REAL DRAMA: Teen Fakes Illness to Dodge Rap Battle Against Rival 😲💥

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Diply | Diply

🚨 Buckle up, folks! We've got a wild ride ahead! 🎢 Imagine being forced to participate in a Spanish rap battle in front of your entire school... against your arch-nemesis! 😱 Our poor protagonist finds himself in quite the predicament, torn between facing humiliation and faking sick to escape this nightmare. 🤒 Will he rise to the challenge or crumble under the pressure? Let's dive into this juicy tale and find out! 🍿

🌎 Around the World Week Celebration at School! 🎉

Boring_Protection_12 | Boring_Protection_12

🎤 Spanish Teacher's Grand Plan: Rap Battle! 😱

Boring_Protection_12 | Boring_Protection_12

😅 Intermediate Spanish Skills vs. Rap Battle Challenge

Boring_Protection_12 | Boring_Protection_12

😡 Rival Miguel: The Lazy F--ker with a Grudge

Boring_Protection_12 | Boring_Protection_12

🤦‍♂️ Miguel's Usual Antics: Making Himself Look Dumb

Boring_Protection_12 | Boring_Protection_12

😖 Mandatory Rap Battle: No Way Out!

Boring_Protection_12 | Boring_Protection_12

🙅‍♂️ Parents Say: Not a Valid Excuse to Skip School

Boring_Protection_12 | Boring_Protection_12

🤒 Desperate Measures: Faking Sick at 5 AM

Boring_Protection_12 | Boring_Protection_12

🙏 Saved by a Bratty Sister and a Busy Mom

Boring_Protection_12 | Boring_Protection_12

😒 Dad's Tough Love: "Stop Being a P***y"

Boring_Protection_12 | Boring_Protection_12

🚨 Breaking News: School Canceled! 😮

Boring_Protection_12 | Boring_Protection_12

The Great Spanish Rap Battle Escape: A Tale of Rivalry, Desperation, and Unexpected Twists!

Llooks like our hero found himself between a rock and a hard place! Forced to choose between a cringeworthy Spanish rap battle against his nemesis, Miguel, or faking sickness to avoid humiliation, he took the coward's way out. 🤒 But wait, there's more! Just when he thought he'd gotten away with it, karma came knocking in the form of a school-wide cancellation. 😮 Talk about a plot twist! Let's see what the internet has to say about this wild ride of a story...

Sneak dissing in Spanish? That's a power move 😂

Ozymandias123456 | Ozymandias123456

Curious commenter empathizes with teen's situation and offers helpful advice ❤️

kangaroowallabi | kangaroowallabi

Advice for a teen nervous about a rap battle assignment 🎤

EconomyReference3193 | EconomyReference3193

Did someone take drastic measures to avoid the rap battle?

LunaticBZ | LunaticBZ

Church group leader forces impossible task on teens, NTA walks out 💪

Holiday_Trainer_2657 | Holiday_Trainer_2657

Teen fakes illness to dodge rap battle, parents' lack empathy. NTA.

Joubachi | Joubachi

Eminem lyrics drop in the comment section 🎵

Definitely-Not-Stray | Definitely-Not-Stray

Standing up for yourself against cringy school activities 🙌

CuckBuster33 | CuckBuster33

Skipping rap battle to fake own death? NTA takes it too far.

VindictivePuppy | VindictivePuppy

Avoiding a rap battle? NTA, but teachers should stop forcing students.

Ahsoka88 | Ahsoka88

Teacher's rap battle idea gets failing grade from student

NihilismIsSparkles | NihilismIsSparkles

Grown-ass adult fakes illness to avoid phone helpline rotation. NTA.

BuccalFatApologist | BuccalFatApologist

Dodging a bullet: Picky eater fakes illness, NTA.

CrabbiestAsp | CrabbiestAsp

Empathetic comment about the stressful situation 😔

Fine_Understanding81 | Fine_Understanding81

Toxic masculinity at its finest 😒

Dog-A-Watt | Dog-A-Watt

Introvert refuses rap battle, gets support and backlash from readers.

rollingthrulife79 | rollingthrulife79

Standing up for yourself is important and following orders blindly is bs 🤯

rightfullyClio | rightfullyClio

Nostalgic comment about fake bomb threats in school days 😇

doorkly | doorkly

Defending student's language choice and supporting NTA verdict 🙌

LemmytheLemuel | LemmytheLemuel

Skipping one 'creative' assignment doesn't make you the a-hole 👍

happypuddle | happypuddle

Expert offers to help teen fake illness to avoid anxiety

ninthandfirst | ninthandfirst

Parent disapproves of kid faking sick to avoid rap battle

Lananification | Lananification

NTA concedes rap battle in Spanish, avoids idiocy 💪

Samarkand457 | Samarkand457

Suggests better ways to celebrate culture than a cringe rap battle 🙄

StormieHD | StormieHD

Skipping a rap battle to avoid embarrassment. NTA.

spliff1506 | spliff1506

Student's clever bilingual excuse to avoid rap battle 🎶

CelesteDesdemina | CelesteDesdemina

Skipping a mandatory rap battle? NTA. The teacher's asking for trouble 😲💥

tgentlemann | tgentlemann

Skipping school to avoid presentations? NTA, relatable 😂

firefly081 | firefly081

Skipping a rap battle? NTA, it happens to the best of us 🎶

raulpe | raulpe

Unpopular opinion: schools shouldn't force students to perform publicly 🤷‍♀️

notsosecretshipper | notsosecretshipper

Parent defends skipping school activity, supports NTA judgement.

