Brother's Prank Gone Wrong: Baby on the Way vs. New iPhone 📱👶

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Diply | Diply

We all love a good prank, but what happens when a prank goes too far and ends up costing someone their prized possession? Meet our 20-year-old techie who saved up all year to buy the latest iPhone, only to have it destroyed by his prankster brother. The brother, 23, is an aspiring YouTuber trying to make some extra cash for his upcoming baby. But when the prank goes wrong and the iPhone is beyond repair, who should foot the bill? Let's dive into this dramatic story! 😮

Prankster Brother's Plan 💡

realisticstreet1827 | realisticstreet1827

The Pricey Prank 📱

realisticstreet1827 | realisticstreet1827

Broken Beyond Repair 😭

realisticstreet1827 | realisticstreet1827

The $1200 Demand 💸

realisticstreet1827 | realisticstreet1827

Brother's Reluctant Payment 🤑

realisticstreet1827 | realisticstreet1827

The Moral Dilemma 🤔

realisticstreet1827 | realisticstreet1827

Brother Finds the Post 😡

realisticstreet1827 | realisticstreet1827

Reality Check ✋

realisticstreet1827 | realisticstreet1827

Brother Breaks Down 😢

realisticstreet1827 | realisticstreet1827

Second Thoughts 💭

realisticstreet1827 | realisticstreet1827

Baby's Delivery and Money Decisions 🍼

realisticstreet1827 | realisticstreet1827

The Great iPhone Debacle: Who's Right? 🤷

In a whirlwind of pranks, broken iPhones, and upcoming babies, our 20-year-old techie is left with a moral dilemma after his brother's prank destroys his prized possession. The brother eventually pays the $1200 for a new iPhone, but accuses our protagonist of taking money from his unborn child. As emotions run high and reality checks are delivered, our techie contemplates sending the money back or giving it to the brother's ex-girlfriend for the baby's needs. Who's in the right here? Let's see what the internet has to say about this wild situation! 🌐

NTA, brother's destructive 'prank' shows immaturity and lack of responsibility 😔

Dabbles-In-Irony | Dabbles-In-Irony

"Aspiring prank youtuber" commits crimes on camera, NTA, questionable parenting 😳

Morall_tach | Morall_tach

"NTA, that's not a prank. You break it, you bought it."

InvestigatorLive1746 | InvestigatorLive1746

Prank gone wrong: NTA, he broke it, he pays for it 📱

KarinmedQ | KarinmedQ

Prank gone wrong: Brother's destructive income needs a reality check

krankykitty | krankykitty

NTA: Baby shower gift = framed prank definition, not vandalism. 👶

lunagrape | lunagrape

NTA calls out brother's irresponsible behavior and lack of income 💰

MB1428 | MB1428

NTA. He broke the phone. He needed to replace it. 💔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Is OP's brother really 23 or Vincent Adultman in disguise? 🤔

Kufat | Kufat

NTA. Brother's questionable parenting skills meet aspiring prank YouTubers. 📱👶

LovelyLaineyy | LovelyLaineyy

NTA. Brother's prank backfires, destroys phone. Is he ready for fatherhood? 📱👶

CamelOfHate | CamelOfHate

Pranks should be harmless fun, not destructive and hurtful. 👍

misdirected_asshole | misdirected_asshole

NTA: Prank backfires, baby vs. iPhone leads to small claims court

TheAshenDemon4 | TheAshenDemon4

Prank gone wrong? NTA calls out the asshole's antics! 😳

IchfindkeinenNamen | IchfindkeinenNamen

Deliberate destruction of property? Definitely not the a**hole! 🚫🍑

mdthomas | mdthomas

Brother's immature prank raises doubts about his parenting abilities 📱👶

Careful-Bumblebee-10 | Careful-Bumblebee-10

Gaslighting brother destroys phone, victim seeks compensation 👶

PearSwindle | PearSwindle

Savage comment shuts down irresponsible brother's parenting skills 😂

Improbablyfromhell | Improbablyfromhell

"NTA: You break it, you buy it" - Fair deal! 👍

Key_Cloud7765 | Key_Cloud7765

NTA, but is buying a new iPhone every year worth it? 📱👶

AstriumViator | AstriumViator

NTA: Taking money from his baby's mouth? Not cool 😑

Tea_and_Biscuits73 | Tea_and_Biscuits73

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