Disgusting Family Feud: Woman Fed Up with In-Laws' Gross Meals 😖

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Diply | Diply

🍽️ Buckle up, folks, because we've got a real culinary conundrum on our hands! 😅 Our lovely narrator is stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to their in-laws' questionable taste in food. 🤢 From mayo-drenched sandwiches to butter-slathered corn, it's a gastronomical nightmare that's leaving them with more than just a bad taste in their mouth. 🤮 But here's the kicker: the in-laws think our narrator's food is just as gross! 😱 Talk about a recipe for disaster. 🍳 So, what's a food-loving couple to do? 🤔 Let's dive into this deliciously dramatic tale and find out! 🍿

🍽️ The In-Laws' Gross Grub Dilemma 🤢

grossnastyyuckyfood | grossnastyyuckyfood

🥱 Beige, Bland, and Belly Aches 😖

grossnastyyuckyfood | grossnastyyuckyfood

🍽️ Choking Down MIL's Cooking 😬

grossnastyyuckyfood | grossnastyyuckyfood

🤢 Mutual Disgust: A Culinary Clash 🥗

grossnastyyuckyfood | grossnastyyuckyfood

🌳 The Obvious Solution: Hang Out Without Food! 🏞️

grossnastyyuckyfood | grossnastyyuckyfood

🥪 The Dreaded Mayo Sandwich Trap 😫

grossnastyyuckyfood | grossnastyyuckyfood

🍕 The Pizza and Salad Debacle 🥗

grossnastyyuckyfood | grossnastyyuckyfood

🦶 Hubby Puts His Foot Down 😤

grossnastyyuckyfood | grossnastyyuckyfood

😶 Keeping Quiet and Offering to Help 🤐

grossnastyyuckyfood | grossnastyyuckyfood

🤨 The In-Laws' Picky Palates 😒

grossnastyyuckyfood | grossnastyyuckyfood

🤔 Are We Off Base Here? 🧐

grossnastyyuckyfood | grossnastyyuckyfood

🍽️ The Great In-Law Food Feud: A Culinary Clash of Epic Proportions! 🥗🍔

Our poor narrator is caught in a culinary crossfire with their in-laws, whose idea of a gourmet meal is a mayo-drenched sandwich and a side of butter-slathered corn. 🤢 But here's the twist: the in-laws think our narrator's healthy eats are just as gross! 😱 Attempts to hang out without food have been thwarted by the dreaded 'let's meet back for lunch' trap, and even pizza night turns into a salad-shaming fiasco. 🍕🥗 Hubby finally puts his foot down, but MIL throws a fit, accusing them of being too picky and thinking they're better than everyone else. 😤 But our narrator has been nothing but polite, even offering to help with the menu! 😇 So, what does the internet think of this culinary conundrum? 🤔 Let's see what kind of spicy takes people are serving up! 🌶️🍿

Stand your ground and live your healthy lifestyle! 🌱

[deleted] | [deleted]

Healthy eating advice and empathy for similar experiences. 🥗

fishebake | fishebake

NTA for not liking in-laws' eating habits and offering compromise 😊

Apgamerwolf | Apgamerwolf

A diplomatic NTA comment advocating for compromise and communication 🙌

Babsgarcia | Babsgarcia

Setting boundaries with in-laws' gross meals 😖

RCalkins11 | RCalkins11

When honesty is the best policy with in-laws' cooking 🤪

Altruistic-One-6485 | Altruistic-One-6485

Family drama over gross meals, commenter calls out snobbish behavior 🍕

gwynhiblaidd | gwynhiblaidd

Avoiding in-law meals with polite lies. NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Honesty isn't always the best policy when it comes to dinner 😅

Jazmadoodle | Jazmadoodle

Respect their food choices, but meetings without food? 🤔

Brooklynxman | Brooklynxman

NTA but may have been too judgemental of their food 😕

Psylobin | Psylobin

Ordering salad makes them feel insecure? 🤔 NTA, stand your ground.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Politely decline in-law's food, bring own and avoid conflict 😊

shelbyknits | shelbyknits

Making simple adjustments can solve this disgusting family feud 😊

ik101 | ik101

Doubting the authenticity of the story 🤔

0possumBlossom | 0possumBlossom

NTA, but in-laws have strange food values and expectations 🤔

liontamer74 | liontamer74

Suggesting a DIY meal night to avoid gross in-law meals 🥯

NHoyle10 | NHoyle10

Relatable NTA comment about gross in-laws and corn veggies 😂

jlybelly | jlybelly

Elderly FIL's taste buds were gone, put syrup on casserole 😂

Justyesmamabear | Justyesmamabear

Midwest stereotypes aside, NTA for wanting food compromise with in-laws 😊

ayoitsjo | ayoitsjo

Respectful suggestion for dealing with in-laws' bad cooking 🙏

Chimur | Chimur

Stand up for yourself and your health! NTA 💪

floridagirl26 | floridagirl26

Avoiding in-laws' gross meals - NTA's cake-only Thanksgiving story 😖

Affectionate-Dirt777 | Affectionate-Dirt777

Southern commenter explains in-laws are actively spiting OP's choices. NTA 😖

yyyesss | yyyesss

Balance is key - treats are fine, but not every day.

