Husband Calls Pregnant Wife a 'Rotisserie Chicken'... 😲 You Won't Believe What Happens Next!

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You know how couples have those cute, quirky nicknames for each other? Well, this couple took it to a whole new level with their nickname game. From doorknobs to rotisserie chickens, they've got it all! But, when the wife, Cindy, gained some weight during the pandemic, things took an unexpected turn. 😬 She tearfully asked her husband if he still found her beautiful, and his response? Well, let's just say it didn't go as planned... 🤦‍♂️

Weird Nicknames and Doorknobs 🚪

aita_0193 | aita_0193

The Famous Rotisserie Chicken 🍗

aita_0193 | aita_0193

Cindy's Weight Gain 😥

aita_0193 | aita_0193

Tears and Beauty 💔

aita_0193 | aita_0193

Comforting Words and a Walk in the Park 🌳

aita_0193 | aita_0193

Hugs and Kisses 😘

aita_0193 | aita_0193

The Rotisserie Chicken Comment 🐔

aita_0193 | aita_0193

Tears and a Locked Door 😭

aita_0193 | aita_0193

Apologies and Nighttime 🌙

aita_0193 | aita_0193

Refusing to Talk and Evening Walks 🚶‍♀️

aita_0193 | aita_0193

Guilt and Seeking Answers 😔

aita_0193 | aita_0193

Cindy's Update: Roses and Apologies 🌹

aita_0193 | aita_0193

Concern and Gratitude 🙏

aita_0193 | aita_0193

Surprise! A Baby on the Way! 👶

aita_0193 | aita_0193

Happiness and No More Name-Calling 🚫

aita_0193 | aita_0193

Rotisserie Chicken Comment Gone Wrong 🐔😭

So, our protagonist tried to cheer up his wife, Cindy, who was upset about her recent weight gain. He assured her that she was still beautiful and suggested they take walks in the park together. But when she asked if he was sure, he tried to lighten the mood with their quirky nickname, calling her a "wonderful rotisserie chicken." Oops! 😬 Cindy burst into tears and locked herself in their room. They've since resumed their normal routine, but our protagonist still feels guilty. But wait, there's a twist! Cindy later revealed she's pregnant, and the couple is overjoyed. 🤰🎉 So, what does the internet think of this emotional rollercoaster? Let's dive into the top responses and find out! 🕵️‍♀️

Husband's insensitive comment gets a pass due to good intentions.

gen_petra | gen_petra

Gentle YTA comment reminds husband to support his wife 🙏

SoSayWeAllx | SoSayWeAllx

Couples can have funny nicknames, but be careful with timing 🤪

Kltpzyxm-rm | Kltpzyxm-rm

NAH, apologize and find a new term for pregnant wife 😊

tergiversensation | tergiversensation

Playful nickname or insensitive comment? NTA or YTA? 🤔

walnutwithteeth | walnutwithteeth

Using nicknames without considering context can result in misunderstandings. 😕

cara1888 | cara1888

Husband's 'Rotisserie Chicken' joke didn't fly with pregnant wife 🤭

Responsible_Cloud_92 | Responsible_Cloud_92

Husband's nickname for wife backfires, but NAH, all good.

feistydommemilf | feistydommemilf

Reading the room is key! YTA for 'rotisserie chicken' name.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Pregnant wife is sensitive to nicknames during pregnancy. NAH.

twocatsanddog | twocatsanddog

Husband gets called out for insensitive comment, told to apologize 👍

SoCalAttorney | SoCalAttorney

NAH couple's inside joke crossed a line, but they can move on 🙌

pokethejellyfish | pokethejellyfish

A heartwarming comment about pregnancy with a touch of humor 😂

theory_until | theory_until

Miscommunication over endearment, pause until self-image is secure. 🙂

MelodyRaine | MelodyRaine

Is she pregnant or just emotional? NAH comment section

Ronalineeee | Ronalineeee

Pregnant woman finds humor in 'rotisserie chicken' comment 😂

SourSkittlezx | SourSkittlezx

Stop making jokes about emotional things, learn to read the room. 🙄

act006 | act006

Pregnant wife called 'Rotisserie Chicken', NAH after apology

FridayCab | FridayCab

Spouse uses inappropriate nickname, commenter suggests alternatives. NAH.

