Boyfriend DEMANDS Girlfriend Quit Her Job To Raise Baby 😱

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🚨 Buckle up, folks! We've got a doozy of a dilemma here. 😳 Meet our dynamic duo: two university sweethearts, 23 and in love! 💕 But there's trouble in paradise when talks of the future turn to the pitter-patter of little feet. 👣 Our protagonist, a driven PA with a dream job, finds himself blindsided by his boyfriend's baby expectations. 😲 Will their relationship survive this clash of career and cradle? 🍼💥 Let's dive in and find out! 🏊‍♂️

🎓 University Sweethearts: A Love Story Begins! 💕

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📍 Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder? 🚗💨

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💼 Climbing the Corporate Ladder: My Dream Job! 🌟

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👔 My Boss, My Buddy! 🍻

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💑 Planning Our Future Together... Or Not? 🤔

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👶 Baby Fever? Not Quite! 😅

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🍼 Youngest Sibling Syndrome? 🤷‍♂️

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😲 Blindsided by Baby Expectations! 👶💥

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🙅‍♂️ Putting My Foot Down: No Stay-at-Home Dad Here! 🚫

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👨‍👦 Paternity Leave? Sure! Quitting? No Way! 🙅‍♂️

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🤬 Boyfriend Blows Up: PA vs. Teacher Showdown! 📣

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🤔 Double Standards Much? 🙄

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👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Family Ties: Loving Life as an Uncle! 😊

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🤱 Daddy Daycare Dilemma: Who's on Baby Duty? 👶😴

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🤷‍♂️ AITA for Choosing Career Over Hypothetical Baby? 💼👶

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🍿 Grab Your Popcorn! The Internet Weighs In! 🌐👀

Well, well, well! Looks like our lovebirds have ruffled some feathers with this baby bombshell! 💣🐣 The internet is buzzing with opinions, and we've gathered the juiciest responses for your reading pleasure. 😏📱 Will our protagonist be labeled an a-hole for choosing career over cradle? 💼👶 Or will the masses side with his stance on equal parenting? 🙌👨‍👨‍👦 One thing's for sure: this couple's got some serious talking to do before any tiny toes come toddling into the picture! 😅👣 So sit back, relax, and let's see what the world wide web has to say about this baby brouhaha! 🌎💬

Listen to his beliefs, they won't change. NTA 👍

milee30 | milee30

Leave him before he becomes controlling with the baby too 🚫 NTA

Uncommondiscipline | Uncommondiscipline

It's important for both parents to be on the same page 👍

Fickle_Session | Fickle_Session

Boyfriend demands girlfriend quit job to raise baby 😠

Hrududu147 | Hrududu147

Think twice before quitting your job for an unappreciative partner 👀

mittenista | mittenista

User thinks boyfriend is selfish for asking girlfriend to quit job.

Tessa_Kamoda | Tessa_Kamoda

Discussing children before having them is crucial for compatibility 🤝

holyhell_why | holyhell_why

Partner's red flags wave as commenter spots them 🚩

augusto_j | augusto_j

NTA - Demanding girlfriend to quit job is outdated parenting attitude 😱

[deleted] | [deleted]

Empowering advice to dump the controlling boyfriend and pursue happiness 👏

Iwaveatseals | Iwaveatseals

NTA, dump the bf 💔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Support for OP's decision and suggestion for conversation with partner 👍

Alarmed_Restaurant | Alarmed_Restaurant

NTA and higher earner should not be forced to stay home 😊

AugustNClementine | AugustNClementine

Join r/childfree and r/truechildfree, lock down birth control. Dump BF.

SnowWhiteCampCat | SnowWhiteCampCat

NTA. Partner wants kids but dictates expectations without discussion. 😱

southcoastal | southcoastal

Boyfriend demands girlfriend quit job to raise baby, calls her unloving. NTA.

Very-_Good | Very-_Good

Ridiculous to say a parent must stay home with kids 😒

pretenderist | pretenderist

Demanding partner reinforces sexist stereotypes. NTA for wanting autonomy.

lemonade4 | lemonade4

Daycare works for us, NTA. Partner needs a reality check.

BlueTaco500 | BlueTaco500

Paid childcare exists, don't agree to stay-at-home demands 👩‍👧‍👦

Marzipan_civil | Marzipan_civil

Toxic communication in relationships, NTA wonders if internet agrees 🤔

iNOyThCagedBirdSings | iNOyThCagedBirdSings

NTA, if he's already demanding now, it won't get better 😞

terrapharma | terrapharma

Girlfriend won't quit job for baby, NTA wins 👏🏼

2tinymonkeys | 2tinymonkeys

NTA. Validating a working mom and finding a supportive partner 👏

VisualCelery | VisualCelery

Partner wants her to quit job for kids, is it worth it?

Moodypanda69 | Moodypanda69

🚩 Red flag alert! Boyfriend demands girlfriend quit job. NTA.

