😲 'Cover for Me!' - Dad's JAW-DROPPING Ask Leaves Son SPEECHLESS 🤐

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Diply | Diply

🚨 Buckle up, folks! We've got a wild ride of a story that's sure to get your heart racing and your moral compass spinning. 😱 When a tragic accident collides with expired licenses, police bribes, and family betrayal, it's a recipe for some serious drama. 🍿 Get ready to dive into this tangled web of guilt, loyalty, and the age-old question: how far would YOU go to help a loved one in need? 🤔💔

🚗💥 A Tragic Accident Unfolds...

chacko96 | chacko96

🍺🚶‍♂️ The Victim's Reckless Actions

chacko96 | chacko96

🦶😖 Dad's Dangerous Driving Condition

chacko96 | chacko96

💸🚔 The Consequences of Conviction

chacko96 | chacko96

🤝🔄 The Police's Shady Proposition

chacko96 | chacko96

🙅‍♂️🚫 Son's Refusal to Help

chacko96 | chacko96

😔🤔 Feeling Like an A-hole?

chacko96 | chacko96

😱 Family Feud: Son Refuses to Help Dad Avoid Jail Time! 🚔🙅‍♂️

Well, well, well... looks like we've got ourselves a real family drama unfolding here! 🍿 Our protagonist finds himself caught between a rock and a hard place when his dear old dad asks him to take the fall for a deadly accident. 😳 With the threat of jail time looming and the police offering a shady deal, will our conflicted hero step up to save his father's skin, or will he leave him high and dry? 🤔 The internet is abuzz with opinions on this moral dilemma, so let's see what they have to say! 🗣️💭

Surprised by police offer, NTA comment expresses naivety.

gkrgreat | gkrgreat

NTA's response highlights bad parenting and responsibility of adults 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Dad's request for a record cover-up: NTA or ESH?

Dollerina | Dollerina

Police offering cover-up is shady and encourages lying. NTA.

Madame_Maniac | Madame_Maniac

Dad's request to lie shows family's lack of morals. ESH 😒

Numb3r3dDays | Numb3r3dDays

Dad's reckless behavior leaves son in disbelief. NTA.

Chesthair_dreadlocks | Chesthair_dreadlocks

Taking responsibility is important. NTA. 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Dodging a bullet: Dad's shocking request to cover up crime 😱

Madcatalphagamma | Madcatalphagamma

Dad's lies caught by commenter, no police cover-up. 👮‍♂️🚨

teresajs | teresajs

NTA. Dad killed a man while driving. Don't get involved.

EggBoyandJuiceGirl | EggBoyandJuiceGirl

Dad asks son to take the rap for killing someone. NTA.

ifthestarsareright | ifthestarsareright

Confusion and concern over police request in accident investigation 🤔👮

Dana07620 | Dana07620

NTA turned ESH. Commenter calls out OP's laziness and dad's irresponsibility.

KrAzyDrummer | KrAzyDrummer

NTA comment exposes dangerous driving situation and bystanders.


Dad wants son to cover up illegal driving; Commenter says NTA 👍

throwawaypolyam | throwawaypolyam

A moral dilemma: false testimony to save dad from prison 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Being a responsible father and son, NTA is obvious 👍

PleaseDontTouchThose | PleaseDontTouchThose

Don't risk your safety. NTA for avoiding irresponsible dad's request. 🙌

AZ10er94 | AZ10er94

Shady police and legal issues? NTA's got all the acronyms 😳

DramaticGift | DramaticGift

Father asks son to take the blame for his illegal driving. Commenters agree dad's TA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Parenting gone wrong 🤯 Doubting the authenticity of the story.

clarice270 | clarice270

A person is dead and the dad gets away with it? 😱

pcnauta | pcnauta

Tragic accident leads to father's unjust punishment. NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Dad's shocking request leaves son speechless. NTA.

TheOtherUprising | TheOtherUprising

Driving impaired is a serious issue and has consequences. NTA.

