Entitled Family DEMANDS Access to Daughter's Credit Card for 'Free Money'! 😱💳

Diply Social Team
Diply | Diply

🎓💳 Buckle up, folks! We've got a juicy tale of family drama, financial woes, and a young uni student caught in the middle. 😱 Our 22-year-old heroine is just trying to navigate the world of adulting, saving up for driving lessons and a car while responsibly managing her shiny new credit card. 💰🚗 But when her entitled siblings catch wind of her "free money," all hell breaks loose! 😈 Get ready for a wild ride filled with manipulation, laughter, and a family divided. 🙊🍿

🎓 Young Uni Student's Financial Dilemma 💸

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💰 Saving Up for Driving Lessons & a Car 🚗

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🎓 Final Year of Uni & Full-Time Work Plans 👩‍💼

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💳 Responsible Credit Card Use 👍

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🙅‍♀️ Avoiding Credit Card Debt Traps 🚫

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🗣️ Loose-Lipped Mum Spills the Beans 😱

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💸 Entitled Siblings' Debt Dilemma 🤦‍♀️

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😠 Siblings' Manipulative Demands Escalate 🤬

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😂 Laughing in the Face of Entitlement 🤣

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🚪 Mum Takes Siblings' Side, Gets Booted 😲

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🤔 Family Divided Over Credit Card Controversy 😕

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😱 Family Feud: Siblings Demand "Free Money" from Uni Student's Credit Card! 💳💸

Our young heroine finds herself in a sticky situation when her loose-lipped mum spills the beans about her new credit card to her debt-ridden siblings. 🙊 The entitled duo demands access to the card, claiming it's "free money" and even trying to guilt-trip our protagonist by bringing up past babysitting favors! 😠 When she refuses, all hell breaks loose, with the siblings manipulating their mum and causing a major family rift. 🤬 Dad stands firm, kicking out the manipulative bunch, but our heroine is left questioning herself. 🤔 Is she the a-hole for protecting her financial future, or should she cave to keep the peace? 😕 The internet has some thoughts on this juicy drama! 🍿

Don't commit fraud for entitled family! Set a limit 💵

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Family demands access to credit card for 'free money' 😡. Commenter says NTA, family manipulative 👍

RhiRhi202 | RhiRhi202

NTA. Don't let entitled family manipulate and use you 🙅

[deleted] | [deleted]

Protect yourself! NTA for hiding card from entitled family.

PastaM0nster | PastaM0nster

Don't lend out your credit card to entitled family members! 🚫 NTA

saucynoodlelover | saucynoodlelover

Family should support, not exploit each other. Heartwarming ending 💓

Surfer_wave_dolphin | Surfer_wave_dolphin

Entitled family demands access to credit card for 'free money'?! NTA.

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Lock your credit card to avoid fights with entitled family 🔒

MaskedSonnet | MaskedSonnet

Don't let entitled family steal from you! You're doing great. 👍

Chomper_The_Badger | Chomper_The_Badger

Don't let entitled family guilt-trip you into debt 💳🙅‍♀️

SuperWomanUSA | SuperWomanUSA

Protect your credit and don't share it with entitled family 💳

srslyeffedmind | srslyeffedmind

Protect your card and money, good job and awesome dad! 👏

justkillintime99 | justkillintime99

Curious about the unrealistic turn in the story 🤔

kanna172014 | kanna172014

NTA. Tell them to f**k off. Don't associate with losers.

The-truth-hurts1 | The-truth-hurts1

Protect your credit card and press charges if needed. NTA.


Redditor gets praised for standing up to entitled family. NTA 👏

OldKnitwit | OldKnitwit

Being responsible with credit card, NTA. Listen to Dad 👍

eyespy_01 | eyespy_01

Great advice on not lending money and standing up to manipulation! 👍

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A frustrated comment on seeking validation through Reddit karma.

OriginalWilhelm | OriginalWilhelm

Protect your credit card info and credit score. NTA!

nia-is-me | nia-is-me

Don't enable their reckless spending habits, NTA 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Credit card misconceptions debunked. NTA for setting boundaries.

Thediciplematt | Thediciplematt

Watch out for identity theft! Family may take card out.

