Bride's OUTRAGEOUS Request to Friend: 'Crochet My ENTIRE Wedding Dress... For FREE!' 😱

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Diply | Diply

Hey there, fellow Facebookers! 🌟 Have you ever had a friend ask you for a favor that was just too much to handle? That's what happened to our crafty protagonist here, who started a unique tradition of gifting handmade crochet items to friends for their weddings. However, things took a turn when her friend Jay asked for a full-blown crochet wedding dress, modeled after her grandmother's lost dress! 😱 With only two months until the wedding, our crochet queen was faced with a dilemma: take on the monumental task or risk hurting her friend's feelings. 💔 Let's dive into this dramatic tale of friendship, expectations, and yarn! 🧶

A Weird Tradition 🧶

Puzzled_Cobbler_1255 | Puzzled_Cobbler_1255

Appreciative Friends 😊

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A Special Request 🥺

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A Daunting Task 😨

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Seeking Inspiration 📸

Puzzled_Cobbler_1255 | Puzzled_Cobbler_1255

Offering a Compromise 🤷

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An Angry Response 😡

Puzzled_Cobbler_1255 | Puzzled_Cobbler_1255

Divided Opinions 🤔

Puzzled_Cobbler_1255 | Puzzled_Cobbler_1255

Crochet Catastrophe: Wedding Dress Drama! 👰🧶

In a tale of friendship and crochet, our crafty protagonist found herself in a bind when her friend Jay asked her to recreate her grandmother's wedding dress, which was lost in a fire. 😢 With only two months until the big day, our crochet queen knew it would be impossible to complete such a massive project in time. Instead, she offered to make a shawl as a tribute to the beloved dress. 💕 However, Jay didn't take this well, accusing her friend of playing favorites and storming off in a huff. 😡 As their friends weighed in, opinions were divided: some said Jay's expectations were unrealistic, while others felt our protagonist could have been more sensitive. 💔 Let's see what the internet thinks of this tangled web of yarn and emotions... 🕸️🧶

Former crocheter sympathizes with bride's friend's impossible request.

Anovadea | Anovadea

Friend demands free wedding dress, calls you a bitch? NTA.

Greylen | Greylen

Politely declining friend's outrageous request for free wedding dress. NTA 👍

WelfordNelferd | WelfordNelferd

Friend demands free wedding dress crochet, calls OP a b**ch. 🤯

NotTheMama4208 | NotTheMama4208

Crochet a wedding dress for free? Definitely not the a**hole.

BoyoDee | BoyoDee

Friend demands free crocheted wedding dress, shames for alternative offer. NTA.

Semantha_Maria | Semantha_Maria

Making an entire wedding dress by hand for free? NTA.

ScratchShadow | ScratchShadow

NTA. Stick to your guns and let them do their research 🙌

___coolcoolcool | ___coolcoolcool

Friend demands free crochet wedding dress, calls you a bitch. NTA.

Hot_Box_4574 | Hot_Box_4574

Friend asked for free wedding dress crochet, commenter suggests stopping tradition

Owlvivid420 | Owlvivid420

Boundaries respected, Instagram page recommended for sewing requests 👍

MissMarionMac | MissMarionMac

Friend asks for FREE wedding dress crochet, calls favoritism. NTA.

NoSalamander7749 | NoSalamander7749

Friend wants free crochet wedding dress? NTA reconsiders relationship 🤔

French-toast-bird | French-toast-bird

Friend asked for free crochet wedding dress, called NTA a b*tch.

Humblefreindly | Humblefreindly

Friend demands free wedding dress, calls commenter a b****. NTA.

CalendarDad | CalendarDad

Crocheting a wedding dress for free on short notice is outrageous 😱

aledethanlast | aledethanlast

Creating a crochet pattern from scratch? That's a lot! 😱 NTA

AlexPenname | AlexPenname

Crafting a wedding dress for free? Absolutely not. NTA.

Strait409 | Strait409

Politely declined to crochet a wedding dress for free. NTA 👍

mynameisnotsparta | mynameisnotsparta

Friend asked to crochet free wedding dress, commenter says NTA.

teresajs | teresajs

Stand your ground! 💪 No need for toxic friends. 👍

CassandraApollo | CassandraApollo

Friend politely declines bride's outrageous request for free crochet wedding dress. NTA.

exhauta | exhauta

Friend requests free wedding dress, name-calls when denied. NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Experienced crocheter refuses entitled bride's ridiculous request. 🙌

content_great_gramma | content_great_gramma

The bridezilla got what she deserved! 😒

Nib2319 | Nib2319

Friend asked for a free crochet *wedding dress*, called friend a b*tch.

adventuresofViolet | adventuresofViolet

Friend wants free crochet wedding dress; commenter did it herself. NTA.

stitchinthyme9 | stitchinthyme9

Friend demands free crochet wedding dress, commenter advises ditching friends.

spaceylaceygirl | spaceylaceygirl

Crocheting a custom wedding dress for free? NTA says unrealistic

sleepyjess4 | sleepyjess4

Demanding thousands of hours of work for free? Not cool. NTA.

CupertinoHouse | CupertinoHouse

Friend demands free crocheted wedding dress, commenter says NTA.

StacyB125 | StacyB125

Friend demands free crochet wedding dress, calls OP a bitch. NTA.

Oldgamerlady | Oldgamerlady

Entitled bridezilla demands free handmade dress, friend says no. NTA.

