Holiday Showdown: Girlfriend vs. Boyfriend's Dad Over Buying Pads 😱

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Diply | Diply

Picture this: you're spending the holidays with your significant other's family, and you wake up to the lovely surprise of your period starting. 🎉 You ask your partner to grab some pads from the store, but when their dad finds out, he laughs and says he's never touched a pack of pads in his life, claiming it doesn't concern men. 😒 Already in a bad mood, you snap back, insinuating he's not a real man if he can't buy some f***ing pads. 🤬 Now, things are awkward, and you're wondering if you took it too far. 🤔 Let's dive into this dramatic tale!

🎄 Holiday Family Time 🎄

Eastern_Possession32 | Eastern_Possession32

🎉 New Year's Surprise 🎉

Eastern_Possession32 | Eastern_Possession32

🍳 Breakfast with the In-Laws 🍳

Eastern_Possession32 | Eastern_Possession32

🤔 Dad's Curiosity 🤔

Eastern_Possession32 | Eastern_Possession32

😮 Shocked Faces 😮

Eastern_Possession32 | Eastern_Possession32

🚫 No Pads for Dad 🚫

Eastern_Possession32 | Eastern_Possession32

😠 Annoyed and Ready to Respond 😠

Eastern_Possession32 | Eastern_Possession32

🤬 Dad's Furious Reaction 🤬

Eastern_Possession32 | Eastern_Possession32

😐 Awkward Situation 😐

Eastern_Possession32 | Eastern_Possession32

🤔 Questioning My Actions 🤔

Eastern_Possession32 | Eastern_Possession32

🚨 Real Man or Not? The Great Pad Debate 🚨

Our protagonist is spending the holidays with her boyfriend's family when she wakes up to her period starting. 🎉 She sends her boyfriend to buy some pads, but when his dad finds out, he laughs and says he's never touched a pack of pads in his life, claiming it doesn't concern men. 😒 Already in a bad mood, our heroine snaps back, insinuating he's not a real man if he can't buy some f***ing pads. 🤬 Dad blows up and rants about how much of a real man he is before storming off, leaving an awkward situation behind. 😐 Now, our protagonist is contemplating apologizing and leaving to make things better, but is she really in the wrong? 🤔 Let's see what the internet thinks of this situation...

ESH vs. boyfriend's dad's antiquated ideas: personal attacks ensue 🤮

LadyCass79 | LadyCass79

Gender roles clash in pad-buying argument. ESH in overreaction.

Cataclysmus78 | Cataclysmus78

ESH's antiquated views on feminine hygiene make them AHs 😠

jrm1102 | jrm1102

Real men buy pads for the women they care about 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Guest shamed for calling out boyfriend's dad over pads.

forte6320 | forte6320

Disrespectful behavior leads to YTA verdict 😕

Environmental-Bat820 | Environmental-Bat820

NTA stands up to conservative dad's outdated views on menstruation 💪

trivial_burnsuit_451 | trivial_burnsuit_451

Exaggeration or not, both parties bear responsibility in this argument 😬

ForemanNatural | ForemanNatural

Disagreement over pads leads to swearing and insults. Yikes. 😱

Competitive_Delay865 | Competitive_Delay865

NTA stands up against harmful stereotypes. Fragile masculinity exposed 😱

Cool_Relative7359 | Cool_Relative7359

Drawing the line: OP refuses to support father's outdated views 💪

Individual_Paper_105 | Individual_Paper_105

NTA commenter defends girl buying pads against boyfriend's dad's shaming 😱

Blucola333 | Blucola333

Empowering response to subtle misogyny. 🤷🏽‍♀️

21cgss | 21cgss

NTA comment shuts down fragile masculinity of boyfriend's dad 😎

Weird-Pomegranate388 | Weird-Pomegranate388

NTA shuts down backward thinking of boyfriend's dad over buying pads 😱

AaronBurrSer | AaronBurrSer

Insulting boyfriend's dad over pads: OP may be the A**hole 😕

stephnetkin | stephnetkin

Boomers being boomers, but YTA for disrespecting boyfriend's father 😱

HotShotWriterDude | HotShotWriterDude

Navigating cultural differences when buying pads with boyfriend's parents.

Didntlikedefaultname | Didntlikedefaultname

Annoying dad? NTA! Sounds like a struggle, hang in there 🙌

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA. Apologize for shattering fragile ego, not needed though. 🤷‍♀️

GodzillaUK | GodzillaUK

Is this a real comment or just trolling? 🤔

meetmypuka | meetmypuka

Support for not caving to unreasonable demands from boyfriend's dad. 👏

extremfurryfoxenergy | extremfurryfoxenergy

Sensitivity and respect are key in intergenerational conflicts. 👍

Inevitable_ADHD | Inevitable_ADHD

Gender role clash gets heated, but YTA for insults.