MajesticSpaceCat | MajesticSpaceCat

Driver with medical condition kills pedestrian, commenter calls for justice. 👏

Ruusa-Iitu | Ruusa-Iitu

Taking the fall for dad's irresponsibility? Not cool. 😒

supermeg77 | supermeg77

Refusing dad's request was the right move. NTA 👏

Yavanna83 | Yavanna83

Not the a**hole for refusing to cover dad's charge 💰

bellepoche | bellepoche

Father's inappropriate request damages trust in the relationship 💔

tech_GG | tech_GG

Don't commit fraud for your dad's mistakes. NTA 👍

CJsopinion | CJsopinion

NTA comment condemns dad's reckless driving and lack of justice.

Luwe95 | Luwe95

Dad's not the a**hole, but son won't cover for him 😬

superchimpa | superchimpa

NTA comment: Parenting gone wrong 😕

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA commenter condemns father's selfish and irresponsible request 🙅

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Discussion about bribing police while driving, NTA advises against it 💰🚔

Dolman192 | Dolman192

Police asked dad to blame someone else for killing? NTA

EmotionalOven4 | EmotionalOven4

🚨 Be careful! The police cannot decide charges or make deals. Get a lawyer and don't talk to them without counsel. 🚔

hironohara | hironohara

Stand up for what's right! 🙌

starwarschick16 | starwarschick16

Driving without feeling in feet? NTA suggests license revocation 🔥

Mellbxo | Mellbxo

Don't take the heat for your dad's mistake! 💪

saveyboy | saveyboy

Police corruption and legally consequential lies. NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Dad wants son to perjure after killing someone- NTA wins

Stunning-General | Stunning-General

NTA but comment suggests moral issues with dad's lack of remorse 😬

CTOtyrell | CTOtyrell

Confused comment calls out bizarre situation of drunk driver blame 🤔

Texan2116 | Texan2116

User finds the story unbelievable and shares opinion. NTA 😡

Entrical | Entrical

Dad killed a guy & asked son to bail him out 😱 NTA

catastrophicalised | catastrophicalised

Questioning the legitimacy of police advice for insurance fraud 👀

mikenzeejai | mikenzeejai

Shameful dad's request for cover-up gets the NTA verdict

Grimdarkwinter | Grimdarkwinter

Don't take the fall for someone else's crime! 👮‍♂️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Dad's forgetfulness leads to a wild ride but no harm done 😎

[deleted] | [deleted]

Mind-boggling suggestion for hit-and-run incident leaves readers bewildered 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Driver's father killed a man and got away with it. ESH.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Doubting dad's morals leads to a chilling scheme realization 🤨

Sixin2082 | Sixin2082

Morally questionable situation leaves commenter conflicted about expectations.

NaughtyDred | NaughtyDred

Empathetic commenter supports OP declining father's request to cover crime.

matchy_blacks | matchy_blacks

Protecting your child should be a parent's top priority 🙏

DirtyDath | DirtyDath

Avoiding legal trouble: Commenter praises good deed of avoiding lawsuit 👍

lawgirl3278 | lawgirl3278

Parental concern for a permanent record trumps absurdity. 🙌

slightharmony | slightharmony

Don't blame yourself for their inability to process trauma. 🙏

quiet_rrriot | quiet_rrriot

Trust issues arise as commenter calls out spreading of lies 👀

[deleted] | [deleted]

Protect yourself! Don't cover for your dad. 😞

huitzilopochtla | huitzilopochtla

Refusing to take the blame for a fatal accident is reasonable 💯

theejaysin | theejaysin

Supporting dad makes you look like an a**hole. NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA! Harsh but fair judgement for illegal and immoral actions 🚔

SereniaKat | SereniaKat

Taking risks for family? NTA draws the line at legality

Cleonce12 | Cleonce12

Don't cover for his mistake, NTA. It's shady AF. 👍

augustwindfire | augustwindfire

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