Deo14 | Deo14

Politely declining unreasonable requests is NTA territory 😊

Dogmother123 | Dogmother123

Friend expects free vintage dress replica? Offer sequin scrunchie instead. NTA.

curious-by-moon | curious-by-moon

Friend's request for free wedding dress is outrageous and disrespectful. 💍

WantToBelieveInMagic | WantToBelieveInMagic

Friend wants a free crocheted wedding dress. Crocheter is NTA.

Lightworthy09 | Lightworthy09

Friend demands free crocheted wedding dress, commenter says NTA 😱

bogo0814 | bogo0814

Crocheting a wedding dress for free? NTA says it all! 😱

Annual_Version_6250 | Annual_Version_6250

Friend asks for free crocheted wedding dress, commenter NTA for refusing.

Ashkendor | Ashkendor

Compassionate response to entitled bride's outrageous request. NTA 👏

Logical_Read9153 | Logical_Read9153

Friend demanded free wedding dress crochet, tantrums when refused. NTA.

whiskeyandghosts | whiskeyandghosts

Bridezilla demands friend to crochet 20lb wedding dress for free 😱

sheburn118 | sheburn118

NTA! The entitled bridezilla needs a reality check 😱

PortlandGeekMama | PortlandGeekMama

Crochet wedding dress for free? Not possible in 2 months! 😱

Kickitup97 | Kickitup97

Friend asked to crochet entire dress for free, NTA suggests alternatives

boomboombalatty | boomboombalatty

Bridezillas be warned, don't take advantage of your friends' talents. 😡

Affectionate_Tap6416 | Affectionate_Tap6416

Friend asks for free crocheted wedding dress, OP NTA. 😑

mooseychew | mooseychew

NTA. Crocheting a wedding dress for free takes hundreds of hours 😩

Interesting_You_2315 | Interesting_You_2315

Crafty compromise for entitled bride's dress demand 🙌

Which_Stress_6431 | Which_Stress_6431

Bridezilla demands free crocheted wedding dress, calls friend names. NTA.

RevRos | RevRos

Friend demands free crochet wedding dress in 2 months, NTA says no 🙅‍♀️

Vegetable-Cod-2340 | Vegetable-Cod-2340

Friend demands free crochet wedding dress, calls honest friend a b**** 😱

Pale-Culture1527 | Pale-Culture1527

Friend unable to make dress due to hospitalisation, NTA.

Ojos_Claros | Ojos_Claros

Friend wants free crochet wedding dress, commenter says unrealistic expectations.

ExcitementGlad2995 | ExcitementGlad2995

Cut ties with the entitled bridezilla and find real friends 👍

SnapHappy3030 | SnapHappy3030

Politely declining bride's outrageous request; reminding others about impossibility.

ThingsWithString | ThingsWithString

Crocheting a whole wedding dress for free is outrageous. NTA.

MrsQute | MrsQute

Defending a friend against unreasonable demands, and calling out enablers 👍

OffKira | OffKira

Bridezilla wants a crochet wedding dress for FREE? NTA friend

Cannabis_CatSlave | Cannabis_CatSlave

OP is NTA for refusing to crochet an entire wedding dress 🧶

Auntie_FiFi | Auntie_FiFi

Bridezilla demands free crocheted wedding dress, calls friend rude. NTA.

rosezoeybear | rosezoeybear

Sarcasm aside, clearly NTA for not making a wedding dress.

nervelli | nervelli

Don't crochet for free! Friend goes nuts over bridezilla request 😒

FlippingPossum | FlippingPossum

Friend asked for a free crocheted wedding dress. NTA.

purplestarsinthesky | purplestarsinthesky

Friend asks for free crocheted wedding dress, commenter says NTA.

LanaraLore | LanaraLore

The bride's request is unreasonable, and the yarn is scarce 😱

bucwaboos | bucwaboos

Friend politely declines bride's ridiculous request to crochet wedding dress.

114squirrelsinahoody | 114squirrelsinahoody

Can anyone crochet an entire wedding dress in 2 months? 🤔

Elegant_Bluebird1283 | Elegant_Bluebird1283

Mature response to entitled bridezilla. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

BeachNo372 | BeachNo372

Polite honesty wins, NTA! 👏

londomollaribab5 | londomollaribab5

Friend demands free heirloom wedding dress, not a true friend 😒

Healthy_Art | Healthy_Art

Crochet a whole wedding dress for free? Not possible. 🧶😵

darthfruitbasket | darthfruitbasket

Crafting a wedding dress for free? Unreasonable ask. 😑

Spinnerofyarn | Spinnerofyarn

Friend demands free crochet, calls NTA a bitch. Bad friend 👎

Pleadingforsanity | Pleadingforsanity

Bridezilla demands free handmade wedding dress, friend NTA for refusing.

SaturniinaeActias | SaturniinaeActias

Crafting as a hobby should not be ruined with deadlines. 🧶

Emotional_Fan_7011 | Emotional_Fan_7011

Crocheting a wedding dress for free? No way, NTA!

mssheevaa | mssheevaa

Crocheting a wedding dress for free is unreasonable and costly. 😕

Rawinsel | Rawinsel

Friend demands free crochet wedding dress, NTA suggests teach her crochet.

thrownawayy64 | thrownawayy64

Crocheter stands up for OP's reasonable response to entitled friend. 🙌

MNVixen | MNVixen

NTA - Outrageous request and entitlement from friend. Cut ties.

DragonFireLettuce | DragonFireLettuce

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