has a more distinct companion.

It seems he might’ve hidden this rat from the driver, but at least it got to poke its curious little face out once the coast was clear.
I don’t know how easy Satan is to embarrass, but I think this might do it.

If it weren’t for the upside down cross and the sad attempt at a pentagram, I could assume that somebody really loves gluten-based meat substitutes.
It may not be a traditionally punk hairstyle, but breaking with tradition was kind of the point anyway.

The only question is how long it takes to turn your hair into this and how often you have to do it. I’m sure it took dedication.
Even if this sword was real, I doubt this kid would have much of a problem getting it on the bus.

The more I look at it, the harder it is to decide whether it’s the genuine article or not.
Either way, I’m sure this woman’s reaction would still be, “That’s nice, dear.”
He may not have paid for a ticket, but it’s hard not to respect this guy’s squatting power.

You might call this a free ride, but the mother of all leg cramps resulting from this will probably seem like enough of a price.
This lady is probably having a nap, but she’s a master of going incognito whether she means to be or not.

All she needs is a change of clothes and she could escape anybody trying to follow her in a flash.
Unfortunately, the bus itself can sometimes contribute to the excitement.

This unfortunate woman is getting a lot closer to this door than anyone needs to be, which also makes me even more worried for that guy we saw hanging onto the back.
While it’s pretty mild compared to a lot of these sights, I just like this mushroom hat.

It also appears that the person wearing it is also in a lab coat. If it’s a costume, I don’t get it.
One of these things is not like the other.

Either this is a new nail fashion trend I’m not privy to or this is a person totally okay with everyone knowing that they have a drug habit.
This would be extra weird if the cat doesn’t belong to her.

I mean, how could we know? It could just be a random stray cat that likes riding the bus on passengers’ heads.
I’ve seen people eating take-out on the bus, but this is a first.

This guy appears to have two kitchen plates, real cutlery, and zero qualms about setting them down so close to strangers’ dirty shoes.
Sometimes, the weirdness is happening beyond the bus windows.

At least he’s wearing shoes?
No one else in the frame appears to care or have noticed the naked guy.
Last Updated on November 9, 2019 by Amy Pilkington