Bookaholicforever | Bookaholicforever

Protect your credit and stand your ground. NTA. 💪

lady_k_77 | lady_k_77

Protect your card - NTA. Don't lend to untrustworthy people.

ih-shah-may-ehl | ih-shah-may-ehl

Cancel card, cut it up, get new one, tell no one. 💪

Speedraca | Speedraca

Family tries to scam OP for 'free money', dad has her back. 🤑

Screaming-Harpy | Screaming-Harpy

Protect your credit, prosecute if necessary 🚩

cantgetright10 | cantgetright10

Debunking the story of an entitled family's crazy demand 😕

dualboy24 | dualboy24

Don't let them guilt-trip you into paying their debt! 💳🙅‍♀️

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22-year-old questioned for still needing babysitting. 🤔

Slammogram | Slammogram

Family demands credit card access for 'free money' - NTA says!

The_Amazing_Username | The_Amazing_Username

NTA! Keep it up 👍

Sammy775577 | Sammy775577

Don't let entitled family ruin your credit score 💳😱 NTA

Cartoonslut | Cartoonslut

Protect your credit score and say no to entitled family! 💳

Pistalrose | Pistalrose

NTA, obvious choice to say no to entitled family 😒

wevie13 | wevie13

Secure your credit and document events. Protect yourself! 👍

Viperbunny | Viperbunny

Cut the card, dump it on brother's table and run! 😜

LolthienToo | LolthienToo

Smart advice on credit card debt. Don't let entitled family dictate.

SauronOMordor | SauronOMordor

Protect your credit score and don't let anyone use your card 💳

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Don't give in to entitled family's demand for 'free money'! 🚫💳

dellaevaine | dellaevaine

NTA. Using someone else's credit card for non-emergency is trashy 💯

CarlMuhfuckinSagan | CarlMuhfuckinSagan

NTA. Watch that card like a hawk 💳. Set up text message alerts for usage and report any fraud. Remember, it's debt, not free money.

Kunoichi_Kya | Kunoichi_Kya

Protect your credit card from entitled family's debt demands! 🙌

ghost_in_the_snow | ghost_in_the_snow

Don't let entitled family guilt you into debt 💳

Coollogin | Coollogin

Don't be a doormat for entitled family members 👍

KingJonsey1992 | KingJonsey1992

Family demands access to credit card for 'free money' - NTA

burnki | burnki

Protect your credit card and credit report, NTA 💳

maybe_kd | maybe_kd

Wise advice on not sharing credit & standing your ground! 👍

Grumpysmiler | Grumpysmiler

NTA and a witty comeback to entitled family's demand!

imbrotep | imbrotep

Secure your credit card and never let entitled family use it 😔

danigirl3694 | danigirl3694

Protect your credit! Don't give in to entitled family. 💳

sirharryflashman | sirharryflashman

NTA and a helpful tip to protect your identity 💪

athene_2000 | athene_2000

Don't let anyone use the card and get rid of it 😎

QuarantinisRUs | QuarantinisRUs

Suggests cutting card in front of entitled family, recommends virtual card 💳

MurphysLaw1995 | MurphysLaw1995

Protect your credit card and identity from entitled family members.

Sfb208 | Sfb208

Being financially responsible is admirable. Cheers to your dad too! 💪

IoSonCalaf | IoSonCalaf

Protect your money! NTA for being smart with your finances.

Vena_Mala | Vena_Mala

Don't let entitled family ruin your credit and financial life 👀💳

CuriosiT38 | CuriosiT38

Don't let entitled family members ruin your life! 🙏

Nebsy_Websy | Nebsy_Websy

👍 Good advice for building credit while avoiding debt. Keep it up!

MorgainofAvalon | MorgainofAvalon

Lock up your card and protect your credit. NTA.

MizCrackertheBiz | MizCrackertheBiz

Great advice for protecting your credit card from entitled family members! 👍

Eleanor_goodperson | Eleanor_goodperson

Being responsible with credit card and refusing entitled family. 👍

cheekybutterfly | cheekybutterfly

Protect your credit score, cancel the card or press charges. NTA 👍

NotMe739 | NotMe739

NTA. Take extra steps to protect yourself from entitled family.

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NTA commenter warns against 'free money' mindset leading to debt 💸

Liv_NB | Liv_NB

Bank worker praises OP for good financial sense, advises no contact. 💰

Maxxil | Maxxil

Dad saves the day! NTA. 🦸‍♂️💳

Merlin_KilgarrahS565 | Merlin_KilgarrahS565

Protect your money! Turn on text alerts and monitoring.

piecat | piecat

Expertly shutting down entitled family who demanded credit card access 💳

JBW66 | JBW66

Family demands access to credit card for 'free money', commenter explains why it's a bad idea. NTA.

elwyn5150 | elwyn5150

Protect your credit card like your life! 👍

Altusignis | Altusignis

Helpful advice and NTA validation for entitled family situation. 👍

bambi420blzit | bambi420blzit

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