Finder Demands Reward for Lost Pet - Is He in the Right? 🤔💸

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Diply | Diply

😺 Buckle up, folks! We've got a tale of a lost cat, a hefty reward, and a whole lot of drama! 🍿 When our protagonist stumbled upon a missing feline, they thought they'd hit the jackpot. 💰 But little did they know, this kitty caper would turn into a full-blown moral dilemma! 😱 Get ready for a wild ride filled with twists, turns, and a whole lot of cat-titude! 😸

🐱 A Furry Friend Found! 😺

aitalostpet | aitalostpet

😸 Kitty Captured! 🎉

aitalostpet | aitalostpet

🏠 Feline Safekeeping 🔒

aitalostpet | aitalostpet

💰 Show Me The Money! 🤑

aitalostpet | aitalostpet

😡 Reward Ruse Revealed! 😤

aitalostpet | aitalostpet

🚨 Cops Called? Challenge Accepted! 😏

aitalostpet | aitalostpet

💸 Reluctant Reward Retrieval 😾

aitalostpet | aitalostpet

🤔 Girlfriend's Guilt Trip 😿

aitalostpet | aitalostpet

💭 My Two Cents 🪙

aitalostpet | aitalostpet

The Great Cat Caper: Reward or Rip-off?

Our feline-finding friend found themselves in quite the pickle! They thought they'd be rolling in the dough after reuniting this lost kitty with its owner, but instead, they got a heaping helping of drama! The owner tried to weasel out of paying the promised reward, leaving our protagonist feeling like the cat's meow had been stolen right out from under them! But they stood their ground and demanded what was rightfully theirs. In the end, they got the cash, but not without some serious shade from their girlfriend and friends. So, what do you think? Was our hero a clever cat crusader or a money-grubbing meanie? 🤔 Let's see what the internet has to say about this purr-plexing situation!

Cat held hostage for reward, both parties labeled a**holes 💙

samuelx94x | samuelx94x

Cruelty and greed - a lost cat and a hostage situation

wtfismysexuality | wtfismysexuality

Reward-seeking finder called out for ulterior motives 👀

ten_before_six | ten_before_six

Pet finder demands reward, but holding cat for ransom? ESH

[deleted] | [deleted]

Finder confirms reward via text but denies it in person. NTA.

d3_tvl | d3_tvl

Falsely advertised reward for lost pet held hostage, ESH.

Xana3 | Xana3

Redditors call out cat owner for offering fake reward 😱

wrinkledirony | wrinkledirony

Poster shares bad experience with lost pet reward, calls out OP.

nordvest_cannabis | nordvest_cannabis

Returning the cat was easy, reward was unnecessary. ESH.

GetUrHandsOffMyLife | GetUrHandsOffMyLife

Claiming a reward for finding a lost pet is fair 💵

[deleted] | [deleted]

Poster argues finder is NTA for demanding a reward. 🤔

mental_ch-illness | mental_ch-illness

Demanding posted reward for lost pet is not a**hole behavior.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Debate over pet reward turns into a hostage situation. 😱

[deleted] | [deleted]

Finder demands promised reward but is NTA, according to commenter. 👍

MrBleedinggums | MrBleedinggums

Finder demands reward but risks breaking the law. ESH. 👎

teke367 | teke367

Both parties at fault, but pet holding is unacceptable 😡

DahliaDriver | DahliaDriver

Man holds lost cat hostage for reward money, YTA.

Boatsboatsboats90 | Boatsboatsboats90

Honesty is the best policy 👍

Cici660 | Cici660

Redditor receives harsh judgement for demanding reward for lost pet

baileef787 | baileef787

Finder deserves promised reward for lost pet. What's next? 🤔

jaywinner | jaywinner

Don't promise a reward you won't pay. NTA is right 👍

boloklolok | boloklolok

Man demands reward for lost pet, commenter supports and curses cat owner.

swampwitch116 | swampwitch116

Demanding reward for lost pet: Is it kidnapping or justified? 😕

Jack_jc | Jack_jc

Reward for a lost cat turns into a hostage situation. 😱

BumbleBri7 | BumbleBri7

Debate on morality divides opinions in AITA post 🤔

confusedArcher2 | confusedArcher2

When desperation leads to false promises... ESH 😑

jess3474957 | jess3474957

Owner posted reward, finder not wrong to ask for it. 🤔💰

Patthecat09 | Patthecat09

Cat owner advertises small reward, finder holds cat hostage. ESH. 💸

thatannoyinggirl73 | thatannoyinggirl73

OP stands their ground on $500 reward for lost cat 💸

bmwhooligan | bmwhooligan

Finder faces backlash for not returning lost pet. 😠

DisastrousPie6 | DisastrousPie6

Reward promised, reward deserved. Can't deny it now. 💰👀

Rick-C17 | Rick-C17

Pet return without reward = right thing to do 👍

berlynnwall | berlynnwall

Reward poster specifies $500, NTA demands full payment 💵

sassyourfrass | sassyourfrass

Finder prioritizes reward over cat's well-being. YTA. 👎

gingerspice-x | gingerspice-x

Payment was offered and owed for finding the cat. NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Claimant demands lost pet reward and receives it. NTA.

acornedbeefhash | acornedbeefhash

Donate reward to cat shelter to avoid being an a**hole. 🐱🌐

furansisu | furansisu

Stealing someone's property is worse than demanding a reward. 🙅

MMMetalJean | MMMetalJean

Harsh judgement and self-reflection in lost pet dispute 😕

[deleted] | [deleted]

User thinks finder's demand for reward is disgusting. 🤯

Seabrom | Seabrom

Finder advertised fake pet reward and held cat for ransom. YTA.

caleal71 | caleal71

Man refuses to pay reward for lost pet, sparks debate. 🤔

Usual_Resolution | Usual_Resolution

User calls out OP for being insensitive about lost pet 🐱

[deleted] | [deleted]

Pet owner offers $500 reward, finder demands it all. ESH.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Finder rightfully demands reward for lost pet recovery. 💵

GuruDad | GuruDad

Pet finder holds cat hostage for unpaid reward. ESH. 😑

Voidsnaps | Voidsnaps

Finder demands reward for lost pet, but commenter calls him out

smalltailless | smalltailless

Cat finder demands payment, labeled YTA by commenters. 🐈

Just_here2020 | Just_here2020

Harsh reply to finder's demand for lost pet reward. 😬

moreaucj | moreaucj

Finder prioritizes reward over reuniting pet with owner. ESH situation.

Lemongrass80 | Lemongrass80

Admitting fault isn't always easy. ESH.

GTdeSade | GTdeSade

Offering a reward and not paying up makes you TA. 👎

[deleted] | [deleted]

Split opinion on finder's reward for lost pet 💰

79Freedomreader | 79Freedomreader

Reward promised, work done. NTA for expecting payment 💵

KatsThoughts | KatsThoughts

Returning a pet with no reward is good karma 🐾

crazy-chicken-chick | crazy-chicken-chick

Genuine concern or just after the reward money? 🤔

khag24 | khag24

Standing up for promised reward 💰👊

[deleted] | [deleted]

Man demands reward for lost pet, but was it right?

jesuschristgoodlord | jesuschristgoodlord

OP promised a reward but backed out. Unpopular NTA. 💸

[deleted] | [deleted]

User defends the cat-finder against cheating owner. 👏

gaudycircle414 | gaudycircle414

Finder deserves promised reward for finding lost pet. 💰

Panro911 | Panro911

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