Wife BANS Mother-in-Law from Seeing Newborn Baby for 3 WEEKS! 😱💔

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🍼 Oh baby, do we have some family drama brewing! 😬 This soon-to-be dad is caught in the middle of a cultural clash between his African-American mom and his Hispanic-White wife. 🌍 With a baby on the way, tensions are rising over who gets to see the little bundle of joy first. 👶 Will this hubby be able to navigate the silent treatment and bring both sides of the family together? 🤔 Let's dive into this juicy story and find out! 🍿

🍼 Baby Drama: Wife's Family vs. Husband's Mom 😬

Inside_Bit6103 | Inside_Bit6103

🌍 Cultural Clash: African-American Mom & Hispanic-White Wife 🤔

Inside_Bit6103 | Inside_Bit6103

😐 Neutral Territory: Mom & Wife's Lukewarm Relationship ❄️

Inside_Bit6103 | Inside_Bit6103

💍 Family Heirloom: Mom's Warming Up to Wife 🌡️

Inside_Bit6103 | Inside_Bit6103

🤰 Baby on the Way: 8 Months and Counting! 👶

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🚫 Hubby Banned from Delivery Room 😲

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👪 Wife's Family Only: No Visitors Allowed? 🙅‍♀️

Inside_Bit6103 | Inside_Bit6103

🤷‍♂️ What About Hubby's Mom? 3 Week Wait! ⏳

Inside_Bit6103 | Inside_Bit6103

🦠 Germ Concerns or Something Else? 🤔

Inside_Bit6103 | Inside_Bit6103

👩‍🏫 Wife's Family Works with Kids: No Germ Worries There! 🙅‍♀️

Inside_Bit6103 | Inside_Bit6103

🚫 Wife Puts Foot Down: No Grandma Visits! 😠

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🍼 Hubby's Suggestion: Bring Baby to Grandma? 🤷‍♂️

Inside_Bit6103 | Inside_Bit6103

🙅‍♀️ Wife's Silent Treatment: Hubby in the Doghouse 🐶

Inside_Bit6103 | Inside_Bit6103

🤔 AITAH? Fair is Fair, Right? 🤷‍♂️

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🍼 Family Feud: Who Gets to See the Baby First? 👪😬

This expectant father is caught in a sticky situation between his wife and his mother. With cultural differences and a lukewarm relationship between the two women, the wife has put her foot down: no visits from hubby's mom for 3 weeks after the baby's born! The husband thinks it's only fair that if his wife's family gets to see the baby, so should his mom. But the wife isn't budging, leaving the poor guy in the doghouse. The internet has some strong opinions on this one, so let's see what they have to say! 💬

Wife may be concerned about mother-in-law's racism towards baby. YTA.

Salty_Beach | Salty_Beach

User raises valid questions before passing judgment 👍

ConsistentRough4128 | ConsistentRough4128

Having a discussion on visitations should be mutual between parents. NTA.

Croissantal | Croissantal

Mother-in-law issues, unanswered questions, and blocked comments 😑

Thisisthenextone | Thisisthenextone

The commenter highlights missing information and calls out OP for not disclosing facts 🔎

WhatHappenedMonday | WhatHappenedMonday

Suggests giving wife time to bond with the baby first 👨🏻‍👤

teatimecookie | teatimecookie

Defending wife's decision to ban mother-in-law from seeing baby.

dr_accula | dr_accula

Insightful comment on the sensitivity of new mothers and racism 🤔

jess1804 | jess1804

User calls out OP for being TA and questions mother-in-law's role.

SofiaDeo | SofiaDeo

Understanding the dynamics of hosting and feeling unwell 🤷‍♀️

BornTadpole9112 | BornTadpole9112

Mother-in-law dislikes white people; new mother worried about judgement.

uwodahikamama | uwodahikamama

NTA for wanting a say in who visits your newborn. Communication is key.

