Man Refuses to Drop Everything for Pregnant Girlfriend's Discomfort 😬

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Diply | Diply

Meet our dad-to-be (27M) and his pregnant girlfriend (21F), who are expecting their first baby in May. However, the journey hasn't been smooth sailing. The girlfriend, terrified of giving birth and lacking family support, experiences anxiety with every little discomfort. But our protagonist is growing tired of her constant requests to visit the hospital, feeling like she's taking advantage of him. With a recent argument leaving them at odds, let's dive into the story and see if he's really being the bad guy. 😕

First-Time Parents, Chaotic Pregnancy 🤰

Joelaken | Joelaken

Girlfriend's Fear and Anxiety 😨

Joelaken | Joelaken

Lack of Family Support 🚫

Joelaken | Joelaken

Feeling Taken Advantage Of 😒

Joelaken | Joelaken

The Fight Begins 🥊

Joelaken | Joelaken

Hospital Trips Piling Up 🏥

Joelaken | Joelaken

Work vs. Hospital Dilemma 🤔

Joelaken | Joelaken

Accusations Fly 🗣️

Joelaken | Joelaken

The Argument Continues ⚡

Joelaken | Joelaken

Cold Shoulder Treatment ❄️

Joelaken | Joelaken

Information Withheld 🤐

Joelaken | Joelaken

Apologies and Anger 😔

Joelaken | Joelaken

Feeling Like the Asshole? 🙁

Joelaken | Joelaken

Is He Really the Bad Guy? 🧐

Our dad-to-be is at his wit's end with his girlfriend's constant hospital trips and feels she's taking advantage of him. After a heated argument, she gives him the cold shoulder and withholds information about their unborn child. He's apologized, but she's still mad. Is he really in the wrong, or is his frustration justified? Let's see what the internet has to say about this situation... 🍿

"YTA - Minimizing her symptoms? You're locked in this rollercoaster!"

7hr0wn | 7hr0wn

"YTA for real, jesus. Four times in seven months is reasonable!" 😡

richardthickcreams | richardthickcreams

"YTA. She should leave you. She is due to give birth NEXT MONTH. If something goes wrong it could go very wrong, very fast. You might have left your co-workers shorthanded. She could have died of eclampsia or been in premature labor. You're not the same." 😡

NeeliSilverleaf | NeeliSilverleaf

"Almost four times" - OP dismisses pregnant girlfriend's discomfort. YTA 😬

embopbopbopdoowop | embopbopbopdoowop

"YTA. MASSIVELY SO." - Commenter calls out OP for dismissing pregnant girlfriend's concerns 😱

Sel-Reddit | Sel-Reddit

"YTA - Dude missed the birth of his child 😬"

Sparky81 | Sparky81

"Why do women reproduce with males like you? I'll never understand." 😬

reyan227 | reyan227

YTA, gaslighting 21 y/o gf. Therapy needed for toxic masculinity. 😬

JLP278 | JLP278

"Barely an adult, high-risk pregnancy, and least helpful partner" 😬

ladytypeperson | ladytypeperson

"YTA. Pregnancy is hard. Don't dismiss her fears and discomfort. 😬"

WolfGoddess77 | WolfGoddess77

Commenter criticizes OP for downplaying pregnant girlfriend's discomfort. YTA 😡

Resitance_Cat | Resitance_Cat

NTA: Balancing work and family is important, but communication matters.

jockstrappy | jockstrappy

"Dude, she's not a f**king incubator." 😡 YTA

iamevilcupcake | iamevilcupcake

Curious about the length of their relationship? 😍

lesbosupreme420 | lesbosupreme420

"YTA, understand the responsibility of protecting your unborn child 👶"

tmarie656 | tmarie656

YTA for downplaying your pregnant girlfriend's pain and anxiety 😬

Clear-Truck4726 | Clear-Truck4726

"YTA. She's scared. Be supportive and understanding during pregnancy. 😬"

Material-Profit5923 | Material-Profit5923

"YTA for not helping your pregnant girlfriend. What's wrong with you?"

Agreeable_Guard_7229 | Agreeable_Guard_7229

YTA. Ignoring pregnant girlfriend's discomfort can have serious consequences. 😬

Slothfulsnuggle | Slothfulsnuggle

"YTA. Take her to the hospital, and also encourage her to seek mental health care and join support groups. If she is all alone and scared she needs more support than just you. It is 100% better to be safe than sorry in these situations, and the hospital staff are 100% used to seeing people come in frequently during a pregnancy to make sure everything is okay." 💪

dothepingu | dothepingu

Insensitive partner dismisses pregnant girlfriend's concerns, causing further distress 😢

Consistent_Ad460 | Consistent_Ad460

YTA. Hope she leaves you. Signed, a pregnant lady 😬

whyyousofaraway | whyyousofaraway

Mixed signals: YTA wants info but not responsibility 😬

Stlhockeygrl | Stlhockeygrl

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