Man's Fear of Girlfriend's Creepy Doll Ends in Breakup! 💔🎎

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Imagine living with the love of your life, planning a future together, but there's one thing standing in your way - a creepy, child-sized doll. This is the tale of a man, let's call him 'PharmaGuy', and his girlfriend, 'Jess'. Jess inherited a doll from her late grandmother, a doll that 'brings her peace' but sends chills down PharmaGuy's spine. 🎎💔

The Creepy Doll in the Room 🎎

woah_vertigo | woah_vertigo

A Compromise and a Scare 😨

woah_vertigo | woah_vertigo

The Doll Moves... 😱

woah_vertigo | woah_vertigo

The Fallout 💔

woah_vertigo | woah_vertigo

The Disappearance 🕵️‍♂️

woah_vertigo | woah_vertigo

The Breakup 💔

woah_vertigo | woah_vertigo

The Aftermath 😞

woah_vertigo | woah_vertigo

A Haunting Love Story: Doll or Darling? 🎎💔

In a twist of fate, PharmaGuy's fear of the doll led to a dramatic fallout. Jess, heartbroken by his actions, disappeared for hours, leaving him in a state of panic. Eventually, she was found safe at a friend's house but the damage was done. She broke up with him and demanded he move out. Now, PharmaGuy is left with a broken heart and a chilling tale of love, fear, and a creepy doll. Let's delve into what the world thinks of this peculiar predicament... 🌍💬

NTA: Creepy doll the size of a child? Nightmare fuel! 😱

smalldesii | smalldesii

"NTA her reaction is bonkers. But am I the only one that immediately thought 'she didn't move the doll either' and creeped myself out?" 😱

ExhaustedVetTech | ExhaustedVetTech

"NTA. Your house, your rules. Communication is key! 👍🏻"

WhatWouldScoobyDoo2 | WhatWouldScoobyDoo2

"NTA. Girlfriend's creepy doll obsession needs psychological help! 😱"

Cheesemoose326 | Cheesemoose326

NTA: Creepy doll causes breakup. She's selfish for overreacting. 🙄

e_zanee | e_zanee

NTA, the size of the doll is truly unsettling 😱

gracewaring | gracewaring

"NTA and I also suggest you examine the hell out of that doll next time you're alone with it, your gfs behaviour is crazy suspicious. 🤔💔🎵"

Enough-Drawing | Enough-Drawing

ESH for touching her significant doll, but her overreaction is concerning 😯

kaspjasp | kaspjasp

Is it really about the doll or something deeper? 🤔

Abadabadon | Abadabadon

Missed opportunity to mess with girlfriend's creepy doll. NTA!

Cruush_Halochek | Cruush_Halochek

NTA. Creepy doll moved, need conversation to understand girlfriend's behavior 😱

SleepySheep2 | SleepySheep2

NTA: Grandma's doll is creepy and no sleep with it! 😱

SinsVirtues | SinsVirtues

Creepy doll causes breakup! NTA, doll has control over her? 👻

mackenziesummertime | mackenziesummertime

Is the doll really possessed or is it all in her mind? 🤔

Kompottkopf | Kompottkopf

NTA- Creepy doll triggers suspicions of hidden cameras and cheating. 🤔

Legend_Ares | Legend_Ares

NTA - Compromise on creepy doll leads to overreaction and breakup.

did5177 | did5177

"RemindMe! 1 week" - A creepy doll's revenge unfolds. 💔🎎

sonas8391 | sonas8391

NTA for being creeped out by girlfriend's oversized doll 😱

[deleted] | [deleted]

Terrified of creepy doll, hopes it's fake! 😱

Himeera | Himeera

NTA for moving creepy doll, girlfriend's extreme reaction is concerning 😱

Curtisziraa | Curtisziraa

NTA. Creepy doll causes breakup. Possible surveillance? Hope for resolution.

BorderlineBinxx | BorderlineBinxx

Fear of dolls leads to breakup! 😱

MySoulIsBread | MySoulIsBread

Concerned for girlfriend's safety and the fate of their relationship.

