Birthday Dinner Drama: Chips & Salsa Showdown 😱

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Diply | Diply

We all love a good birthday dinner, especially when someone else is treating us! But what happens when the treat comes with a side of financial stress? One guy took his girlfriend out to her favorite Mexican restaurant for her birthday, but when she wanted a second helping of chips and salsa, he put his foot down. Did he go too far, or was he justified in his decision? Let's dive into this spicy story! 🌶️

Birthday Celebration Plans 🎉

chipsnsalsacost | chipsnsalsacost

Financial Struggles 😓

chipsnsalsacost | chipsnsalsacost

HOA Troubles 🏠

chipsnsalsacost | chipsnsalsacost

Penalties Looming ⚠️

chipsnsalsacost | chipsnsalsacost

Birthday Dinner Time 🍽️

chipsnsalsacost | chipsnsalsacost

Drink Orders 🍻

chipsnsalsacost | chipsnsalsacost

Hungry & Waiting 😋

chipsnsalsacost | chipsnsalsacost

The Chips & Salsa Debate 🤨

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Money Matters 💸

chipsnsalsacost | chipsnsalsacost

Birthday Girl's Response 🎂

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Drink Limitations? 🍹

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The Boyfriend's Stance 🚫

chipsnsalsacost | chipsnsalsacost

Chips & Salsa Showdown: Who's Right? 🥊

So, there you have it: a birthday dinner with a side of drama. Our financially stressed boyfriend wanted to treat his girlfriend to a special meal, but when she asked for more chips and salsa, he refused, saying it wasn't worth the extra $5. The birthday girl was not pleased, questioning his generosity and asking if he'd also limit her drink choices. Was he being too stingy, or was he justified in his decision? Let's see what people have to say about this spicy situation... 🌶️

Is $5 too much for a birthday treat? YTA thinks so 😒

nnubuvtcc | nnubuvtcc

Celebrating within budget is important. YTA for making a scene.

Mindless_Anywhere_74 | Mindless_Anywhere_74

YTA for ruining her birthday over $5 chips & salsa 😱

Alarming-Instance-19 | Alarming-Instance-19

User calls out OP for spoiling girlfriend's birthday over $5

SnooHesitations9269 | SnooHesitations9269

Cheap birthday dinner sparks YTA verdict and sympathy for girlfriend 😢

ellisonjune | ellisonjune

Cheapskate boyfriend gets called out for not paying for extra chips & salsa on girlfriend's birthday. YTA 😑

[deleted] | [deleted]

Don't be a cheapskate on your partner's birthday! YTA 😑

gover2087 | gover2087

A $5 chips and salsa drama over margaritas? 🤯

Dangerous_Aspect_905 | Dangerous_Aspect_905

User calls out OP for being cheap and seeking sympathy 🤨

Hazelwood38 | Hazelwood38

Money drama in Birthday Dinner. YTA for not compromising 😑

[deleted] | [deleted]

Birthday dinner ruined by rude comment. YTA 😠

SandrineSmiles | SandrineSmiles

Offer to treat but quibbling over $5 makes YTA 😑

sashaopinion | sashaopinion

Birthday dinner ruined over $5? 🤔 YTA according to comment.

NiteGrimwood | NiteGrimwood

Controlling guest's order? YTA. Set budget beforehand. 🙄

[deleted] | [deleted]

Birthday budgeting: YTA for denying chips and salsa 🎂🌮

Frequent_Jellyfish69 | Frequent_Jellyfish69

Being cheap on a birthday dinner? YTA, not worth it 🙄

-Numaios- | -Numaios-

Birthday dinner ruined over $5 chips and salsa. YTA.