finelytunedradar | finelytunedradar

NTA, don't let them drag you down to their unhealthy level 😍

SoBreezy74 | SoBreezy74

Polite ways to decline food and respect dietary requirements. 😊

Leonum | Leonum

Dealing with judgemental family members about dietary restrictions 😒

[deleted] | [deleted]

Compromise for gross meals with in-laws to avoid stroke risk 🙌

The_Wondering_Monk | The_Wondering_Monk

"NTA," shuts down in-laws' passive-aggressive comments 💯

Korlat_Eleint | Korlat_Eleint

Suggests compromising with in-laws' gross meals but offers alternatives 🍓

DubiousPeoplePleaser | DubiousPeoplePleaser

Don't sacrifice your health for a family meal 🥗

Willowgirl78 | Willowgirl78

NTA, but maybe they see meals with you as indulgence? 🤔

dragon34 | dragon34

Judgemental OP told to bring own food to in-laws. ESH.

dreamerindogpatch | dreamerindogpatch

In-laws complain about healthy food, act like children 😒

lavellanrogue | lavellanrogue

Suggests dining out as a solution to in-laws' bad cooking 🍕

WeirdoChickFromMars | WeirdoChickFromMars

Mayonnaise on sandwiches? That's weird! You're NTA 👍

B0326C0821 | B0326C0821

Finding ways to socialize without food due to medical reasons 😊

-snufkin | -snufkin

In-laws' gross meals with dog pee pad leave bad taste 🤮

WhiskeyDabber67 | WhiskeyDabber67

Taking a stand against in-laws' gross meals. NTA wins!

TheRealMoosewillis | TheRealMoosewillis

Wait out gross in-laws' food choices. NTA 🤢

Revolutionary-Rush89 | Revolutionary-Rush89

Projection: the classic defense mechanism 🤔👀

usernaym44 | usernaym44

Grandparents' gross meals? NTA suggests a tasty compromise 🍕

hrowawayaccountgangg | hrowawayaccountgangg

Mediterranean diet saves lives, not gross meals 🍳

cruzanmutt | cruzanmutt

When gross meals ruin relationships 🥴

[deleted] | [deleted]

Make a stand for your health, but be respectful 🍴

embracedthegrey | embracedthegrey

Polite response to in-laws' gross meals, with a touch of humor 😂

CareFrenchieN | CareFrenchieN

Don't shame others for making healthy choices. NTA wins 👍

AdderWibble | AdderWibble

How to politely decline food without hurting anyone's feelings 🤓

rombies | rombies

Doctor approves OP's decision to not eat in-laws' food 👩‍⚕️🍴

Own_Connection2182 | Own_Connection2182

NTA, trying to find compromise with in-laws' gross meals 😊

tdorn2000 | tdorn2000

Stand your ground and don't feel guilty 🙅‍♀️ NTA!

WineAndDogs2020 | WineAndDogs2020

Spotting the "you think you're better than us" fallacy 😍

xeroxchick | xeroxchick

Family salt drama causing heart issues 🤯

Georgia_girl_52 | Georgia_girl_52

Take control of the situation, ditch the gross meals 🥑

Responsible-Seat1082 | Responsible-Seat1082

Medication made them avoid salad & fruit. NTA and reasonable.

meeeee01 | meeeee01

Accomplished chef takes care of elderly mother who prefers frozen meals 😕

kid_sleepy | kid_sleepy

Respectful eater suggests dining out to avoid in-law's gross meals 🍔

Open-Computer8958 | Open-Computer8958

NTA suggests potluck compromise to avoid insulting in-laws' cooking 🍲

ToblersLaw | ToblersLaw

Potluck: the perfect solution for clashing food preferences 🍲

StilltheoneNY | StilltheoneNY

Food choices causing family feud, NTA seeks explanation 🤔

Sassy-Starfish | Sassy-Starfish

Suggesting a lunch-packing party is a diplomatic solution 🍱

happydaysahead_ | happydaysahead_

Dealing with in-laws' unhealthy diet choices: set a non-negotiable rule 👍

BrizzelBass | BrizzelBass

In-laws' gross meals nightmare. NTA for avoiding their house 😖

thebemusedmuse | thebemusedmuse

Embracing differences in food choices 🥗

[deleted] | [deleted]

Balancing assertiveness and empathy in meal choices. 🤔

MangoWorking3057 | MangoWorking3057

Suggests a middle ground with coffee and pastries 🍯

mtjseb | mtjseb

NTA, but commenters accuse poster of being judgemental 🤔

coors1977 | coors1977

No food feud here! Just dine out and avoid conflict. 🍴

[deleted] | [deleted]

Hilarious NTA comment suggests faking sickness to avoid gross meals 🤪

Catontheloose2400 | Catontheloose2400

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