Cinaedus_Perversus | Cinaedus_Perversus

Guest's pad-buying critique sparks heated masculinity debate 🤬

[deleted] | [deleted]

Partner's dad embarrassed, future hangouts may be awkward 🤷‍♂️

xRocketman52x | xRocketman52x

Woman stands up for herself against outdated views, NTA 👏

Bradster123321 | Bradster123321

Clash of opinions: Commenter against disrespectful house guests 😠

Waste-Conference7306 | Waste-Conference7306

Standing up for yourself but making peace with boyfriend's dad 👏

ZestycloseService | ZestycloseService

Period talk triggering incels in the comments 😱

Skelders333 | Skelders333

Insulting boyfriend's dad: YTA. Outdated views suck, manners matter 😒

galacticprincess | galacticprincess

User called out for oversharing; YTA verdict given. 🤨

hamhead | hamhead

ESH. Guest calls out fragile masculinity in rude way during holidays 😱

MeldoRoxl | MeldoRoxl

Dealing with in-laws: YTA comment suggests keeping calm 🙌

Impossible_Grill | Impossible_Grill

Respectful communication is key, avoid insulting and keep private issues private.

RefrigeratorPretty51 | RefrigeratorPretty51

YTA shares TMI and escalates fight as a guest 🙄

EntrepreneurAmazing3 | EntrepreneurAmazing3

Guest oversharing bodily functions at breakfast table - YTA

kegspluskats | kegspluskats

Don't exclude men from period talk! NTA for reaction 👏

Sure-Skirt-5308 | Sure-Skirt-5308

Don't instigate a fight over pads with your partner's dad 🤷‍♀️

vanilla_skies_ | vanilla_skies_

Guest criticized for abusive behavior during period mishap. YTA.

Squirrel_Revolution | Squirrel_Revolution

YTA comment accuses OP of being rude and insulting.

GroundbreakingLog906 | GroundbreakingLog906

Don't discuss health, religion, politics or periods unless asked 😕

Mr_White_Fam | Mr_White_Fam

OP called out for sexist attack on boyfriend's dad. YTA 👎

rmpumper | rmpumper

Macho dad insults period pads, NTA stands up to him 🙌

First_Platypus3063 | First_Platypus3063

Father of the year! 😎

BumbleBeePL | BumbleBeePL

When insulting someone's masculinity goes wrong 🤯

JoulesMoose | JoulesMoose

Navigating uncomfortable conversations with your partner's family 😐

LemonDeathRay | LemonDeathRay

Real men help their loved ones, no matter what. 💪🏼

JackB041334 | JackB041334

OP called out for insulting boyfriend's dad in his own house 😬

Breadbp | Breadbp

Breaking gender norms and supporting partners. 🚹🚺

AethericOwl | AethericOwl

Challenging outdated views: NTA comment wins the showdown 💪

ThornbackPotato | ThornbackPotato

Standing up for modernity against fragile masculinity. NTA wins.

aetius5 | aetius5

Dad proves buying pads isn't a big deal, end of story! 😊

GinKi11 | GinKi11

Don't let a harmless joke ruin potential family relationships 👍

Ambitious-Event-5911 | Ambitious-Event-5911

Guest insults host's manhood, YTA, comment section agrees 😠

aneightfoldway | aneightfoldway

User called out for attacking boyfriend's parents over pads. YTA.

SomeAd8993 | SomeAd8993

YTA for not being considerate as a guest in someone's home 😔

KayCeeBayBeee | KayCeeBayBeee

Disagreeing with tact could have avoided 'YTA' judgement 🤔

huntressdivine | huntressdivine

Be discreet when buying pads. YTA for creating a display. 😳

[deleted] | [deleted]

Civil disagreement is key 🙌. Responding with hostility makes YTA.

Still_Comment_7596 | Still_Comment_7596

Gender roles and communication breakdown cause conflict. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️

Darth_Arkayde | Darth_Arkayde

Awkward overshare at breakfast table, period talk for all 🤷🏼‍♀️

chrisvai | chrisvai

Awkward breakfast conversation about menstruation. Yikes 😳

[deleted] | [deleted]

Toxic masculinity gets called out in the comments 🔥

One_Let6489 | One_Let6489

Insulting bf's dad over pads: YTA, entitlement, disrespectful behavior. 😱

Loki-9562 | Loki-9562

User gets called out for being YTA, hilarity ensues 😂

Miserable_Dentist_70 | Miserable_Dentist_70

Guest oversteps boundaries, gets called out for rudeness 😬

Scarryfish | Scarryfish

Old-fashioned dad gets called out for not buying pads 😱

Cleo_oreo2015 | Cleo_oreo2015

Gender roles, apologies, and consistency. 🤔

MultipleSwoliosis | MultipleSwoliosis

Calling out male fragility. NTA for pointing out hypocrisy 👏

p3anvt | p3anvt

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