DawnaZeee | DawnaZeee

Why not let him homeschool the kids instead? 🤔

justyouraverageann | justyouraverageann

Working mom defends daycare and suggests therapy for disrespectful boyfriend 🙏

EmotionalFix | EmotionalFix

Choose your happiness and avoid a traumatic family separation 🙏

Kross369 | Kross369

Partnership requires communication and agreement, NTA 👍

evilshenanigan | evilshenanigan

Married dad shares parenting experience, rejects boyfriend's demand. 🙎

Feed_Me_No_Lies | Feed_Me_No_Lies

Supportive comment calls out extreme behavior from boyfriend.

PrincessUnicornyJoke | PrincessUnicornyJoke

NTA suggests taking maternity leave and having an honest conversation.

MrsLilysMom | MrsLilysMom

Don't let someone else's dreams become your nightmare 😏

[deleted] | [deleted]

🚩 Boyfriend's demand without discussion is a red flag. #NTA

BowTrek | BowTrek

Respect is key. Better to find out incompatibility before marriage.

Ravenclaw79 | Ravenclaw79

Loving your career doesn't mean you love your child less 😍

lilirose13 | lilirose13

Partner demanding changes without conversation is immature. Helpful advice given.

ovur6 | ovur6

NTA, partner's lack of respect for your work and opinion 🙄

randomredittor21 | randomredittor21

Different life plans, NTA, live your life 😎

[deleted] | [deleted]

Surprising twist: gender confusion changes NTA to WTF 😳

Corpsab | Corpsab

Having kids should be an all-in, gung-ho choice. 👍

ShyFossa | ShyFossa

Girlfriend stands up for herself against controlling boyfriend 💪

TheMightyWoofer | TheMightyWoofer

User advises girlfriend to leave sexist boyfriend demanding she quit job and raise baby

MadKitKat | MadKitKat

NTA commenter warns against having a child with controlling partner 😱

thedoeeyedwanderer | thedoeeyedwanderer

Different priorities and visions. NTA for knowing early on.

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA, but boyfriend has a god complex. Discuss caregiving roles. 🙌

iusedtostealbirds | iusedtostealbirds

Don't let anyone force your career on hold 💪

ashbluebear | ashbluebear

Partner's unrealistic demand and reaction raises red flags. Consider moving on. 👍

moodymelanist | moodymelanist

Toxic relationship alert! 🚨 Run away from gaslighting boyfriend ASAP

[deleted] | [deleted]

Discussing children before marriage is crucial to avoid resentment later 👆

praisethehaze | praisethehaze

Girlfriend is NTA for refusing to quit job for boyfriend.

rustyleftnut | rustyleftnut

Girlfriend's boyfriend wants her to quit job for baby 🙄

mercmouth1 | mercmouth1

Partner or Boss? Commenter calls out controlling boyfriend behavior 😠

drunkdaydreamer | drunkdaydreamer

🚩 Boyfriend wants kids but demands girlfriend quits job for it

m_m_mason | m_m_mason

Teaching salary not enough to raise family. NTA wins 👍

Tryptamineer | Tryptamineer

User questions validity of story, suggests leaving boyfriend.

ququqachu | ququqachu

Teacher slams boyfriend's unrealistic expectations for low-paying job. 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Navigating different futures in relationships: NAH, good luck ❤️

LadyBearJenna | LadyBearJenna

Career shouldn't be sacrificed for parenting. NTA 👏

Ember-Fire-Foxx | Ember-Fire-Foxx

Honesty is key in life plan conversations. NTA 🙅‍♀️

imjustanotheremily | imjustanotheremily

NTA. A calm and respectful response to a blown overreaction 😊

femmemalin | femmemalin

Boyfriend demands girlfriend quit job to raise baby, commenter advises against

intoon | intoon

Different stances, but things can change. Don't rush decisions 🙌

Itzon | Itzon

Boyfriend demands girlfriend quit job to raise baby. Commenter advises against it.

dnlees | dnlees

NTA! Boyfriend's attitude is a red flag 🚩. End it or agree on no kids.

Picnut | Picnut

Controlling boyfriend demands girlfriend quit job to raise baby. NTA.

armh1313 | armh1313

Red flag alert 🚨. Take a break and assess the situation ⏳

TheDwiin | TheDwiin

Red flag alert! 🚩 Name-calling and yelling? Not parent/boyfriend material.

MedusaStone | MedusaStone

Choosing between career and family: Can this relationship survive? 🤔

Deerheadinapot | Deerheadinapot

🙅‍♀️ Don't let him trap you with a baby. #NTA

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA can work AND raise a child successfully. Boyfriend needs compromise.

C_Alex_author | C_Alex_author

Partner wants her to quit job to raise baby. NTA response.

_sparrow | _sparrow

NTA but not compatible long term. He's TA for assuming.

beldaran1224 | beldaran1224

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