Husband Wants to Ditch Wife & Kids for Lavish European Wedding! 🤯

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Diply | Diply

Buckle up, folks! 🚨 We've got a doozy of a dilemma here. 😱 Picture this: Wifey's been holding down the fort, working her butt off to support Hubby's dream career change. 💪 Meanwhile, Hubby wants to jet off to Europe 🛫 for his bestie's wedding, leaving Wifey alone with their two little ones. 👶👶 Is Wifey being an a-hole for putting her foot down? 🦶 Let's dive in and find out! 🤿

💍 Wedding Woes: Hubby's European Escapade? 😱

telepathybtwnhearts | telepathybtwnhearts

💸 Pricey Post-Covid Travel Craze! 🛫

telepathybtwnhearts | telepathybtwnhearts

🤵 Hubby's Solo Trip with Bestie? 🙅‍♀️

telepathybtwnhearts | telepathybtwnhearts

😤 AITA for Saying No F-ing Way?! 🚫

telepathybtwnhearts | telepathybtwnhearts

🎓 Hubby's Costly Career Change 💰

telepathybtwnhearts | telepathybtwnhearts

🏆 Breadwinner Wifey Works Passionless Job 😔

telepathybtwnhearts | telepathybtwnhearts

🏚️ Sold House, Moved in with Fam to Afford Hubby's Dream 🏠

telepathybtwnhearts | telepathybtwnhearts

👩‍🍼 Default Momma 99% of the Time 🍼

telepathybtwnhearts | telepathybtwnhearts

🎁 Friend's Meager Wedding Spend, No Gift 🤨

telepathybtwnhearts | telepathybtwnhearts

👨‍👨‍👦 Intimate Wedding, Hubby 1 of 3 Friends Invited 💒

telepathybtwnhearts | telepathybtwnhearts

😒 Hubby Claims Wifey is Just Jealous! 💁‍♀️

telepathybtwnhearts | telepathybtwnhearts

🌍 Hell Yeah I'm Jealous! No Travels in Years! 😠

telepathybtwnhearts | telepathybtwnhearts

🙇‍♀️ Wifey's Sacrifices for Hubby's Dream 🌟

telepathybtwnhearts | telepathybtwnhearts

🤬 This is F-ed Up, Right?! AITA? 🤔

telepathybtwnhearts | telepathybtwnhearts

🔥 Internet Weighs In: Is Wifey the A-Hole? 🤔

Alright, let's break this down: Wifey's been busting her a** 🍑 to keep the family afloat while Hubby pursues his passion. She's sacrificed her own dreams 💭 and even sold her house 🏚️ to make it happen. Now, Hubby wants to drop a pretty penny 💸 on a solo trip to Europe 🇪🇺 for his buddy's wedding, leaving Wifey to juggle the kids 👶👶 and everything else. Hubby says she's just jealous 😒, but can you blame her? 🤷‍♀️ It's time to hear what the internet has to say about this juicy situation! 🍿 Grab your popcorn, folks, and let's see who's the real a-hole here! 😈

Being a primary breadwinner and caregiver is tough, NTA for sure! 👏

curiouscapybara1989 | curiouscapybara1989

Priorities first! NTA for not prioritizing a lavish wedding.

Hi_Im_Dadbot | Hi_Im_Dadbot

Red flags in the marriage, NTA but concerns for the future 😞

jphamlore | jphamlore

Depressed reader suggests solo spa weekend to drained wife. NTA.

Aliceroo76 | Aliceroo76

Unreasonable husband wants lavish wedding, commenter says NTA 👍

Reasonable-Bear-1374 | Reasonable-Bear-1374

Husband wants lavish European wedding while not contributing to family expenses 💸.

allthewayyurnt | allthewayyurnt

NTA. Suggests not to bring up leaving kids, calmly states financial reality.

twomorecarrots | twomorecarrots

NTA commenter offers advice on communication and appreciation.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Unemployed husband wants lavish wedding, called unbearable. 😑

BiGtHiCkBoYaSs | BiGtHiCkBoYaSs

Supportive comment calls groom selfish for expecting too much. NTA.

Talathia | Talathia

NTA suggests divorce if husband prioritizes Europe over family.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Wife financially supports husband, but he wants lavish wedding abroad.

Coco_Dirichlet | Coco_Dirichlet

Celebrations don't have to be expensive to be memorable! 🎉

General_Relative2838 | General_Relative2838

Supportive commenter suggests calling out wedding guests' hypocrisy. 💁‍♀️

dancing_chinese_kid | dancing_chinese_kid

Supportive comment against husband's selfish behavior. 🤝

[deleted] | [deleted]

Disappointment turns to YTA after reading the edits. 😑

Ascf33 | Ascf33

Husband prioritizes his dreams over family. NTA. 👏

kami892 | kami892

Being an adult means prioritizing finances over lavish desires. 👍

pfashby | pfashby

NTA, but spouse needs to step up and change dynamic! 👏

lady_410100 | lady_410100

NTA suggests husband decline lavish wedding and get a job 💼

DarkAthena | DarkAthena

Protect your finances and stand up for yourself. 💪

smartypants99 | smartypants99

Married single mom struggles with husband's lavish wedding plans. 😔

murphy2345678 | murphy2345678

Spouse prioritizes extravagance over family? NTA. You deserve better.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Husband wants lavish wedding but can't afford it, wife disagrees. 💸

bunnyhopskip | bunnyhopskip

Husband wants lavish European wedding, wants to dip into savings. NTA.

