Son's "SELFISH" Decision with £70k Lottery Money SHOCKS Parents 😱🤯

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🎰 Imagine hitting the jackpot and winning £70,000 in the lottery! 🤑 Sounds like a dream come true, right? Well, for our lucky protagonist, it turned into a family drama worthy of a soap opera! 😱 Living in pricey London, they knew this windfall wouldn't go far, but it was a chance to escape the city's sky-high costs. 🏙️ Little did they know, their family had other plans for the money! 💸 Get ready for a wild ride filled with accusations, expectations, and some tough decisions! 🎢

🎉 Lottery Win! But... 😬

lotterywinreddit | lotterywinreddit

💸 Not Enough for London Dreams 🏙️

lotterywinreddit | lotterywinreddit

🏠 Modest Living, Big City Struggles

lotterywinreddit | lotterywinreddit

🔍 Searching for Greener Pastures 🌄

lotterywinreddit | lotterywinreddit

😌 No More Mortgage Worries

lotterywinreddit | lotterywinreddit

👨‍👩‍👦 Family Expectations vs. Reality

lotterywinreddit | lotterywinreddit

🛋️ Brother's Couch Surfing Lifestyle

lotterywinreddit | lotterywinreddit

💪 No Excuses, Bro! 🙅‍♂️

lotterywinreddit | lotterywinreddit

💰 Modest Win, Big Decision

lotterywinreddit | lotterywinreddit

😡 Family Feud: Selfishness Accusations Fly!

lotterywinreddit | lotterywinreddit

Lottery Winner's Dilemma: Family Demands Share of Modest Winnings!

Our lottery winner thought their £70,000 prize would be a ticket to a better life, but their family had other ideas! Parents and brother demanded a cut, even though the money barely covered a house deposit outside of London. Talk about great expectations! The winner's decision to invest in their future didn't sit well with the fam, who accused them of being selfish. But with a brother who's allergic to work and parents who refuse to leave the big city, was sharing an option? 🤔 The internet has some thoughts on this family feud! Let's dive into the juiciest reactions and see what the verdict is!

Living within means and good decisions: 👍 for NTA.

Local_Ad_530 | Local_Ad_530

Keep the winnings, it's not your responsibility to support them 🤑

FloridaPoodleSchool | FloridaPoodleSchool

Winning the lottery doesn't make you responsible for others' finances 💎

whatsittoya1982 | whatsittoya1982

Winning the lottery isn't always a blessing :disappointed_relieved:

nibbler981 | nibbler981

NTA, it's your money and your decision. Don't let them guilt-trip you. 👍

3Heathens_Mom | 3Heathens_Mom

Investing small winnings is smart, parents should support independence.

loudent2 | loudent2

Cutting off toxic family for £70k lottery win 💎

KCLperu | KCLperu

Financial wisdom prevails! NTA for not sharing lottery winnings 🎉

grahamcrackerlover | grahamcrackerlover

Family isn't entitled to lottery winnings. NTA 🎉

shortstackginger | shortstackginger

Inheritances & windfalls bring out the worst in people 😑

[deleted] | [deleted]

Adult child's lottery win shouldn't fund parents' property dreams 😒

Kettlewise | Kettlewise

Don't set yourself on fire to keep others warm 🔥👀

kharmatika | kharmatika

Buying a house isn't selfish, NTA! They're showing true colors 😱

Glitterasaur | Glitterasaur

You won the lottery, not your family. NTA 👑

TypicalAd3575 | TypicalAd3575

NTA comment suggests moderate lottery winnings are not life-changing 👍

wigglywriggler | wigglywriggler

Enjoy your new home! Your life, your rules 🌞✔️

WittyButter217 | WittyButter217

Buying a house with lottery winnings? NTA, parents are greedy 🤯

[deleted] | [deleted]

Parents upset over lottery money, but OP not in the wrong 🤷‍♂️

nobobthisisnotyours | nobobthisisnotyours

NTA! Money makes people do crazy things. Good for you! 👏

KirriLidian | KirriLidian

NTA sets boundaries with parents over lottery winnings 💯

Big-Scholar4469 | Big-Scholar4469

Respectful NTA comment on lottery winnings.

