Anime Store Employee INSULTS Female Customer, Calls Her a B*tch! 😱🤬

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Diply | Diply

Buckle up, folks! 🚨 We've got a juicy story straight from the trenches of nerd culture. 🤓 A tale of love, tradition, and misogyny that'll make your blood boil! 😤 When a cute anniversary ritual turns into a showdown between a die-hard anime fan and a gatekeeping employee, sparks are bound to fly! 💥 Get ready for a wild ride as we dive into this epic saga of love, loyalty, and the fight against sexism in the geek world. 😎👊

🎉 A Cute Anniversary Tradition Gone Wrong 😱

throwitinthecorner10 | throwitinthecorner10

🍥 Anime Lovers Unite at New Mom & Pop Shop! 🎮

throwitinthecorner10 | throwitinthecorner10

👀 Nosy Employee Spots My Kakashi Tattoo 🦿

throwitinthecorner10 | throwitinthecorner10

😠 Employee Questions My Anime Dedication 🤨

throwitinthecorner10 | throwitinthecorner10

🤓 Anime Quiz Time! Employee Tries to Stump Me 📝

throwitinthecorner10 | throwitinthecorner10

🙅‍♀️ Misogynistic Employee Claims Girls Can't Understand Naruto 😤

throwitinthecorner10 | throwitinthecorner10

😱 Employee Calls Me a "Rude Wannabe B*tch"! 🤬

throwitinthecorner10 | throwitinthecorner10

⚠️ I Left an Honest Review Warning Other Feminine Customers 📝

throwitinthecorner10 | throwitinthecorner10

🙏 Owner Asks Me to Remove Review, Citing Complaints & Lost Sales 💸

throwitinthecorner10 | throwitinthecorner10

🚫 I Refuse to Remove Review, Suggest Not Hiring Misogynists! 😠

throwitinthecorner10 | throwitinthecorner10

🤔 AITA for Standing My Ground Against Misogyny? 🤷‍♀️

throwitinthecorner10 | throwitinthecorner10

Anime Store Showdown: Employee Calls Tattoo-Clad Customer a B*tch!

Our fierce anime-loving heroine found herself in a battle of wits with a misogynistic employee who just couldn't believe a girl could know her stuff. Despite her epic tattoos and vast knowledge, he dared to quiz her and then call her a "rude wannabe b*tch"! But our girl wasn't about to let that slide! She left a scathing review, warning other feminine customers of the sexist treatment. The owner begged her to remove it, but she stood her ground. Now, the internet is abuzz with opinions! Let's see what the masses have to say about this anime store showdown!

Stand up against misogyny and don't let anyone silence you! 🚺

sammasc123 | sammasc123

Reviewing the situation: NTA for choosing a welcoming store. 👍

DiagonKitty | DiagonKitty

Standing up to misogyny. Owner's silence speaks volumes. 👊

cocoprezzz | cocoprezzz

Customer service 101: apologize, fire the rude employee, move on! 🙌

halfadash6 | halfadash6

Female anime nerd calls out male gatekeeping culture. 👏

Free_Bumblebee_7935 | Free_Bumblebee_7935

Female anime fan appreciates review as warning against rude employee 👍

Mewples | Mewples

NTA suggests nepotism and lack of accountability in store management.

Fan0fJigglyPuff | Fan0fJigglyPuff

Employee insulted customer, owner should apologize or fire the employee. Also, liking something doesn't mean you have to know everything about it 😔

Inside-Big-8158 | Inside-Big-8158

Being honest in a review is fair play. NTA.

BeepBlipBlapBloop | BeepBlipBlapBloop

Boss can fire rude employee, but is it a family member? 🤔

SuccotashTimely9764 | SuccotashTimely9764

Leaving a negative review is a consumer's right! NTA 👏

ladygreyowl13 | ladygreyowl13

Manager should take ownership of the problem and fix it. NTA.

LookAtNarnia | LookAtNarnia

Owner prioritizes profits over employee's bad behavior, NTA

emmodii | emmodii

NTA. Business owner needs to address rude employee & complaints 😊

mltrout715 | mltrout715

Failing to fire a rude employee? Business will burn 🔥 NTA.

Badger-of-Horrors | Badger-of-Horrors

Feminine customers and anime: a surprising observation. Accurate review, NTA.

ethan_winfield | ethan_winfield

Customer shares experience of gatekeeping and lack of action against misogyny.

TheSciFiGuy80 | TheSciFiGuy80

NTA defends leaving negative reviews to hold bad behavior accountable. 👍

Sel-Reddit | Sel-Reddit

Gatekeeping is never okay. Employee's response was inappropriate and unprofessional. #NTA

[deleted] | [deleted]

Standing up against misogyny, public service, NTA 💪

mamaMoonlight21 | mamaMoonlight21

Customer called a b*tch by store employee, NTA for complaining.