Monimonika18 | Monimonika18

Paranoia or justified? Hidden camera suspicions lead to breakup! 🤔

that_db_kevin | that_db_kevin

🚩 Beware of the doll: Moving it caused a breakup!

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA: Creepy doll in the room? No thanks! 😱

j3nn4y | j3nn4y

Creepy doll causes breakup, girlfriend's reaction raises mental health concerns

[deleted] | [deleted]

"Nuttier than a fruitcake" 🥜🍰 - A creepy doll breakup tale

Jasmine94621 | Jasmine94621

Dumped for a doll? That's a tough break-up! 😢

happypumpkin1020 | happypumpkin1020

Curious for an update! Definitely not the a**hole! 🤔

_ArtyBoi | _ArtyBoi

Beware! The girlfriend's creepy doll might have sinister intentions! 👻

su1cidesauce | su1cidesauce

NTA OP! Lock the house and don't let her back in! 🚨

AClockworkProfessor | AClockworkProfessor

Nightmare doll situation leads to justified breakup. 😱

Rexam14 | Rexam14

Sentimental objects can cause conflicts, but is a doll excessive? 🤔

AwsomeKingdomGabe | AwsomeKingdomGabe

Asking about posting pictures on this subreddit 📸

Boothros | Boothros

🎥💔 NTA suspects girlfriend's creepy doll has a hidden camera

daybreak530 | daybreak530

NTA, but is your GF's doll obsession a red flag? 🤔

OcularusXenos | OcularusXenos

NTA's fear of GF's creepy doll leads to a breakup! 💔🎎

morgisartre | morgisartre

Nta. Communicate openly and creatively about the creepy doll situation! 📝🎝

Rduos | Rduos

Moving her doll caused a breakup? Find someone more stable! 💔

the_witch_askew | the_witch_askew

NTA, weird reaction to moving a doll for a few hours 🤔

quiet0n3 | quiet0n3

Commenter defends moving girlfriend's creepy doll, suggests therapy for her

ipoonekkid | ipoonekkid

Lucky escape! 🍀 You dodged a creepy doll's stomach! 😱

GeorgeWBusiness | GeorgeWBusiness

Possessed doll takes over girlfriend's body! Say goodbye, and run! 😱

AerialNerd | AerialNerd

Curious if OP has any updates on the creepy doll!

DogBreathologist | DogBreathologist

Understanding trauma: You're not the a**hole, but she needs help 💔

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA. Your ex-girlfriend's unreasonable attachment to a creepy doll caused the breakup. 😭

Zarianwen | Zarianwen

Horror comedy movie? Tell me more! 😱

PaleWorking0 | PaleWorking0

Unanswered questions about the creepy doll and their relationship 🤔

Dracon_Pyrothayan | Dracon_Pyrothayan

Haunted doll terrifies woman, but she's not the a**hole. 🤣

squirtle_3 | squirtle_3

NTA for moving the doll, but girlfriend's reaction was extreme! 😱

vodka_philosophy | vodka_philosophy

Heartbreak over creepy doll leads to mental health concerns. 💔

WhyAmIDoingThisTho | WhyAmIDoingThisTho

NTA. Jess's creepy possessive doll caused your breakup! 👻

asterixofavalon | asterixofavalon

NTA- Relationship ended over a doll, bigger issues unresolved 💔🎎

ThePolyMoose | ThePolyMoose

NAH. OP gently moved the doll, but girlfriend disappeared suddenly 🤔

veshneu | veshneu

NTA: Relatable fear of creepy dolls! No thanks, dawg! 😱

smw211 | smw211

The creepy doll knows your secrets and predicts your fate! 👻

Oleanderphd | Oleanderphd

NTA: Relatable fear of creepy dolls and nighttime shadows 😱

Vegetaboiiii | Vegetaboiiii

Commenter suggests girlfriend's behavior may be related to mental health

austinrichardpost | austinrichardpost

Breakup over a creepy doll? NTA, that's a red flag! 💔

XMousexx | XMousexx

NTA for moving creepy doll, sorry it ended badly 😔

Goblin_2319 | Goblin_2319

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