Roommate DEMANDS He Watch Her Cat for 3 WEEKS! 😾 He Refuses... With SHOCKING Consequences! 😲

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Diply | Diply

Well, well, well... looks like we've got ourselves a juicy roommate situation here! 🍿 Our protagonist, a 26-year-old guy, is dealing with his 25-year-old female roomie who's got a serious case of the 'gimmes' when it comes to her cat. 🐱 She's heading off on a 3-week vacay and expects our guy to play cat-sitter. 🙄 But hold up, there's more to this story than meets the eye! 👀 Buckle up, folks, because we're about to dive into a tale of manipulation, tantrums, and one fed-up roommate who's ready to make some big changes! 💥

🚨 Roommate Drama Alert! 🚨

parianusti | parianusti

🤔 Reflecting on Roomie's Behavior 🤔

parianusti | parianusti

😲 Realization Hits Hard 💥

parianusti | parianusti

🙅‍♀️ Roomie's Reclusive Ways 🙅‍♀️

parianusti | parianusti

😾 Reluctantly Agreeing to Cat-Sit 🐱

parianusti | parianusti

🗣️ Roomie Talks Over Me! 😠

parianusti | parianusti

🤬 Tantrum Mode: Activated! 🤬

parianusti | parianusti

😤 Losing My Cool 😤

parianusti | parianusti

🏠 New Place, Who Dis? 🏠

parianusti | parianusti

😒 Realizing I Don't Like Living with Her 😒

parianusti | parianusti

😴 Boring Roomie Alert! 😴

parianusti | parianusti

🙅‍♂️ Not My Ideal Roomie 🙅‍♂️

parianusti | parianusti

🤐 Keeping Quiet... For Now 🤐

parianusti | parianusti

😱 Roommate Showdown: Cat-Sitting Chaos Leads to Big Changes! 😱

Our protagonist finally confronts his roommate about her pushy behavior, only to be met with a full-blown tantrum! 🤯 She demands, lies, begs, and even insults him, all in an attempt to get her way. 😠 But our guy? He's had enough! 😤 He tells her to figure out her own cat situation and walks away, realizing that he just doesn't like living with her boring, manipulative self. 😒 In a bold move, he decides not to renew the lease, potentially leaving his roomie in a tough spot. 😲 But hey, sometimes you gotta do what's best for you, right? 🤷‍♂️ Let's see what the internet has to say about this wild ride of a roommate tale! 🎢

Roommate almost convinces him to catsit, but goes too far 😭

StAlvis | StAlvis

Curious about the aftermath of the cat saga and moving out

testyhedgehog | testyhedgehog

Moving on from a bad roommate experience. 🙌

[deleted] | [deleted]

Worried about your stuff while cat-sitting? Trust but verify. 😔

petitpenguinviolette | petitpenguinviolette

When your roommate's pet becomes your problem 😑

Dreamling- | Dreamling-

Glad he recognized her toxicity and is moving on. 👍

Mundane_Surprise9483 | Mundane_Surprise9483

Supportive comment, but sad for the cat's fate 😢

Libba_Loo | Libba_Loo

Roommate's cat-sitting request leads to shocking outcome. 😱

Limerase | Limerase

Compassionate concern for the cat despite roommate's behavior. 🐱

Acceptable-Abalone20 | Acceptable-Abalone20

Cat lovers warned against cat-sitting for entitled roommates! 😱

Decent_Ad6389 | Decent_Ad6389

Pro tip: Don't trust entitled roommates with your property. 🙈

becauselifeis | becauselifeis

Protect the kitty! Don't let it suffer in neglectful hands. 😾

MrsZ04 | MrsZ04

Respectful roommate vs entitled roommate with manipulative behavior 🙌

kami9393 | kami9393

Plan to move out to escape bad roommate behavior 💪

SHDrivesOnTrack | SHDrivesOnTrack

Consenting to a cat in the apartment does not make it yours 🐱. Good for you for standing up for yourself! 👏

zeiaxar | zeiaxar

Selfish roommate learns the hard way. 😒

Tinkerbell_2013 | Tinkerbell_2013

Roommate conflict leads to wise decision to separate. 🙌

Father-Son-HolyToast | Father-Son-HolyToast

Awkward roommate situation over cat ownership 🐱

Nvrfinddisacct | Nvrfinddisacct

Positive response to OP's decision to not take the cat 👍

StreetofChimes | StreetofChimes

Standing up to entitled roommates 😎

[deleted] | [deleted]

Standing up to entitled roommates 🤬

Strawberrythumbdrive | Strawberrythumbdrive

Demanding roommate throws a fit instead of asking nicely 🤷🏻‍♂️

Dastion | Dastion

Setting boundaries with roommates 🙌

ScarletDarkstar | ScarletDarkstar

Roommate drama continues! Stay safe and keep us updated! 😜

DrGPeds | DrGPeds

Cat-sitting gone wrong: NTA's experience with a roommate's pet 🐈

Strong_Land_8849 | Strong_Land_8849

Roommate's entitled behavior may harm cat. Be prepared to act 😾

SerenityM3oW | SerenityM3oW

Standing up to entitled roommates 💪

Shakeit126 | Shakeit126

The impact of banning corporal punishment on young adults 🤷‍♂️

blewyn | blewyn

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