ImmediateDivide1400 | ImmediateDivide1400

Accusations of racism and validation-seeking in postpartum conflict. 😕

shesinsaneanditsucks | shesinsaneanditsucks

Supporting mother-in-law over wife = YTA. Wife needs support 😘

JstMyThoughts | JstMyThoughts

NTA - Communicate calmly with your mother-in-law 👍

StatedBarely | StatedBarely

Mother-in-law not allowed to see newborn for 3 weeks. Compromise? 🙂

childofcrow | childofcrow

Supporting your wife is key in this delicate situation. YTA 😡

Alternative-Number34 | Alternative-Number34

Missing info makes YTA comment relevant but needs more context.

LocalBrilliant5564 | LocalBrilliant5564

Confused comment receives no reply. Stay on topic, folks!

AlertBerry8182 | AlertBerry8182

New mom needs some time postpartum, NAH for asking.

bolivia110594 | bolivia110594

Protecting a new mom's comfort and peace of mind 💓

SillyStallion | SillyStallion

Mysterious backstory leaves readers curious 🤔

NomadMom_123 | NomadMom_123

Curious comment raises questions about missing information 🤔

Specialist-Home-9841 | Specialist-Home-9841

User believes banning mother-in-law from newborn is justified. 🤷‍♀️

TashiaNicole1 | TashiaNicole1

Firm stance against racism and toxic family dynamics.

Additional-Hat6160 | Additional-Hat6160

A scathing comment calling out a husband's lack of support. 👎

imagummyworm | imagummyworm

Setting boundaries with toxic in-laws is necessary for wellbeing 👍

CatlinM | CatlinM

User accuses OP of being an a**, questions MIL's behavior.

BedDazzling2566 | BedDazzling2566

Insightful comment on the possible reasons behind wife's decision.

Creative-Sun6739 | Creative-Sun6739

New dad gets called out for not supporting his wife during labor 😬

Jmfroggie | Jmfroggie

Supportive comment encourages compromise and understanding between spouses.

rrmama22 | rrmama22

Acknowledging wife's trauma during pregnancy and setting boundaries with MIL.

Introspekt_Fun | Introspekt_Fun

Intense backlash against husband for mother-in-law's ban. 😬

Affectionate_Yam1097 | Affectionate_Yam1097

Red flags raised on father's lack of preparation and negligence.

Kuromi-rika | Kuromi-rika

User calls out OP and their mother for racist behavior.

ConfusedSenpaii | ConfusedSenpaii

New moms need space and comfort, respect your wife's wishes 🙏

Danivelle | Danivelle

Wife's desire for stress-free time with trusted people justified. YTA.

VxGB111 | VxGB111

Is excluding mother-in-law from seeing grandchild fair? 🤔

ccl-now | ccl-now

Respect your wife's decision and educate yourself on postpartum recovery 👍

Craptiel | Craptiel

Mom deserves privacy and support after childbirth. YTA.

MaxCrimson666 | MaxCrimson666

New mom needs privacy and time to bond with baby. Compromise?

noonecaresat805 | noonecaresat805

Sensitive topic: Baby's skin color and mother-in-law's acceptance. 🤔

WHOA_____ | WHOA_____

Is the wife's concern about racial tension justified? 🤔

According_Prior_3764 | According_Prior_3764

User calls out OP's selfishness in denying mother-in-law access.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Wife's discomfort with mother-in-law understandable, husband TA for not supporting.

spookycupcake666 | spookycupcake666

Asserting the importance of privacy and boundaries with a touch of humor 😂

LetsDoThisAlreadyOK | LetsDoThisAlreadyOK

New mom's right to choose visitors after giving birth 👍

MaddoxFtM | MaddoxFtM

Neutral comment seeks more info on newborn conflict.

