Man FIRED After Beach Trip While "Sick"... Coworker's Revenge! 😱

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🚨 Buckle up, folks! We've got a juicy tale of workplace drama that'll have you on the edge of your seat! 😱 Our protagonist, a dedicated private banker, finds himself in a sticky situation when his coworker pulls a fast one and leaves him high and dry. 🏖️ But wait, there's more! A shocking discovery on Facebook reveals the truth behind the coworker's "sickness." 🤒 Will our hero stand up for what's right or keep quiet to avoid ruffling feathers? 🤫 Let's dive in and find out! 🕵️‍♂️

🏦 Banker's Dilemma: Short-Staffed Struggles! 😰

onlyonce00 | onlyonce00

🌴 Vacation Plans Interrupted by Sickly Coworker! 🤧

onlyonce00 | onlyonce00

🤔 Suspicious Symptoms: Just a Headache and Runny Nose? 🤥

onlyonce00 | onlyonce00

🦸‍♂️ Selfless Act for an Amazing Boss! 😇

onlyonce00 | onlyonce00

🏖️ Shocking Discovery: Sick Coworker Spotted at the Beach! 😱

onlyonce00 | onlyonce00

🤫 Coworker's Plea: "Don't Tell, I'm Out of Personal Time!" 🙊

onlyonce00 | onlyonce00

🤐 Silent Treatment: Coworker Goes MIA! 👻

onlyonce00 | onlyonce00

📞 Angry Phone Call: "You're an A**hole and a Snitch!" 😡

onlyonce00 | onlyonce00

🤷‍♂️ Divided Opinions: Selfish or Justified? 🤔

onlyonce00 | onlyonce00

😱 Busted! Coworker's Beach Day Lie Exposed! 🏖️

Well, well, well... looks like our protagonist's coworker got caught red-handed! 🙊 Faking sick to enjoy a day at the beach with his girlfriend? Not cool, bro! 😒 Our hero, being the dedicated employee he is, even sacrificed one of his own vacation days to help out. 🦸‍♂️ But when the truth came out, he knew he had to do the right thing and inform the boss. 🤐 Now, the coworker is out of a job, and people are divided on whether our protagonist is a selfish snitch or a justice-seeking hero. 🤔 Let's see what the internet has to say about this spicy situation! 🌶️

Don't fake sick and post it on social media! 🙄

francesknows | francesknows

Reporting a coworker's fake sick leave backfired on him. 😉

Spiritual-Bridge3027 | Spiritual-Bridge3027

Setting boundaries and exposing bad managers. NTA! 🙌

PsilosirenRose | PsilosirenRose

Cancelled vacation day leads to firing and backlash. YTA 🙄

efauncodes | efauncodes

Fiery comment sparks no replies in heated thread. 🔥

Birdman781666 | Birdman781666

Canceling vacation leads to ESH behavior and consequences 🤬

RLB4066 | RLB4066

Internet supports mental health break, calls out company's short staffing issue 💪

CoraCricket | CoraCricket

User calls out OP's hypocrisy in firing sick coworker.

Silly_Bird_7865 | Silly_Bird_7865

Bending rules can work, but only if team's not impacted 👍

JustABugReport | JustABugReport

🤔 Curious about the company's staffing issue?

annedroiid | annedroiid

Backstabbed by coworker, YTA gets what's coming. 🙈

themichaelkemp | themichaelkemp

Don't sacrifice your day off for work, it's not worth it 🚫

excel_pager_420 | excel_pager_420

Prioritizing work over breaks? NTA but learn from experience

PracticalSmile114 | PracticalSmile114

Angry commenter disagrees with NTA ruling, calls out OP

Substantial-Event441 | Substantial-Event441

Taking a 'sick' day like him? NTA made valid points! 😊

mechfan83 | mechfan83

Defender calls out coworker for being the PTO police 😈

Maleficent-Main5779 | Maleficent-Main5779

Keeping work and personal life separate is crucial. Lesson learned! 🙏

Potential_Stomach_87 | Potential_Stomach_87

Canceled vacation day backfires, coworker posts incriminating photo. ESH 😒

Brianblaz | Brianblaz

Choosing between ethics and fairness in sick leave dilemma. 🤔

amayabiqueen | amayabiqueen

Yikes! Commenter calls out coworker's petty revenge scheme. 🤯

SnooPickles55 | SnooPickles55

Work comes first. YTA for causing weeks of extra work. 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Unlikely a one-time incident, but still not the a**hole.

mdthomas | mdthomas

Doing the right thing can be difficult 😭. NTA, but consequences.

