Make-A-Wish Recipient Faces Family Drama: Was it Selfish to Wish for Themselves? 😱

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Imagine being granted a wish by the Make-A-Wish Foundation, only to face backlash from your own family for choosing something for yourself. That's the dilemma one young adult is facing after they used their wish for a shopping spree to help them in their university studies. The family, on the other hand, believes the wish should've been used for something that benefits everyone. With emotions running high and a computer on the line, who's in the right? Let's dive into this emotionally charged story. 😢🛍️

The Make-A-Wish Dilemma 🌟

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Years of Refusing Wishes 🙅

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Last Chance for a Wish ⏳

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Family Pressure for a Trip 🌍

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COVID Cancels Travel Plans 🚫✈️

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Deciding on a Shopping Spree 🛍️

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Mom's Disapproval 😔

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Brother's Accusations 🗣️

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The Student's Struggle 🎓

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Questioning Their Decision 🤔

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Update: MAW Rep Steps In 🆘

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A Heartbreaking Conflict: Who's in the Right? 💔

Caught in the middle of a family conflict, our young Make-A-Wish recipient is left questioning their decision to use their wish for a shopping spree to help them in their university studies. With their mother selling the computer they received and their brother accusing them of being selfish, it's a heartbreaking situation. The Make-A-Wish representative has offered to intervene, but will it be enough to resolve the issue? Let's see what the internet has to say about this emotional rollercoaster. 😢🎢

"NTA—You shouldn't feel guilty for doing something that benefits you greatly. You didn't intentionally hurt anyone, and your opportunity to make a wish has wrongfully become overshadowed by your family taking it personally, as though it's their wish to make as well. It's not you but your family who is selfish." 🌟

yourangleoryuordevil | yourangleoryuordevil

"NTA. My brother's Make-A-Wish was for himself, not the family. 😱"

jenangeles | jenangeles

NTA: Make-A-Wish is for sick children to have joy, not relatives.

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA. Family pressured Make-A-Wish recipient, but they used it wisely. 👏

WebbieVanderquack | WebbieVanderquack

NTA for making your wish. Your mom selling your computer? 😱

largefootdd | largefootdd

Family drama over Make-A-Wish: Recipient not selfish, NTA! 😱

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA - Sick kid's family tries to cash in on wish 😱

shankworks | shankworks

NTA, report your mother to Make-A-Wish for stealing your computer! 🚨

pittsburgpam | pittsburgpam

Fellow Make-a-Wish candidate supports OP's decision. Family drama ensues. 😱

my-assassin-mittens | my-assassin-mittens

Family dynamics and conditional love: NTA for your reasonable wish 😱

bttrflyr | bttrflyr

NTA for using Make-A-Wish for university funds. Family drama ensues. 😱

Katypooh1229 | Katypooh1229

NTA: Family guilt-trips Make-A-Wish recipient, even locks up computer. 😱

DareYouToDream | DareYouToDream

Family's selfishness and audacity is appalling. NTA, you deserve happiness! 🙏

Ssshushpup23 | Ssshushpup23

Make-A-Wish ensures family doesn't pressure recipient. 👏

IhreWerbungHier | IhreWerbungHier

Supportive commenter offers help and awaits update on family drama 😊

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA, 100%! The wish is for the kid, not parents. 🙌

Tough_marshmallow | Tough_marshmallow

"NTA - The struggle of balancing family wishes and personal desires 😱"

Murka-Lurka | Murka-Lurka

Family pressures sick child's Make-A-Wish choice. Stand up for yourself! 🙏

throwaway8827374747 | throwaway8827374747

Family drama over a selfish wish and stolen computer 😱

SaddoB0i | SaddoB0i

NTA, it's your wish! Choose what makes you happy! 🙂

Inevitable-Mastodon1 | Inevitable-Mastodon1

Family drama erupts over Make-A-Wish recipient's selfish wish! 😱

legobatmanlives | legobatmanlives

Generous donation to Make-a-Wish sparks debate on family involvement. 🙏

krankykitty | krankykitty

Make-A-Wish recipient fights family drama over computer ownership. 😱

Ok_Cry_1741 | Ok_Cry_1741

Family profits from Make-A-Wish recipient's misery. NTA. 😱

Quantum_Pussy | Quantum_Pussy

Wishing for themselves? NTA! Focus on recovery 🙏

Affectionate-Emu1374 | Affectionate-Emu1374

NTA. Family drama over Make-A-Wish: Selfish or selfless? 🤔

DiscoDante | DiscoDante

NTA! Your family is selfish and awful 😱

WawaSkittletitz | WawaSkittletitz

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