Mom Kicks Out Husband's Friends Over Horror Movie Night 😱📺

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Family movie nights can be a great way to bond and relax, but what happens when the choice of film causes a rift between family members? A mother recently found herself in the middle of a heated argument between her husband and their son, all because of a horror movie. With one child terrified and the other standing up for his brother, the situation quickly escalated. Let's dive into the story to find out what happened. 😬🍿

The Weekly Movie Night 🎥

noscarymoviesallowed | noscarymoviesallowed

A Fear of Ghosts 👻

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A Scary Sleepover 😨

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A Request to Change the Channel 📺

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The Reason Behind the Argument 🗣️

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Mocking the Fear 😒

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Taking Action 💪

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The Aftermath 🛋️

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Silent Treatment 😶

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A Guilty Little Brother 😢

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A Horror Movie Night Gone Wrong 😳

In this tale of family drama, a mother finds herself caught in the middle when her husband's weekly movie night with friends takes a turn for the worse. With one son terrified of the horror movie being played, and the other son standing up for his brother, the situation quickly escalates. After the father and his friends mock the scared child, the mother takes action, kicking everyone out and demanding apologies. But with the father and older son not speaking, and the younger son feeling guilty, one can't help but wonder if things went too far. Let's see what the internet thinks of this situation... 🤔💭

NTA. Husband needs to grow up and respect his child's fears 🙏

CyclonicHavoc | CyclonicHavoc

NTA. Older brother protects younger sibling from disrespectful grown men. 👏

Imaginary-Fall-7310 | Imaginary-Fall-7310

Empathetic commenter suggests consequences for husband's friend's behavior. 👏

lilmsbalindabuffant | lilmsbalindabuffant

Resentment towards controlling fathers can lead to estrangement. 😔

Anxious_Light_1808 | Anxious_Light_1808

Father's insensitivity towards son's friend sparks concern among readers.

NixKlappt-Reddit | NixKlappt-Reddit

Mom stands up for her kids and shuts down husband's friends 👏

bellePunk | bellePunk

Dad's horror movie night causes family conflict and concern 😱🎥

Mehgs_and_cheese | Mehgs_and_cheese

Sibling love wins as mom stands up for son against husband's friends 👏

xcriss525x | xcriss525x

Father and his friends made fun of scared 8-year-old. NTA.

MrBananaStorm | MrBananaStorm

User asks for more information and calls out OP's behavior.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Dad's lack of consideration leads to brother's heroic act 👏

sickandopinionated | sickandopinionated

NTA mom's kids are amazing, husband needs a talking to 🙌

Boopboopdedoop51 | Boopboopdedoop51

Defending the OP's parenting and calling out bullying behavior 👍

StrykerC13 | StrykerC13

NTA mom stands up for scared child against teasing husband 👏

VixieWillow | VixieWillow

Alan is the real MVP of this horror movie night 👏

Annabelle-Sunshine | Annabelle-Sunshine

Traumatized by X-Files music as a kid 😱🤣

EtherealEccentric | EtherealEccentric

Basic parenting skills lacking, husband needs to prioritize family. NTA 👍

RaysUnderwater | RaysUnderwater

Sleepover blunder aside, commenter agrees NTA for kicking out friends 👍

Angry-Dragon-1331 | Angry-Dragon-1331

Brave 14-year-old stands up against dad's bullying friends 🤯

Tigarana | Tigarana

Encouraging comment supporting OP's decision to stand up against bullying. 👍

Ok-Sprinkles-3509 | Ok-Sprinkles-3509

Husband's horror movie night leads to family drama. NTA.

Shibaspots | Shibaspots

Husband's inconsiderate behavior causes chaos, wife enables it. 🤷‍♀️

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA. Father needs to prioritize his children over scoring points with friends.

cleaningmama | cleaningmama

14-year-old shows more maturity than 42-year-old father 😔

Blacksmithforge3241 | Blacksmithforge3241

Parenting 101: Don't act younger than your own children 🤣

rustysporks69 | rustysporks69

Son's moral stand against parent's friends praised 💯

suddenlyupsidedown | suddenlyupsidedown

Standing up to bullies is NTA, but child abuse is YTA.

krissy100 | krissy100

Putting your children's comfort first is always the right choice 👍

Square-Maximum-3222 | Square-Maximum-3222

Husband's horror movie night leads to abusive behavior. ESH.

delkarnu | delkarnu

14-year-old defends brother against husband's friends during movie night 👏

Sure_Tree_5042 | Sure_Tree_5042

Proud of son for standing up to bully, husband is AH 👏

taytaybear94 | taytaybear94

Parenting gone wrong. NTA for standing up for child 👏

Blindman003 | Blindman003

Father should have son's back. Teasing and humiliation not okay 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Protecting your child's safety is not being an a**hole 👍

Fancy_Avocado7497 | Fancy_Avocado7497

Husband's inconsiderate behavior leads to mom kicking out friends 😒

Stl-hou | Stl-hou

Mom stands up for her kids and earns praise. 👏

justsoft | justsoft

Defending sons = NTA, but kicking husband to couch = A-hole move 🤷‍♂️

TriceratopsWrex | TriceratopsWrex

User advises leaving husband for being a bad father/husband. 🚫

lilyofthevalley2659 | lilyofthevalley2659

Brother defends sibling, earns praise. Heartwarming bond between siblings 💜

Forward-Step-4234 | Forward-Step-4234

14-year-old son protects 8-year-old brother from dad's taunts. NTA.

BonusMomSays | BonusMomSays

Protective mom receives support for banning horror movie night 😊

KilnTime | KilnTime

Childhood trauma from horror movies, NTA for kicking friends out 😱

crimsonarm | crimsonarm

Parent prioritizes child's safety over husband's friends' movie night 👍


Watching inappropriate movies with young kids around is not cool 😒

TouchTheMoss | TouchTheMoss

Defending kids, NTA! Kicking out husband's friends is justified.

Annual_Newspaper_326 | Annual_Newspaper_326

NTA. Husband refused to put his children first. Protect your children 🙏

CalypsoContinuum | CalypsoContinuum

Engaging reply to YTA comment with advice and humor 👍

khampang | khampang

Traumatized by horror movies as a child? Still hate stepdad 😱

yavanna12 | yavanna12

Protecting children's mental health is crucial, NTA. 👍

Mimic720 | Mimic720

NTA's brother is a good support system amidst psychological abuse 👍

Purple-Valuable-5245 | Purple-Valuable-5245

Setting boundaries for sleepovers and toxic masculinity addressed. 👍

seanthebean24 | seanthebean24

Defending mom's actions in kicking out husband's friends 💪

Prestigious_Dig_863 | Prestigious_Dig_863

Great parenting skills! Your son is a wonderful older brother 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Son defends brother, husband's friends kicked out. NTA wins 👏

MxXylda | MxXylda

Support for mom standing up to husband's bullying behavior 👏

badadvicefromaspider | badadvicefromaspider

8-year-old scared during movie, NTA mom kicks out friends.

Party_Salamander_773 | Party_Salamander_773

Brother gets bullied for being scared of movie, dad joins in 😢

AllAFantasy30 | AllAFantasy30

Sibling love wins, NTA. Heartwarming story 💕

DevilsTheology | DevilsTheology

Kids these days are too soft for horror movies 😱

satansBigMac | satansBigMac

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