Woman's Fight Against a Shady Weight Loss Clinic: Hero or Villain?

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Diply | Diply

Imagine working hard to lose weight, only to be humiliated and exploited by a weight loss clinic. This is the story of a brave 47-year-old woman who, despite losing her job and insurance, managed to shed an impressive 75 pounds in just four months. But when she sought professional advice from a city-run clinic, she was met with a shocking surprise. Let's delve into her story. 😮💔

The Start of a Weight Loss Journey

barrelofapples | barrelofapples

A Surprising Turn of Events

barrelofapples | barrelofapples

The Weight Loss Clinic: Not What It Seems

barrelofapples | barrelofapples

The Unexpected 'Nutritionist'

barrelofapples | barrelofapples

A Harsh Reality Check

barrelofapples | barrelofapples

A Heartless Lecture

barrelofapples | barrelofapples

An Unfit Diet Plan

barrelofapples | barrelofapples

A Shocking Discovery

barrelofapples | barrelofapples

Standing Up for Herself

barrelofapples | barrelofapples

The Aftermath

barrelofapples | barrelofapples

The Accusation

barrelofapples | barrelofapples

A Triumphant Update

barrelofapples | barrelofapples

A Weight Loss Journey Turned Legal Battle: The Aftermath

This woman's journey is a rollercoaster of emotions, from the joy of losing weight to the heartbreak of being exploited and humiliated. Despite the challenges, she stood her ground, refusing to be a pawn in a weight loss clinic's unethical practices. The aftermath? The clinic's reduced-cost program was discontinued, and she was accused of depriving others of 'life-saving medical treatment.' But amidst all the drama, she continues her weight loss journey, now 112lbs lighter! 😮💪 Let's see what the internet has to say about this tale of resilience and controversy.

NTA! Great job on your weight loss journey! 💪💯

jabo77 | jabo77

NTA fights back against shady weight loss clinic and wins! 💪

StAlvis | StAlvis

Shady weight loss clinic exposed! Is there a scandal behind? 😱

Violet_Plum_Tea | Violet_Plum_Tea

NTA. Fight against weight loss clinic, consider legal action. 💪

zerodyme87 | zerodyme87

Fighting a shady weight loss clinic: NTA, super sucks situation 😡

CynOfOmission | CynOfOmission

Heroic woman exposes shady weight loss clinic, saves vulnerable people 💪

Basicwinemom | Basicwinemom

👏 NTA - Exposing a weight loss scam, you're a hero! 🦸‍♀️

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA! Take Dr Dumb down! Here's how I'm losing weight 💪

HoneyBadgerMarmalade | HoneyBadgerMarmalade

NTA! Congrats on your progress! Exposing a shady weight loss clinic 💪

soaringcats | soaringcats

Take them down! Sue and report the shady weight loss clinic! 💪


Congrats on weight loss! Shady clinic pushing disability? 🤔

dynomoose | dynomoose

👏 Amazing progress! NTA, they deserve to be shut down!

Minute-Aioli-5054 | Minute-Aioli-5054

NTA saves town from shady weight loss clinic 💪

cuckoosong | cuckoosong

🤔 Is this weight loss clinic really playing dirty tricks?

wordsmythy | wordsmythy

Inspiring weight loss journey, exposing shady clinic. You're amazing! 💪

nocrowdwork | nocrowdwork

NTA for fighting against a shady weight loss clinic. They broke a contract and insulted you. Can they legally deny you service now? 🤔

fineapple4ever | fineapple4ever

NTA fights back against shady weight loss clinic with legal action ✊

Mueryk | Mueryk

Doubting the story: A cynical take on the weight loss clinic

Rainyday2022 | Rainyday2022

👏 NTA! Exposing a shady weight loss clinic and their cash grab.

nobobthisisnotyours | nobobthisisnotyours

NTA for exposing unprofessional weight loss clinic. They deserved it. 👏

rpgmomma8404 | rpgmomma8404

Destroy them! You're the hero in this shady battle! 💪

Farwalker08 | Farwalker08

Congrats on weight loss! Shady clinic deserves to be shut! 👏

JSSmith0225 | JSSmith0225

NTA. Dr. dumb hasn't helped a single person 💪

ginandtonicthanks | ginandtonicthanks

NTA: Shady clinic tries to push surgery, but you triumphed! 🎉

Dazzling_Window9981 | Dazzling_Window9981

Report shady doctor, sue, and celebrate weight loss victory! 🏆

mydoghasnofleas | mydoghasnofleas

NTA. Shady weight loss clinic uses your photo without consent 😡

Gibbon-Face-91 | Gibbon-Face-91

NTA! Inspiring weight loss journey. Congrats on standing up for yourself!