Uselessackoffflesh | Uselessackoffflesh

Listen to your pregnant wife's fears and be patient. 👍

Fickle_Toe1724 | Fickle_Toe1724

User calls out OP for being unsupportive towards wife's recovery

Emotional_Theme3165 | Emotional_Theme3165

User calls out OP for not understanding his wife's perspective 👏

CheshireCat1331 | CheshireCat1331

New mom requests space after birth, MIL upset but fair.

pastaenthusiast | pastaenthusiast

Is OP's mom vaccinated? Could be the reason for ban 🤔

ConvivialKat | ConvivialKat

Family drama and racism - not a good mix 🤯

SandwichesForMason | SandwichesForMason

New fathers should educate themselves about postpartum and respect boundaries 💪🏻

wildmusings88 | wildmusings88

OP receives advice to have a serious conversation with wife.

gcas791 | gcas791

Mom and wife don't get along, YTA. Let her wait 🙄

pinkhairedkunoichi | pinkhairedkunoichi

Respect your wife's recovery and comfort after childbirth. 🤱

kikivee612 | kikivee612

Is there more to the story? 🤔

Klutzy-Eye4294 | Klutzy-Eye4294

When Reddit calls you out on losing an argument with spouse 😂

rogue1187 | rogue1187

Mixed-race commenter shares experience with in-laws and advises action.

SadMango3913 | SadMango3913

Clarifying the ban duration can help resolve the conflict 🤔

Robotniked | Robotniked

Should a wife ban mother-in-law from seeing newborn?

stickysituati0ns | stickysituati0ns

User suggests counseling for mother-in-law and understanding wife's concerns.

No-Carpenter-9792 | No-Carpenter-9792

User clarifies judgment, but calls OP petty and childish 🤨

Huey--Freeman | Huey--Freeman

New mom needs caretakers, not visitors. YTA if you take baby away.

DrySecretary8375 | DrySecretary8375

Respect your wife's wishes during childbirth, prioritize her and baby. 👍

lucy_inthessky | lucy_inthessky

Allegiance with mom causing issues, wife bans mother-in-law. 🤷‍♂️

MercyFincherson | MercyFincherson

Respect your wife's boundaries and prioritize your family first. 👬👶

Cougar_9000 | Cougar_9000

Sensitive advice to OP on wife's birth trauma and mother-in-law ban.

No-Anything-4440 | No-Anything-4440

Uncovering the untold story behind wife's decision 🤔

Achimouser | Achimouser

OP's mother's hatred towards white people causes concern for wife

Original_Jilliman | Original_Jilliman

New mom defends wife's decision to ban mother-in-law from visit.

Crunchie2020 | Crunchie2020

User thinks mother-in-law is TA for wanting to visit newborn.

peepeehalpert_ | peepeehalpert_

Uncovering underlying issues: NTA comment section 🤔

PauliousMaximus | PauliousMaximus

Is it fair to ban certain people from seeing newborns?

TheMaltesefalco | TheMaltesefalco

New mom accused of racism for banning MIL from seeing baby 😱

gilwen000 | gilwen000

Father's rights matter too! NTA for enforcing boundaries. 💪🏼

Intelligent_Emu_9464 | Intelligent_Emu_9464

A plea to close the thread due to assumptions and projections. 🤔

joneild | joneild

User challenges wife's decision to ban mother-in-law from visiting newborn.

msironic | msironic

Father feels left out, urges son-in-law to stand up for himself.

ArugulaAltruistic742 | ArugulaAltruistic742

Supportive comment advising understanding and compromise during pregnancy anxiety.

Gunner3210 | Gunner3210

In-laws vs Wife: Who gets to decide newborn visitation? 🤔

Photo-dad2017 | Photo-dad2017

Limiting exposure to germs for newborn is reasonable 👍

StreetTailor7596 | StreetTailor7596

OP gets a gentle YTA for not prioritizing wife and child 😔

Fun_Comparison4973 | Fun_Comparison4973

User questions motive for banning mother-in-law from seeing baby.

hatemylife247 | hatemylife247

Respect postpartum boundaries for new moms. YTA, back off.

rojita369 | rojita369

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