JojoCruz206 | JojoCruz206

Insensitive joke adds insult to injury for pregnant wife. YTI.

LucyLovesApples | LucyLovesApples

Dealing with a partner seeking validation is exhausting. NTA.

brita998866 | brita998866

Pregnancy hormones: a rollercoaster ride 🍻

Far_Administration41 | Far_Administration41

Heartwarming surprise pregnancy story with a happy ending! ❤️

iceninechemicals | iceninechemicals

NTA for using a nickname, she overreacted a bit 🙄

lickykicky | lickykicky

Misunderstanding handled well, taking walks together is sweet 😍


Reassurance, not rotisserie. 💐📝💕

IllustriousEffort937 | IllustriousEffort937

A supportive comment on emotional validation and exercise.

tazome | tazome

When joking about weight, tread carefully. NTA/ESH/YTA ⚠️

Tots2Hots | Tots2Hots

Cute pet name or body shaming? NAH, but wife's feelings matter.

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA. NTI either. Light-hearted teasing between spouses. 😄

PerfectBiscotti | PerfectBiscotti

Nicknames can be endearing, even if they're food-related 🍖

seba_make | seba_make

Pregnancy bonding in the comment section 🥰 😍

jessirentmonster | jessirentmonster

Sweet comment with cooking metaphor for pregnancy, no replies.

BipolarBirb93 | BipolarBirb93

OP gets hilarious baby name suggestions and a warning 😂

Spellscribe | Spellscribe

Empathetic comment suggests apology and reassurance for struggling spouse. 💜

PorkchopMeli | PorkchopMeli

Using humor to comfort someone is unpredictable, NAH. 🤷🏻‍♀️

melikesburger | melikesburger

Calling yourself a rotisserie chicken is one thing but... 😂

Nevermoremonkey | Nevermoremonkey

Existing silly nickname causes misunderstanding, but NAH.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Husband unintentionally hurts pregnant wife with nickname, needs reassuring words ❤️

emherrera1960 | emherrera1960

Pregnant woman shares funny nickname during pregnancy. 😂

ladylikely | ladylikely

A suggestion to apologize with a love note ❤️

toniaa1 | toniaa1

Apologize for calling her 'Rotisserie Chicken', NAH explained.

od1ns_left_nut | od1ns_left_nut

Creative nicknames between couples lead to funny moments 😂

Jamie___May | Jamie___May

Be mindful of your partner's feelings 😔

Kimmbley | Kimmbley

Navigating body changes during pregnancy with extra love. 😍

adisplacedcanadian | adisplacedcanadian

A gentle comment with advice on making up for mistakes.

guitarguywh89 | guitarguywh89

Odd nicknames lead to misunderstanding but no a**holes here 🙂

Evolution1313 | Evolution1313

NAH husband nicknamed wife 'Rotisserie Chicken', make it up to her 🍗

imidoesonlyfans | imidoesonlyfans

Sweet reassurance turns sour with 'rotisserie chicken' comparison.

Feisty-Cat-Mum | Feisty-Cat-Mum

Compliment gone wrong? Wife's reaction to 'Rotisserie Chicken' comment.

Pandamonium247 | Pandamonium247

Cutesy name gone wrong- NAH comments on husband's 'rotisserie chicken'

TrixIx | TrixIx

Apologize to your wife for hurting her feelings 💞

BadgerMama | BadgerMama

Misreading vulnerability: NAH comment on husband's insensitive joke.

narrauko | narrauko

Understanding the science behind pregnancy emotions 🤓

wubbalab | wubbalab

Pet names gone wrong? NTA for using context 🤷‍♀️

Nurgleboiz | Nurgleboiz

Lighthearted nickname leads to NTA judgement and tater tots 🥑

Blinkme03 | Blinkme03

Insensitive husband labeled YTA after cruel comment to pregnant wife 😔

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA defends husband's harmless comment, calls out wife's sensitivity.

Critpass | Critpass

Using a nickname led to a meltdown? NTA here 😕

Fluffy-Couch-Shark | Fluffy-Couch-Shark

Using food terms as pet names can be risky business.

Laineybin | Laineybin

Using insensitive pet names during pregnancy can be hurtful.

dontfretimnot | dontfretimnot

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