Birthday BBQ or Cunning Con? Woman's Shocking Discovery at Her Own Party! 🎂🔍

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Imagine this: You're overjoyed when your sister-in-law decides to throw you a birthday BBQ, especially since you haven't celebrated your birthday since you were 13. You happily agree to help her prepare for the party, but things start to unravel in a way you never expected. Let's dive into this rollercoaster of a story! 🎢😲

The Exciting Invitation 🎉📞

notaday93 | notaday93

Cleaning Chaos 🧹🏠

notaday93 | notaday93

The Unhelpful Hostess 🚶‍♀️👀

notaday93 | notaday93

Grocery Store Surprise! 🛒💸

notaday93 | notaday93

The Real Motive Unveiled 🎈🔍

notaday93 | notaday93

The Forgotten Birthday Girl 😳🎂

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The Swift Exit 🏃‍♀️💨

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The Aftermath 📞🔥

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The Fiery Retort 💬🔥

notaday93 | notaday93

The Final Word 🗣️🚪

notaday93 | notaday93

The Birthday BBQ That Wasn't: A Tale of Deception and Disappointment 🎂🔍

Our birthday girl, Harper, was thrilled when her sister-in-law decided to throw her a birthday BBQ. Little did she know, she'd end up cleaning the house, buying the food, and discovering the party wasn't for her at all. Instead, it was for her sister-in-law's cousin's anniversary! The final straw? She was asked to clean up after a party she had no part in. Harper's story is a wild ride of unexpected twists and turns, leaving us all wondering: Who's really in the wrong here? Let's see what the internet thinks of this situation... 🌐💭

NTA. SIL used OP for cleaning and buying food for fake party. Stand your ground! 🚩

TRGerry | TRGerry

Did she really have $300 stolen? Who's the a**hole here?


NTA. She used you, your money, time, and effort 😱

Buying_Bagels | Buying_Bagels

NTA - Cleaning someone's house for 5+ hours? No thanks! 😅

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA and holy hell is she manipulative trash. 😲

virobacter | virobacter

Spineless OP gets called out for being a pushover. 😱

Daydream_machine | Daydream_machine

NTA - Cut her off! 🚫 Talk to your husband! 💑

maddylucy | maddylucy

YTA for being a feckin doormat. Stand up for yourself! 😡

Flocceenaucee | Flocceenaucee

YTA for buying food and cleaning for your own party. 🤦‍♀️

markdmac | markdmac

Woman conned her own birthday party, husband upset but neutral. 😭

mael0004 | mael0004

Demand justice! Sue her for the bill and cleaning services! 💥

live-is-sti | live-is-sti

"Holy f**k, SIL's entitlement is through the roof! NTA. 🤬"

SlitheryPringle | SlitheryPringle

NTA. What a giant AH. She made you pay for the $300 worth of supplies and made you clean 5 hours and it wasn't even for you. Very clear cut case. I would've cussed her out very pointedly in front of everyone. I would've embarrassed her. It's the least she deserves. What a s**t person. 😡

theyoungreezy | theyoungreezy

Is this BBQ party real or just a cunning con? 🤔

Thistime232 | Thistime232

Does OP's husband not care about her? 😱

Noregsnoride | Noregsnoride

NTA. Uncover her true colors and clarify with family members! 😊

Antwerpanda | Antwerpanda

Expressing frustration and disbelief at a shocking revelation! 😱

Felonious_Minx | Felonious_Minx

Shocking betrayal! NTA victim of gaslighting at own party! 😱

vifi2234 | vifi2234

OP stands up against SIL's outrageous request. NTA! 🙌

heartshapedtattoo | heartshapedtattoo

NTA: Con artist friend ruins birthday BBQ, ignore her and move on. 🙄

bamf1701 | bamf1701

NTA. SIL is AH for expecting you to do anything for your own party. Celebrate with friends instead! 🎂

ColorfulToes | ColorfulToes

Woman discovers shocking party deception by her own family! 🤯

highwoodshady | highwoodshady

Shocking betrayal at birthday BBQ! 😱🔍 NTA uncovers sinister plot.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Shocking con woman ruins birthday BBQ, beware of future scams! 😱

SpunkyRadcat | SpunkyRadcat

YTA for not smelling 💩 sooner. Just go nc 🙄

MC1R__ | MC1R__

$300 lesson learned: always expect a 'catch' and dodge it! 🚶

[deleted] | [deleted]

