Husband Defies Wife to Cook Mom's Ham 🍖🔥 Family ERUPTS!

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Diply | Diply

🍖 Buckle up, folks! We've got a juicy Thanksgiving tale that's sure to make you squeal with delight! 🐷 When a man's love for his mom's favorite holiday ham collides with his wife's strict adherence to tradition, things are bound to get sizzling! 🔥 Will this family's Thanksgiving be a delicious success or a total ham-tastrophe? 😱 Let's dive into this porky predicament and find out! 🍴

🍖 A Thanksgiving Ham Dilemma! 😱

alarmed-delay-1926 | alarmed-delay-1926

🔥 The In-Laws Clash! 🔥

alarmed-delay-1926 | alarmed-delay-1926

🦃 Turkey vs. Ham: The Showdown! 🍖

alarmed-delay-1926 | alarmed-delay-1926

🙅‍♀️ Mom's Thanksgiving Boycott! 😤

alarmed-delay-1926 | alarmed-delay-1926

⭐ The Stars Align for a Ham-tastic Thanksgiving! ⭐

alarmed-delay-1926 | alarmed-delay-1926

🙏 Pleading for a Porky Thanksgiving! 🐷

alarmed-delay-1926 | alarmed-delay-1926

🚨 Wife's Ham-ergency! 🚨

alarmed-delay-1926 | alarmed-delay-1926

🐷 Putting My Foot Down for Ham! 🐷

alarmed-delay-1926 | alarmed-delay-1926

🛒 Ham-ster on a Mission! 🐹

alarmed-delay-1926 | alarmed-delay-1926

😤 No More Ham-bulshit! 😤

alarmed-delay-1926 | alarmed-delay-1926

👧 Daughter Joins the Ham-icide Plot! 🔪

alarmed-delay-1926 | alarmed-delay-1926

The Great Ham Standoff: Who Will Prevail?

In this epic Thanksgiving showdown, a husband finds himself caught between his ham-loving mom and his tradition-obsessed wife. With his mother-in-law out of town and his mom's friend unable to host, the stage is set for a ham-tastic holiday feast. But when his wife refuses to cook the coveted ham, this determined son takes matters into his own hands! Now, with his wife and daughter plotting against the precious pork, our hero stands guard, ready to defend his mom's favorite dish. The internet has some thoughts on this sizzling situation... 🔥

Defying wife to cook mom's ham makes NTA hero 🦸‍♂️

superfastmomma | superfastmomma

Ham vs Turkey: A Divisive Thanksgiving Debate 🍗🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Thanksgiving drama: Husband called AH by wife for cooking mom's ham 🤷‍♂️

FancyPantsDancer | FancyPantsDancer

Support for husband against wife's unwelcoming and controlling behavior 👏

Gladtobealive2020 | Gladtobealive2020

Flexibility with food is key. Traditional food shouldn't exclude others. 🍴

rainmakestreesgrow | rainmakestreesgrow

Thanksgiving shrimp and risotto > petty wife drama 🍖

siamesecat1935 | siamesecat1935

Holiday-zilla wife vs. accommodating husband. NTA wins! 🥳

okcafe | okcafe

Defending mom's ham brings out wife's 'tradition' obsession. NTA. 🍖

CarrieCat62 | CarrieCat62

Encouraging breaking of gender stereotypes, warning against judgmental behavior 💪

nonoglorificus | nonoglorificus

Cooking ham causes family feud 🍖🔥😭 NTA prevails.

Shot-Sprinkles6930 | Shot-Sprinkles6930

Defend Mom's ham, wife upset. Traditional to have both. NTA 🍖

depressivedarling | depressivedarling

NTA: Wife's inconsiderate tradition causes family drama 😑

robyellow | robyellow

NTA. Cooking ham shouldn't be a power play. Bring joy instead 🍖😃

LhasaApsoSmile | LhasaApsoSmile

The real issue: why do wife and mom hate each other?

TheGizmodian | TheGizmodian

When the wife refused to allow the mom's pizza, he was TA 😬 but defying her to cook mom's ham makes him NTA 🙌

mizquack | mizquack

Ham loving husband defies wife, sparks family drama 😱

Butpapa | Butpapa

Defending husband's decision to cook mom's ham for Thanksgiving 🍖

here_kitkittkitty | here_kitkittkitty

Wife is TA, consider leaving if willing to raise bully daughter 🤭

Cent1234 | Cent1234

Mother's ham request is NTA, wife should have let it be 👍

crumpledspoon | crumpledspoon

Cooking a small ham is a deal breaker? 🤔 NTA.

rafaelthecoonpoon | rafaelthecoonpoon

Family drama over holiday meats! Did they serve the ham?