QYB1990 | QYB1990

Financial struggle and unequal household responsibilities. Suggests seeking help.

commenter23450 | commenter23450

NTA suggests a clever ultimatum for husband's lavish wedding plan.

NorthImpossible8906 | NorthImpossible8906

Don't let him take advantage of you. You're NTA 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Friend paid for tickets, I paid for hotel, meals. $7k?! NTA


Husband's expensive European wedding desire gets rightfully shut down. 💯

lostalldoubt86 | lostalldoubt86

Spouse wants to ditch family for fancy wedding? **Hard** no. 😠

RideTheWindForever | RideTheWindForever

Supportive comment advises against husband's lavish European wedding plan.

janecdotes | janecdotes

Declining wedding invitation with young kids is normal. Send regrets.

Used_Mark_7911 | Used_Mark_7911

Take the vacation and let him mind the kids! #NTA 😊

GroundbreakingPhoto4 | GroundbreakingPhoto4

Spouse wants lavish wedding with combined savings. NTA for objecting.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Don't foot the bill for his selfish Euro trip! 🤑

popular_username92 | popular_username92

Being unable to afford it doesn't make you the a**hole 💰

SnooCookies10 | SnooCookies10

NTA, divorce him and get a lawyer for repayment. 💸

eye_8_pi | eye_8_pi

Single parent paying for spouse's lavish wedding - NTA

schux99 | schux99

Savage yet valid point about OP's husband. 😂

Screamqueenjames | Screamqueenjames

Wife is a solo parent and husband wants lavish wedding. 🙄

Glittering-Weekend74 | Glittering-Weekend74

Take control of your finances and don't enable him. 💰

Wasseleri | Wasseleri

A comment calling out the wife for being both husband and wife, with a hint of frustration 😒

PearlsOfWisdom27 | PearlsOfWisdom27

Struggling to afford vacation, husband wants to attend expensive wedding. Commenter can relate and offers support. NTA 👏

AmongWilderFlowers | AmongWilderFlowers

Husband wants lavish euro wedding but NTA needs to put foot down 💰

bobafugginfett | bobafugginfett

Husband wants lavish wedding but has responsibilities. NTA for OP.

MeanestGoose | MeanestGoose

Red flags raised about husband's intentions. 🚩

isabgul | isabgul

Stand up for yourself and your finances 💰💪

General-Buy-8191 | General-Buy-8191

Taking loans for lavish wedding is an automatic divorce? 💸💔 NTA

Roostercalhoun87 | Roostercalhoun87

NTA for not being able to afford lavish European wedding on short notice 🤯

Averill0 | Averill0

NTA but wife needs to save money for herself and kids 👍

LawMom2009 | LawMom2009

NTA and couples counseling is recommended to address financial stress.

PommeB | PommeB

Support for NTA: Stand up for yourself and your family 💪

origami-air-plane | origami-air-plane

Husband wants lavish wedding without wife? NTA says comment

National-Cry-2569 | National-Cry-2569

OP's spouse is a financial burden and wants a lavish wedding. 🤑

throwra87d | throwra87d

Get a loan from him, let him go, change locks. NTA.

anonymouswalrus666 | anonymouswalrus666

Priorities and finances clash in decision for lavish trip.

Positive-Source8205 | Positive-Source8205

NTA for not wanting to ditch family for lavish wedding! 🙏

Curious_Wrangler_980 | Curious_Wrangler_980

Equal partnership is key in a marriage ❤️

mzpljc | mzpljc

NTA's financial responsibility drags hubby from lavish Euro wedding! 💸

brit8996 | brit8996

Protect your assets! NTA suggests moving joint funds. 💸

Revolutionary-Crow65 | Revolutionary-Crow65

Husband wants to ditch family for lavish wedding 😭

Top-Passion-1508 | Top-Passion-1508

A supportive comment suggests alternatives for ditching wife & kids

[deleted] | [deleted]

Why keep a husband who doesn't contribute? NTA

Theoceanismycomfort | Theoceanismycomfort

Supportive comment, no replies. Enraged on your behalf. 💪

MxXylda | MxXylda

Empathetic reply to justified anger. 👊

Resident-Wheel9774 | Resident-Wheel9774

Disgustingly selfish husband wants to ditch family for wedding 😡

PheonixRising21 | PheonixRising21

NTA. Selfish husband wants lavish wedding, leaving wife & kids.

Cautious-Band3605 | Cautious-Band3605

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