Sea-Mud5386 | Sea-Mud5386

Gender discrimination in media consumption. NTA shuts down insult.

thebutchone | thebutchone

Stand up for yourself and speak the truth, NTA!

New_Cucumber_420 | New_Cucumber_420

Customer rightfully calls out store owner's sexism. 👏

Jilltro | Jilltro

Honest review of an anime store sparks discussion about employee behavior.

ReadingSad3238 | ReadingSad3238

Employee demands removal of negative review, commenter not at fault. 👍

oieusouobixo | oieusouobixo

The struggle of female anime fans with male gatekeeping.

SifuMommy | SifuMommy

Heartwarming tradition, NTA and support for OP.❤️

LissaBryan | LissaBryan

Customer receives insults from employee, owner needs to take action 😠

Lovelylittlelunchbox | Lovelylittlelunchbox

Bad employees can kill a business 😡


NTA calls out store owner for employee's behavior 👏

Knittingfairy09113 | Knittingfairy09113

Standing up for yourself and not supporting rude employees 👏

FoolMe1nceShameOnU | FoolMe1nceShameOnU

Female fan defends anime fandom against gender discrimination 💪

curious_georgie456 | curious_georgie456

Customer stands up to rude employee with a perfect response 👍

BostonRevolutionary | BostonRevolutionary

Customer leaves review, gets insulted. Not the a**hole here. 🙌

brieles | brieles

Gatekeeping and insults have no place in fandom 🎉

Amiedeslivres | Amiedeslivres

Former liquor store employee shares sales approach, criticizes employee's behavior.

Pristine-Rhubarb7294 | Pristine-Rhubarb7294

Empathetic reply to gender stereotyping in hobbies. 👍

Comprehensive_Bank29 | Comprehensive_Bank29

Owner prioritizes review over harassment claims. NTA stands up.

Uphoria | Uphoria

Empowering response to misogynistic store employee and boss. 💪

loud_pete | loud_pete

Honesty is the best policy. NTA stands up for truth.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Gatekeeping in fandom is corny and unnecessary. Let people enjoy!

fitnessfightsfinance | fitnessfightsfinance

Expose the misogyny! Attach email screenshot to your review. 👀

[deleted] | [deleted]

Former employee explains the struggle of finding good staff for stores 😕

NotTwitchy | NotTwitchy

Calling out bad behavior in small businesses. Naruto nostalgia.

Character_Square7621 | Character_Square7621

Women unite to defend customer, criticize store owner's hiring decision. 👏

Fumquat | Fumquat

Female customer stands up to sexist anime store employee. NTA!

[deleted] | [deleted]

Employee insults customer, NTA calls for firing and bad reviews

lemons_of_doubt | lemons_of_doubt

Supporting NTA's important experience with rude anime store employee 😱

[deleted] | [deleted]

Supportive parent defends daughter's love for anime and Doctor Who. 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Customer refuses to take down negative review of misogynistic employee.

PanamaViejo | PanamaViejo

Customer stands up to rude employee, asks about Boruto fandom.

SegaNeptune28 | SegaNeptune28

Owner's misogyny puts him on the fast track to a lawsuit 👊

SweetsBay | SweetsBay

Employee insulted customer, but owner needs to fire him ASAP.

painted_unicorn | painted_unicorn

Standing up to rude anime store employee. NTA wins!

jaysin1701 | jaysin1701

NTA. Business owner should show the problem child the door 👏

GolfballDM | GolfballDM

NTA suggests training for rude employee at small business 💪

fIumpf | fIumpf

Customer complains about insult, owner asks for email conversation.

SonicPhoenix | SonicPhoenix

Customer stands up for herself and demands better customer service 👏

PhelesDragon | PhelesDragon

Redditors want to know more about the neckbeard encounter. NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Customer complains about rude employee, others agree with solution.

KittenKingdom000 | KittenKingdom000

Customer gives sound retail advice after being insulted by employee 🛍️

JCWa50 | JCWa50

Exclusion of women in gaming is still prevalent. 🤬

NightRide99 | NightRide99

Standing up against sexism and hostility in customer service 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Employee insults customer over anime knowledge. Owner needs to respond.

KindredGravesMan | KindredGravesMan

Removing a review won't fix a toxic employee. NTA.

CubbyMikey | CubbyMikey

Support for firing rude employee in anime store. 👍

debdnow | debdnow

Customer calls out store for employing discriminatory employee. #ByeMisogynists 😡

LilaJax22 | LilaJax22

Standing up to disrespectful behavior at anime stores 💪

BassPerson | BassPerson

Business owner is in denial about employee's sexist behavior. NTA.

Indigoh | Indigoh

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