Auntie-Cares-3400 | Auntie-Cares-3400

Food diversity matters in families. Wife's the a**hole.

gracenweaver | gracenweaver

Food fights and controlling spouses, NTA takes the cake!

svifted | svifted

Wife refuses to cook ham, husband steps in. NTA wins!

checco314 | checco314

Mom's ham sparks marital dispute: NTA vs. wife's demands 🤔

Pitiful_Brief_6424 | Pitiful_Brief_6424

NTA, but wife and in-laws need counseling 👥👨‍👩‍👦

TendoninBOB | TendoninBOB

Defending OP's holiday meal preference with NTA. Suggests Chinese food 🌵

JFT8675309 | JFT8675309

Bringing family together with ham cooking! 🍖🍴

ProfessionalCar6255 | ProfessionalCar6255

Cooking mom's ham causing family drama 👀

LobsterLovingLlama | LobsterLovingLlama

Defying wife to cook mom's ham: NTA wins family approval! 🍖

OLAZ3000 | OLAZ3000

Stand your ground against petty behavior from wife and daughter 💪

Dry_Dragonfruit_4191 | Dry_Dragonfruit_4191

Thanksgiving ham vs turkey debate causes marital strife. NTA.

amputated_legs | amputated_legs

Family feud over ham 🐷 ends in clear verdict: Not the a**hole

Right-Ad8244 | Right-Ad8244

A harsh but honest comment on unhealthy relationship dynamics.

DeciduousEmu | DeciduousEmu

Breaking tradition? NTA. It's not mom's ham, it's yours. 🥳

NotHisRealName | NotHisRealName

NTA husband cooks mom's ham, wife disapproves. Commenters weigh in.

britneyspearsdick | britneyspearsdick

A chaotic family dispute over ham and control freaks. 🤷‍♂️😡

silvainshadows | silvainshadows

Cooking mom's ham doesn't make him an a**hole, wife is wrong 👍

Highlariousdude | Highlariousdude

Mom wants ham, wife refuses, internet calls wife AH.

Gidget19838392 | Gidget19838392

Defying wife to cook mom's ham, NTA says commenter.

TheRandomestWonderer | TheRandomestWonderer

Wife's control freak tendencies exposed 🤪

Konzern | Konzern

Ham is for whenever you want to eat it 🍖 No one gets to dictate what's served at home 🚫

trundlespl00t | trundlespl00t

Supportive comment calls out family's disrespect for mother.

Silver-Mud8390 | Silver-Mud8390

Defending mom's ham turns into family drama. NTA or ESH?

LoseIt92 | LoseIt92

User defends MIL, calls out OP for overreacting. YTA 😑

FreeTheHippo | FreeTheHippo

Embrace cultural differences in holiday cuisine. NTA wins.

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA, but watch out for child marriage laws 🙈

Optimal-Hamster3071 | Optimal-Hamster3071

NTA but your wife and mom are acting spoiled 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️

Defiant_Ingenuity_55 | Defiant_Ingenuity_55

Spouses fighting over ham, nothing to see here 🤷‍♂️

psychme89 | psychme89

Daughter at risk of becoming NTA like her mother 😱

Suchafatfatcat | Suchafatfatcat

Wife crosses the line in mocking mom's ham 🤭

WonderingWaffle | WonderingWaffle

Cooking ham instead of turkey causes family feud 👀

Krystillite1 | Krystillite1

Cooking ham causes family feud. NTA, counseling advised. 🤷‍♂️

Solid-Technology-448 | Solid-Technology-448

Cook the damn ham and pretend to be friends 👍

Westonian9411 | Westonian9411

Respectful NTA comment advocating for accommodating others' diets 🙌

Qu33nKal | Qu33nKal

Don't let food ruin family gatherings, blend traditions & chill 😎

Junior-Sentence-8952 | Junior-Sentence-8952

Wife's reaction to Easter ham leads to judgement. NTA.

Awkward_Un1corn | Awkward_Un1corn

A hilarious comment suggesting a solution to a silly situation 😂

talbot1978 | talbot1978

Serve ham and turkey, eat what everyone prefers, enjoy holidays 🍖🔥

fear_nothin | fear_nothin

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