Sunflower_dream85 | Sunflower_dream85

Engaging in toxic office politics? YTA, says commenter. 🤯

DownwardSpiral2020 | DownwardSpiral2020

Balancing work and vacation is hard, but honesty is key. ESH.

ScarletDarkstar | ScarletDarkstar

Don't mess with a coworker on vacation, YTA learns lesson 😬

tinyfragileanimals | tinyfragileanimals

Don't mess with people's livelihoods, YTA coworker gets revenge 😒


A scathing reply to someone who reported a colleague. 🤬

Pleazantry | Pleazantry

Coworker lies about being sick for vacation, NTA.

splbm | splbm

Calling out both parties for their poor choices 🙅

heythatsnotkosher | heythatsnotkosher

Canceling vacation doesn't make you a hero. YTA for snitching.

theradtacular | theradtacular

Choosing work over health leads to distrust among coworkers 😔

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA called out for being a brown noser 🤮

Apprehensive_Fox_47 | Apprehensive_Fox_47

Choosing to cancel vacation day, but NTA for coworker's firing 👍

citizensfund82 | citizensfund82

Coworker fakes sick day, gets fired, commenter calls out OP's loyalty 😒

[deleted] | [deleted]

Don't be a martyr, set boundaries and value your time ⏰

IceCreamDream10 | IceCreamDream10

Taking a mental health day is important. YTA for not understanding.

Wanderlonging | Wanderlonging

Minding your own business is key, YTA with a point 😎

broccoli-guac | broccoli-guac

Revealing the truth: Was it worth it? 🤔

CerenarianSea | CerenarianSea

Toxic work environment leads to ESH situation. Mental health matters.

Pale_Fail_1436 | Pale_Fail_1436

Coworker learns the hard way: don't fake sick for beach 🏝

tofu_deluxe | tofu_deluxe

Taking out the trash on vacation? NTA wins the day!

kadijamal | kadijamal

Revenge or not, being a snitch is never cool 😒

zarandomness | zarandomness

Don't sacrifice your vacation for work, YTA. 😒

HereWeGo_Steelers | HereWeGo_Steelers

Posting on social media during work hours can get you fired. NTA.

2dogslife | 2dogslife

Vacation time vs sick time debate sparks office drama 🤔

EvilTreeGhost | EvilTreeGhost

Employee called out for getting boss fired in revenge.

ApatheticPoetic813 | ApatheticPoetic813

Calling out fake sicknesses? NTA community has got your back!

[deleted] | [deleted]

Taking earned sick time is not a dick move. 👍

Efficient_Ad_1582 | Efficient_Ad_1582

Boss's negligence makes YTA, not cancelling vacation day justified. 😒

GhostParty21 | GhostParty21

Employee lies about dad being sick, gets caught and fired 🤪

FollowingNo4648 | FollowingNo4648

Canceling a vacation day and being a coworker vigilante = ESH 🙈

2npac | 2npac

Office drama unfolds as fake sick day leads to revenge plot 🥵

LawfulWatermelon | LawfulWatermelon

Balancing work and personal life can be tough, ESH in this situation.

Classic-Dog8399 | Classic-Dog8399

ESH for fake sick leave and reckless behavior on social media.

destinae | destinae

YTA gets called out for selfish behavior at work. 👏

CaptainWellingtonIII | CaptainWellingtonIII

Defending fired coworker, blaming company for being short-staffed. 👍

WideBlock | WideBlock

Vacation day drama and snitching coworkers 😂

negrafalls | negrafalls

Savage revenge idea against coworker who faked sick leave 😂

Appropriate_Use6527 | Appropriate_Use6527

Toxic workplace creates victimizing environment for all employees 😠

escape777 | escape777

When playing hooky goes wrong... and hilarious 🤣

pennylaneblack | pennylaneblack

Don't be a workaholic a**hole, respect your sick colleague's privacy 😒

pawsplay36 | pawsplay36

When coworkers play hooky together, they get fired together. 😂

MrSlabBulkhead | MrSlabBulkhead

When lying to skip work backfires 🤣

Datasciguy2023 | Datasciguy2023

Taking a vacation day is NTA but coworker caused problems 😒

marquisdc | marquisdc

Lying about being sick and a revengeful coworker 🤭

KT_mama | KT_mama

Blocking on FB: the new office victory dance! 😎

Professional_Bread66 | Professional_Bread66

Vacation day sacrificed, coworker posted on FB, YTA narcs.

Impulse_Run | Impulse_Run

Getting caught faking sick and beach trip revenge. 😱

General_Ad_4971 | General_Ad_4971

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