Sandman0312 | Sandman0312

Suggesting a budget talk for birthday dinner drama 👍

OffkilterPendulum7 | OffkilterPendulum7

User thinks OP is being cheap on GF's birthday dinner 💰

[deleted] | [deleted]

Communication is key! Be honest with your girlfriend about finances 💰

GlassSandwich9315 | GlassSandwich9315

User calls out stingy boyfriend on birthday dinner, YTA confirmed 👎

Infinite_Ad9519 | Infinite_Ad9519

Financial communication is key. YTA for not setting expectations.

windywitchofthewest | windywitchofthewest

Financial stress caused birthday dinner drama 😕

k_smith_ | k_smith_

Generosity vs stinginess: $5 on her birthday. YTA 😒

Teollenne | Teollenne

YTA didn't want to sacrifice for $5 chips and salsa 🤦‍♂️

Miss_Mae_87 | Miss_Mae_87

Birthday drama and cheapness! Yikes! 🤯

Anteater3100 | Anteater3100

Birthday dinner turns into a chips & salsa showdown. YTA.

misfitpomegranate | misfitpomegranate

Communication is key: YTA could have explained concerns better 💬

ironflab | ironflab

Partner turns birthday into selfish act. YTA verdict.

MealEcstatic6686 | MealEcstatic6686

Chips & salsa or a new staircase? YTA chooses poorly 🤨

[deleted] | [deleted]

Don't be a cheapskate, YTA. 🤑

[deleted] | [deleted]

Gifts with strings attached are not gifts. YTA.

Pyewacket62 | Pyewacket62

User suggests better options for birthday dinner, calls OP YTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Birthday dinner ruined over $5 chips and salsa. YTA.

IhateAerobubbles | IhateAerobubbles

Texan outraged at paying for chips & salsa, calls YTA 😤

FrontDivide5285 | FrontDivide5285

YTA for being cheap on a birthday dinner 😒

SoloBurger13 | SoloBurger13

Cook her a birthday dinner instead if you're struggling 💰🍴

RaZZeR_9351 | RaZZeR_9351

OP is called out for not treating his girlfriend well 💔

SegaNeptune28 | SegaNeptune28

Financial issues cause birthday dinner drama, ESH in argument.

VersatileFaerie | VersatileFaerie

Ouch! A blunt YTA comment on financial struggles 😱


User calls out YTA for not affording $5 extra 💰

12whatnow | 12whatnow

Counting pennies ruined the outing. YTA for being cheap 😒

LeilaDFW | LeilaDFW

Communicate openly with your partner to avoid birthday drama 👍

addisonavenue | addisonavenue

YTA for controlling what she could eat over $5 😱

KathAlMyPal | KathAlMyPal

YTA for not communicating about finances, could have skipped drinks 😑

QueenBeeKitty85 | QueenBeeKitty85

Man accused of being a gold digger over $5 chips 🤦‍♂️

iAmTheRealDeeDee | iAmTheRealDeeDee

DIY shaming and expensive beer: YTA in this comment section 😬🍺

ExaminationNo2861 | ExaminationNo2861

Texan defends free chips and salsa, calls out birthday cheapskate 🌮

ThrownawayART | ThrownawayART

User dismisses $5 charge, suggests fixing deck instead of dining out.

Lumpy-Prior3261 | Lumpy-Prior3261

Relationship goals > Chips & Salsa. 🙌💕

Feeling_Valuable_729 | Feeling_Valuable_729

Birthday dinner ruined over $5, YTA according to comment.

Dis4Dinosaur | Dis4Dinosaur

The real crime at a Mexican restaurant? Paying for chips! 🤯

Disastrous_Walrus770 | Disastrous_Walrus770

Money or chips and salsa? NTA for choosing wisely.

theGrimmwood | theGrimmwood

Debate over $5 chips and salsa at restaurant sparks discussion 💬

CherylRoseZ | CherylRoseZ

A comment on privilege and entitlement during a birthday dinner.

Hermojo | Hermojo

Ouch! A harsh reality check for this penny-pinching diner.

bellydancingmarlin | bellydancingmarlin

YTA for being cheap on a birthday dinner 🙄

RainbowScissors | RainbowScissors

A harsh YTA comment suggests cooking at home for birthdays.

Dusty_mother | Dusty_mother

Don't offer if you can't afford it 🙄

Haunted_Backdoor | Haunted_Backdoor

Money troubles lead to restaurant drama. YTA for inviting.

Alakandra | Alakandra

Ouch! A comment calling out someone's financial situation. 💸

sueelleker | sueelleker

YTA for ruining your gf's birthday over chips & salsa 🤦‍♂️

Rohan0785 | Rohan0785

YTA commenter calls out cheapness in deck repair dispute.

OkHoneydew296 | OkHoneydew296

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