A Father's FURY: "You Broke Your Promise and CRUSHED My Heart" 💔

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🍼 Get ready for some serious family drama! 🙊 When a grandpa-to-be's eagerly awaited moment is snatched away, all hell breaks loose! 😱 Promises are broken, texts are sent, and sides are taken. 📢 Will this family ever recover from the great grandbaby debacle? 🤯 Let's dive into this juicy tale of betrayal and hurt feelings! 🍿

👴🏻 Grandpa's Eager Anticipation! 👶👶

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🤞 A Promise Made... 🙏

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😱 Shock at the Hospital! 🏥

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🙅‍♂️ Not the Usual Reaction... 😔

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📱 Apology via Text 🙏

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🤬 Grandpa's Fury Unleashed! 😡

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👩👧 Family Divided 🙍‍♀️

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👬 Brothers Taking Sides 🤜🤛

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🤔 AITAH for Being Upset? 😞

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😱 Grandbaby Gate: A Family Divided! 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

Well, well, well... looks like we've got ourselves a classic case of family drama! 🍿 Grandpa was promised the first peek at his new grandbabies, but Corey's wife had other plans. 😈 Now, the family is split down the middle, with some siding with Grandpa's righteous anger 😤 and others telling him to let it go. ❄️ But the real question is, what does the internet think about this juicy situation? 🤔 Let's see what kind of spicy takes people have cooked up! 🌶️

Entitled behavior, nasty reaction. Definitely YTA. 👎

ilikeweirdshit7 | ilikeweirdshit7

Engaging reply shuts down entitled grandfather's tantrum 😍

Sea_Midnight1411 | Sea_Midnight1411

Selfish and bitter father disregards daughter-in-law's feelings. YTA 😠

Techno_Core | Techno_Core

Outrageous entitlement overstep with a side of salty language 😳

ResurrectionScary | ResurrectionScary

A harsh comment dismissing a father's feelings 🤨

Weird-Syllabub-1054 | Weird-Syllabub-1054

Son promised, broke it, father angry. Risk losing family forever. 😡

Few-School-3869 | Few-School-3869

YTA for pressuring someone to have kids & link provided.

Particular_Title42 | Particular_Title42

Father accused of having a spoiled tantrum. 🤢

shammy_dammy | shammy_dammy

A scathing comment on favoritism and control in a delivery room 😡

Drunkendonkeytail | Drunkendonkeytail

Grandfather's selfish behavior causes strain in family relationships. YTA 👎🏼

uiam_ | uiam_

Self-centered dad ruins grandson's birth, commenter calls him out. 🤪

AdvantageNo4066 | AdvantageNo4066

A commenter calls out a father for his childish behavior and entitlement. YTA 👎

SamiHami24 | SamiHami24

Dad's selfishness costs him relationship with DIL 😒

Dirjang94 | Dirjang94

A scathing comment about a father's entitlement and ego 🤨

cistacea | cistacea

Grandparent learns hard lesson about respecting new parents' wishes 🤫

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YTA called out for narcissistic behavior towards DIL, no replies.

IslandChill_420-024 | IslandChill_420-024

Father calls out entitlement and breaks ties over lack of support.

Plant_killer_v2 | Plant_killer_v2

YTA comment shows lack of empathy for father's feelings 😠

BigAsh27 | BigAsh27

Grandfather's entitlement leads to no relationship with grandchildren 🙄

TarzanKitty | TarzanKitty

A scathing response to a selfish father's entitlement 😑

Snootles | Snootles

Debate on whether it's necessary to see a baby first.

Clear_thoughts_ | Clear_thoughts_

A scathing reply to an abusive father. 👊

UnquantifiableLife | UnquantifiableLife

YTA tries to dictate who sees the babies first, gets called out. 💥

LiveIndication1175 | LiveIndication1175

YTA is accused of being entitled and emotionally manipulative 😒


A blunt take on a father's expectations and priorities. 😍

Srsly_I_Want_Waffles | Srsly_I_Want_Waffles

Harsh judgement! 🤔 No love lost between commenter and Corey's father.

ccl-now | ccl-now

New parent responds to father's anger over delayed grandbaby visit.