"YTA because this is fake. If you hadn't included the line about doing yard work and landscaping, I might have believed the beginning, the 'spent $300 for my own party' was when you went over the line from plausible to fantasy. BTW, if you paid for the food, you'd know exactly how much it cost, not a guesstimate." 😒

tendiesinvesties08 | tendiesinvesties08

Woman discovers shocking manipulation at her own birthday BBQ! 😱

cricket73646 | cricket73646

Leaving her at the store? Savage move! 🤪

IceIceBaby1818 | IceIceBaby1818

Generous offer! A surprise gift for her birthday? How sweet! 💍

thiccy_vicky | thiccy_vicky

Seeking revenge on a cunning party crasher? Here's the plan! 🤪

Viperbunny | Viperbunny

Trust your instincts! 🤔 Listen to that little voice inside.

tcbymca | tcbymca

NTA: Cutting ties with a user at family gatherings 👍

iluvcats17 | iluvcats17

NTA: Cleaned up after party, deduct clean-up from owed money 👍

awill237 | awill237

NTA, Don't let her take advantage of you. Stand up!

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA, stand up for yourself! 🚫✋ Block her and move on.

Leek5 | Leek5

SIL's manipulative behavior ruins birthday BBQ. NTA deserves better! 😡

yamamotosdragon | yamamotosdragon

NTA. You did more than enough, she's the huge a**hole. 😠

grumphergusellbiner | grumphergusellbiner

SIL's audacity ruins birthday BBQ, OP not the a**hole! 😡

MsRenee2020 | MsRenee2020

She's the a**hole, and everyone agrees. Not the a**hole.

maddr_lurker | maddr_lurker

Demanding reimbursement for forced expenses and a sincere apology. 💰

Nikkerdoodle71 | Nikkerdoodle71

NTA. She's awful. 😡

[deleted] | [deleted]

SIL drama at birthday BBQ! Next year will be better! 😊

bihan_diablo | bihan_diablo

NTA. Guest of honor used and deceived, seek repayment 💰

shainelin | shainelin

SIL's cunning con exposed! NTA takes a stand. 😱

LilliannaWinterWolf | LilliannaWinterWolf

🎉 NTA, but seriously, what's up with your husband's birthday game?

Jaykaybabay | Jaykaybabay

NTA. She sounds like a user. 🙋

Maggie_Mayhem_1 | Maggie_Mayhem_1

NTA - Beware of the con woman SIL! 🚫🕵️‍♀️

Jillypepper72 | Jillypepper72

Commenter vents frustration at entitled homeowner's messy house. 😡

[deleted] | [deleted]

Expose the truth! NTA. Share receipts and tag her on social media. 👀

nano2492 | nano2492

Husband's party oversight? NTA but where's the celebration for you?

ThatGirl_Tasha | ThatGirl_Tasha

NTA. Take back the food, kick some shit, and leave! 💪🏻

notastepfordwife | notastepfordwife

Cousin used her at birthday BBQ. Not cool. 😠

irritablethoughts36 | irritablethoughts36

SIL wins the A-hole of 2020 award! NTA! 😂

EarlGrey1881 | EarlGrey1881

Hosting duties gone wrong! NTA, vent away! 😜

[deleted] | [deleted]

Party drama! Woman defends herself against accusations. 😎

TroubleLevel5680 | TroubleLevel5680

NTA - Cutting ties with someone who can't see their mistakes 🚫

nightglitter89x | nightglitter89x

NTA. Self-reflection and therapy can help you set better boundaries.

lulububudu | lulububudu

Family drama at the birthday BBQ! 😱

paradisebot | paradisebot

Confused about a surprise birthday party with strangers? 🤔🎉

StainlessHinge | StainlessHinge

ESH. SIL is a massive AH for lying and manipulating you to throw a party for people you don't know. Everyone is an AH because there's still a pandemic going on and 30+ people in someone's home and backyard for a party is irresponsible. That being said, I hope someone is able to throw you a wonderful birthday next year to make up for this year and previous years when it wasn't celebrated. 🎉

jaywinn | jaywinn

🗑️ Your SIL is human trash. Trashy family drama unfolds.

Autismos12345 | Autismos12345

Awkward family dynamics at play during birthday BBQ 😳

JayknightFr | JayknightFr

Make sure your loved ones celebrate your special day too! 💚

wufwolf | wufwolf

Curious commenter seeks validation for not being the a**hole. 🤔

gigibuffoon | gigibuffoon

User questions self-respect and advises confronting SIL earlier. 🤔

scook16108 | scook16108

🤯 Shocking story! Woman owes $300, trash her place, NTA!

Thosewhocanteach | Thosewhocanteach

NTA. She definitely is. 😎

bizianka | bizianka

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