anggora | anggora

"70k isn't much. No." - Independence and debt-freedom advice. NTA 👍

mazzy31 | mazzy31

Prioritizing financial stability and setting boundaries. NTA 👏

ComprehensiveBand586 | ComprehensiveBand586

Taking control of his own future, NTA wins lottery 🎉

SuperLoris | SuperLoris

Smart move! NTA. Investing in a house in Yorkshire 🏡

ClockworkCLJ | ClockworkCLJ

Keep quiet about lottery winnings to avoid entitled people. NTA 👍

Former-Income4899 | Former-Income4899

Keeping lottery win secret to avoid greedy hands. NTA.

blackcat218 | blackcat218

Unemployed brother leeches off parents but son is NTA for keeping lottery winnings

BenjiCat17 | BenjiCat17

Lottery win not life-changing, but still a nice nut 🥜

Tiredmum82 | Tiredmum82

NTA wins lottery but 70k not enough for London housing 📈

PurpleAquilegia | PurpleAquilegia

NTA - Share lottery money only if it meets your goals 💰

Status-Pattern7539 | Status-Pattern7539

NTA. Enjoy your house and distance from lazy brother 👍

potatobugblue | potatobugblue

Moving away for affordability, smart 💡 NTA decision 👍

Alternative-Pea-4434 | Alternative-Pea-4434

Choosing a cheaper and friendlier place to live, NTA.

Lady_Trig | Lady_Trig

Congratulations on buying your first house with cash! NTA 👏🏡

asking4afriend3891 | asking4afriend3891

NTA. Dealing with greed. Wise property investment vs. haphazard spending.

BrokenDragonEgg | BrokenDragonEgg

Lottery winner's parents feel entitled to money - NTA shuts them down

Michi-Queen | Michi-Queen

The sad reality of winning the lottery 😔💰

Radiant_Radius | Radiant_Radius

Parent approves child's decision to buy a home with lottery money 🏡

BaffledMum | BaffledMum

NTA. Personal finance responsibility and tough love for lazy brother 👏

Trina608 | Trina608

Money can't buy happiness but it sure brings out entitlement 😡

fizzle365 | fizzle365

Winning lottery, NTA- it's your money. Buy the house 🏠🌾

Cajs0712 | Cajs0712

Dreams of Lotto millions shattered by greedy family members 😢

KiwiAlexP | KiwiAlexP

NTA for keeping lottery winnings and prioritizing own well-being 👍

iamnee876 | iamnee876

Taking control of lottery winnings and family expectations. NTA 💪

Limerase | Limerase

Winning lottery money and sharing it with family is optional.

AtomicFox84 | AtomicFox84

"NTA. You won, you keep it." 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sibling drama: NTA won't share lottery money with lazy brother 🙋🏻

SnooWords4839 | SnooWords4839

Investing in property with lottery winnings? NTA, family is rude 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Homeownership dream: Expensive or just impossible? NTA comment agrees.

DrumBxyThing | DrumBxyThing

Enjoy Yorkshire with London wages and Northern housing prices 😎

Too_Tired_Too_Old | Too_Tired_Too_Old

Winning the lottery doesn't make you an a**hole. Pay debts.

Eleanor_Willow | Eleanor_Willow

Not the a-hole for keeping lottery money to self 👏

Lucylovei | Lucylovei

Family's jealousy over lottery win doesn't make OP selfish 💰👪

HexStarlight | HexStarlight

Investing lottery money was smart move. NTA. 💪

brendanl1998 | brendanl1998

Privacy is key, NTA. Enjoy your winnings! 👏🏻

bellrae | bellrae

Supportive comment congratulating lottery winner with NTA judgement 🎉

Gomaith23 | Gomaith23

Defending a lottery winner's sensible decision against family pressure 🤯

GroundbreakingPhoto4 | GroundbreakingPhoto4

Reasonable to save £70k lottery money for self. #NTA 👍

Ad_Focused12023 | Ad_Focused12023

Winning money? 🤑 Stay anonymous to avoid leeches. NTA

TheBattyWitch | TheBattyWitch

NTA! Family doesn't always come first. Own your place and invest when you want. Your parents were petty. You did 👍 good with YOUR MONEY.

white_as_aghost | white_as_aghost

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