BowlComprehensive907 | BowlComprehensive907

Avoiding a rap battle? NTA! Similar experiences and advice shared.

elizalavelle | elizalavelle

Spanish teacher empathizes with students, refuses to force singing assessments.

Kass1207 | Kass1207

NTA. Forcing teens into public humiliation is cruel 😢

NylaStasja | NylaStasja

NTA's clever and humorous alternative to humiliating rap battle.

QueenMAb82 | QueenMAb82

Learning to set boundaries is important, NTA for lying.

ilanallama85 | ilanallama85

Standing up for yourself against unreasonable demands 💪

SyderoAlena | SyderoAlena

NTA wins rap battle without vulgar language. Creative excuse though.

mojo4394 | mojo4394

NTA: Mandatory rap battles in class can be humiliating and scary 😱

EmrysTheBlue | EmrysTheBlue

Standing up for yourself and saying no. Power move. NTA

Ill_Scientist_6510 | Ill_Scientist_6510

The anxiety of public performance is real 😱. NTA but adults should understand

TheLionfish | TheLionfish

Former teacher's disbelief at student faking illness for rap battle. ESH.

Greyeyedqueen7 | Greyeyedqueen7

An insightful comment about gender and pain tolerance.

daphnedewey | daphnedewey

Empowering advice for teen faced with cringe rap battle 🤔

TheOneAndOnlySelf | TheOneAndOnlySelf

When teachers try to be cool but end up embarrassing themselves 😳

Flimsy-Wolverine-663 | Flimsy-Wolverine-663

Defending student's language skills and questioning assignment appropriateness. 🤔

Outrageous_Grade2713 | Outrageous_Grade2713

A comment criticizing another's English proficiency is countered with a thoughtful response. 💬

NotSoAverage_sister | NotSoAverage_sister

Mom to the rescue! 👥💪🏼 NTA comment section.

LiosIsHere | LiosIsHere

A rap battle in Peru vs. a school assignment, thoughts? 🤔

e_w_00 | e_w_00

Public speaking anxiety is real, even for rap battles. #NTA 😱

donut-resuscitate | donut-resuscitate

Creative alternatives to rap battles - a poetic escape plan 💥

Nouschkasdad | Nouschkasdad

Student cleverly avoids awkward rap battle language barrier 🤣

SomeNibba | SomeNibba

Tips for faking illness and avoiding rap battle 🤪

DreamyOblivion | DreamyOblivion

Avoiding a rap battle for French class? NTA, but be prepared.

InvestigatorFew1981 | InvestigatorFew1981

NTA commenter advocates for standing up against unreasonable school rules.

mihio94 | mihio94

Alternative options for public speaking are necessary for all students 👍

Haber87 | Haber87

NTA. School rap battles can be uncomfortable and have negative implications 😑

Krappymouse | Krappymouse

Hilarious comment on school drama and bomb threat conspiracy theory 😂

Smokedlotus | Smokedlotus

Engaging comment thread about a fake illness and rap battle rivalry 🎶

gutzville | gutzville

Skipping a rap battle is worth risking a sick day 😂

the-il-mostro | the-il-mostro

Setting boundaries and avoiding toxic people is a valuable skill 👍

LadyRaya | LadyRaya

AI-generated rap about high school crush and overcoming fear 🎶👏

chewychubacca | chewychubacca

Skipping school to avoid rap battle? Sh\*t idea 😂

No-Advertising9300 | No-Advertising9300

Skipping a rap battle doesn't ruin your future. NTA. 👍

GreedyJeweler3862 | GreedyJeweler3862

Embrace the ridiculousness and learn a Spanish rap instead 🎶

Excellent-Practice | Excellent-Practice

Hilarious comment about avoiding a cringy rap battle 😂

RorschachFan16 | RorschachFan16

Standing up against public humiliation and toxic parenting. 👏

My_Evil_Twin88 | My_Evil_Twin88

Not the a-hole for declining a stressful public speaking event 😅

wormboy2000 | wormboy2000

Standing up against peer pressure 💪

ClassicMembership685 | ClassicMembership685

Schools should stop forcing humiliating activities on students. NTA.

FinH24 | FinH24

High school teacher forces embarrassing wedding role on student 🙄

ihatedarkmode | ihatedarkmode

Empathetic mom defends teen who faked illness to avoid rap battle 😢

Used_Blood2520 | Used_Blood2520

NTA comment empathizes with the student and criticizes teacher and parents.

patchway247 | patchway247

How to refuse the teacher and crush their soul 😈

ghosty_anon | ghosty_anon

Standing up for oneself and avoiding humiliation, NTA 👏

1Girl1Attic | 1Girl1Attic

Standing up for yourself is important. NTA 👍

DontEatConcrete | DontEatConcrete

Cultural appropriation concerns arise amidst rap battle controversy 🤔

Own-Air-1301 | Own-Air-1301

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