Lisaa8668 | Lisaa8668

NTA! Thank you for speaking up against shady weight loss clinics! 💪

lenabby | lenabby

Shady clinic bullies patients into unwanted surgeries for profit? 😱

MistressFuzzylegs | MistressFuzzylegs

NTA. Brave woman exposes shady weight loss clinic and doctor. 💪

kristimyers72 | kristimyers72

Fight back! Check for image use, sue, report to authorities. 💪

cindyp1976 | cindyp1976

Expose the shady doctor exploiting people and violating boundaries! 🧐

madmaxextra | madmaxextra

TA for not leaving a scathing review, NTA for legal action

Bloodrayna | Bloodrayna

Low-cost weight loss clinic scam exposed! NTA fights back! 💪

LMGooglyTFY | LMGooglyTFY

NTA: Doctor's rudeness, privacy violation, and government accountability - lawsuit needed! 💪

TheLivingDrawing | TheLivingDrawing

NTA. Shady weight loss clinic bullies women trying to lose weight. 💪

Auroraburst | Auroraburst

NTA - Impressive weight loss! Report the clinic and protect others! 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

A Jennifer Weiner novel come to life. NTA, indeed! 😱

[deleted] | [deleted]

Seek legal advice for the shady weight loss clinic. NTA!

Decent_Bandicoot122 | Decent_Bandicoot122

Taking legal action against weight loss clinic for false advertising. NTA! 💪

KombuchaBot | KombuchaBot

🎉 Congrats on your weight loss journey! Don't let that dumbass doctor bring you down. Consider talking to a lawyer about your experience with the clinic. You might have a nice lawsuit on your hands! 💪

AnotherPanicDisorder | AnotherPanicDisorder

Fighting for justice against a shady weight loss clinic! 💪

nekiwa | nekiwa

👩‍⚖️ Fight for justice: suing for public embarrassment!

chimneyswift_ | chimneyswift_

NTA. Debunking the weight loss myth with sass and facts! 💪

Lord_of_Allusions | Lord_of_Allusions

🔥 Lawsuit-worthy letter from weight loss clinic sparks controversy

onelonelywhumperfly | onelonelywhumperfly

Cheering on the weight loss victory! You go, NTA! 💪

MurasakiYugata | MurasakiYugata

🕵️‍♀️ Woman exposes shady weight loss clinic, sparks investigation 🔍

karmarro | karmarro

NTA. Standing up against an illegal clinic, you're doing fantastic! 👏

Lucylovei | Lucylovei

Congrats on your progress! Fight for your rights and justice! 👏

c9pilot | c9pilot

NTA questions potential HIPAA violation in weight loss clinic

spaceyjaycey | spaceyjaycey

Impressive weight loss! *High five* for taking charge of your health!

TrumpGrabbedMyCat | TrumpGrabbedMyCat

OP exposes shady weight loss clinic, gets blamed. NTA! 👏

bb3244 | bb3244

Gastric sleeve: life-changing or regrettable? 🍽️

Accomplished_Cup900 | Accomplished_Cup900

Weight loss surgeries: cash cow or health hazard? 😱

florenceforgiveme | florenceforgiveme

🤔 Skepticism and suspicion surround this weight loss clinic

IntelligentFig5 | IntelligentFig5

👏 NTA! Inspiring weight loss journey, but terrible treatment by clinic!

-zero-joke- | -zero-joke-

👏 NTA saves city money and protects patients' health. Well done!

Creatureteacher86150 | Creatureteacher86150

Full support for fighting against a shady weight loss clinic! 💪

jaklacroix | jaklacroix

You go, NTA! 🙌

916kina | 916kina

NTA fights against shady weight loss clinic. Heroic crusade continues!

Plasticity93 | Plasticity93

🌟 Fight against shady weight loss clinic, seeking legal options! 🌟

seliKONIC | seliKONIC

NTA! Exposing a weight loss scam and celebrating personal success! 🎉

CADreamn | CADreamn

NTA! Inspiring weight loss story exposes shady clinic practices 👏

wmdkitty | wmdkitty

👏 NTA fights shady weight loss clinic, uncovers nefarious practices!

puppyfarts99 | puppyfarts99

NTA. Seek legal advice to fight against unfair treatment.

ingodwetryst | ingodwetryst

NTA. Unethical weight loss clinic exposed! 😱

[deleted] | [deleted]

Supportive comment hopes for a big payout, good luck! 🤞

OpinionatedAussieGal | OpinionatedAussieGal

Woman exposes shady weight loss clinic: NTA, Dr. Dumb busted! 💪

Both-Tree | Both-Tree

OP shuts down weight loss clinic: Hero or villain? 💪

metupaki222 | metupaki222

Not the a**hole for exposing a shady weight loss clinic! 💪

slothenhosen | slothenhosen

Congrats on the weight loss and standing up! You rock! 🎉

Eneicia | Eneicia

Fighting a shady weight loss clinic: Hero or villain? 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

👏👏 NTA! Heroically exposing a shady weight loss clinic's unethical practices!

dwegol | dwegol

🦸‍♀️ Saving people from an evil con artist? Definitely NTA!

jiggleyumbrella | jiggleyumbrella

Empathetic support for fighting against a shady weight loss clinic 💪

littlefiddle05 | littlefiddle05

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