Bizzzzzzzzyyyyy | Bizzzzzzzzyyyyy

Parenting drama: YTA's broken promise leads to family feud 👢

S_Good505 | S_Good505

NTA comment receives YTA response, sparks heated exchange 👊

petulafaerie_III | petulafaerie_III

Grandkids aren't a competition. YTA for prioritizing your wants.

pyrola_asarifolia | pyrola_asarifolia

YTA: Father's broken promise causes family strife 😔

kchap188 | kchap188

A scathing comment calling out selfish behavior towards family.

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Reddit user accuses commenter of trolling and calls them an a**hole. 🤬

Cheeseballfondue | Cheeseballfondue

User calls out father's inappropriate request, defends mother's wishes. 👏

Ok-Hat-4920 | Ok-Hat-4920

Grown man being a brat, YTA. Hope son blocks you 👋

Bitter_Detective_952 | Bitter_Detective_952

User calls out OP for ridiculous entitlement towards son's baby 👶

Time-Tie-231 | Time-Tie-231

A scathing response to a selfish father-in-law 💯

jigglypufff17 | jigglypufff17

Doubting the anger of a father. 🤔 Stay tuned for updates.

ProperTransition5946 | ProperTransition5946

Narcissism and a new family- YTA gets blocked 🚫

dearerin | dearerin

Son's wife has the right to decide, blocking him is wrong 😑

NotYourSexyNurse | NotYourSexyNurse

User calls out YTA and criticizes childish behavior. 😠

Proud_Fee_1542 | Proud_Fee_1542

YTA for expecting your son to have children just for you 🙄

ten_before_six | ten_before_six

Grandpa gets called out and shut down by commentor 👏

Survive1014 | Survive1014

YTA: You broke your promise and crushed your son's heart 💔

Hmm-1996 | Hmm-1996

Entitled father gets called out for breaking boundaries. YTA 👎

Short-Classroom2559 | Short-Classroom2559

A commenter calls out a self-centered grandparent for causing drama 🤷

Marnnirk | Marnnirk

Entitled father called out for childish behavior. 🤣

One-Confidence-6858 | One-Confidence-6858

Family tensions rise as promises are broken 💔

Dangerous-Emu-7924 | Dangerous-Emu-7924

DIL's loyalty questioned in comment section 🤔

MadamLibrarian2007 | MadamLibrarian2007

Redditor calls out controlling behavior with YTA judgment 👏

control-alt-7 | control-alt-7

Father tries to control son's baby, gets rightfully shut down 👏

KinaJJI | KinaJJI

DIL's relationship with father-in-law is already problematic, YTA

Interesting_File_863 | Interesting_File_863

Yikes! A scathing comment on bad parenting and family drama. 🤯

Scandalicing | Scandalicing

Father's entitlement and temper tantrum tainted his son's wedding day 😬

mamaluke60 | mamaluke60

Grandpa's selfishness ruins relationship with grandson and family. 💔

Muckkr | Muckkr

Father called out for childish behavior by commenters. 🙄

Piavirtue | Piavirtue

Grandfather prioritizes selfish pecking order over son's wife's wellbeing 😒

SingingRazors | SingingRazors

Selfish OP gets called out for prioritizing being first 🙄

Nedstarkclash | Nedstarkclash

A scathing comment calls out a father's behavior. Yikes. 🤯

Jaded-Kitty87 | Jaded-Kitty87

Entitled FIL called out for ridiculous request 💥

throwaway444441111 | throwaway444441111

Demanding someone's newborn to be named after you? YTA 🙄

Cannabis_CatSlave | Cannabis_CatSlave

Entitled much? YTA. Possible rage bait. 🤬

Mehitabel9 | Mehitabel9

OP's entitlement is appalling 😑

Worldliness-Weary | Worldliness-Weary

Grandpa learns a lesson: YTA, respect the parents' decision 😏

MombieZ3 | MombieZ3

Son prioritizes wife over father. Internet weighs in. YTA.

Federal-Ferret-970 | Federal-Ferret-970

DIL vs OP: Who will win the custody battle? 🤔

Skyeyez9 | Skyeyez9

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