Dinner Drama: Food Allergy Sparks Unexpected Conflict Among Friends 🍣🚫

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Ever had a dinner plan turn into a friendship feud? Meet our 31-year-old storyteller, who found herself in the eye of a storm after a sushi night with her friends. What was meant to be a casual dinner plan turned into a heated debate, all thanks to a seafood allergy. Let's dive into the story that's got everyone talking! 🍣🚫🔥

A Regular Dinner Gathering 🍽️

notpickyaita | notpickyaita

New Friend on the Block 🆕

notpickyaita | notpickyaita

The Seafood Dilemma 🦞🚫

notpickyaita | notpickyaita

Sushi Place Opens Up 🍣

notpickyaita | notpickyaita

The Sushi Proposition 🍣💡

notpickyaita | notpickyaita

The Allergy Reminder 🚫🔔

notpickyaita | notpickyaita

The Sushi Night 🍣🌙

notpickyaita | notpickyaita

The Word Spreads 📢

notpickyaita | notpickyaita

Accusations Fly 🗣️🔥

notpickyaita | notpickyaita

The Fallout 💥

notpickyaita | notpickyaita

Seafood Allergy Sparks Unexpected Conflict Among Friends 🍣🚫💔

What started as a simple dinner plan turned into a full-blown friendship feud. Our storyteller, a 31-year-old woman, found herself in hot water after a sushi night with friends. The bone of contention? A seafood allergy. Kate, a new addition to the group, couldn't partake in the sushi feast due to her allergy. When our storyteller and a few others decided to visit the sushi place without Kate, accusations of exclusion and division flew. Now, the once harmonious group is divided, with everyone taking sides. Let's see what the internet thinks of this sushi saga! 🍣🚫💔

NTA - Seafood allergy sparks debate over dinner plans 🍣

alreadystrong | alreadystrong

Handling a food allergy conflict with grace and consideration 🚫

Kenobi4President | Kenobi4President

NTA. You nailed it when you said that this isn't middle school and that you're allowed to do things outside of the group. 🚫

ImpressiveCollar5811 | ImpressiveCollar5811

NTA: Friend drama over exclusion leads to future isolation 🚫

StAlvis | StAlvis

NTA: Going to dinner with select friends is totally fine! 🚫

blueberryxxoo | blueberryxxoo

NTA. Friends being possessive over dinner plans? Ridiculous 🚫

Admirable-Frog-3748 | Admirable-Frog-3748

Accommodating food allergy while still enjoying seafood. NTA! 👏

Imaginary_Being1949 | Imaginary_Being1949

NTA. Friends acting like middle schoolers 🚫🤷🏻‍♀️. Valid reasoning, toxic situation 🚫

halleymariana | halleymariana

Avoid the drama, stay cool if they mention it. 🚫

Jmac_files | Jmac_files

NTA: Friends acting like teenagers 🙄

vrindumb | vrindumb

NTA - Going out separately to include everyone, no harm done! 🚫

FearTheTooth | FearTheTooth

NTA. Embrace life's limitations, not everyone can do everything 🚫

dwells2301 | dwells2301

NTA. She's acting very shellfish 🦐 Jen and Kate can't sea that OP did nothing wrong.

Alpacalypto | Alpacalypto

NTA: It's okay to have separate hangouts with friends 🚫

NarrativeScorpion | NarrativeScorpion

Teenage drama queens trying to control your social life? NTA!

National-Zombie3303 | National-Zombie3303

Shift dinner meeting to accommodate allergies, but don't ban seafood 🍣

sumg | sumg

NTA- Going behind friends' backs to eat seafood? Ridiculous control.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Go wherever you want with whoever you want! 💪

Cogitoergoanxietatem | Cogitoergoanxietatem

Jen's not the a**hole, but is she going too far? 🤔

reallyephemeral | reallyephemeral

NTA. You're entitled to socialize with subgroups of your friends. 🚫

Katja1236 | Katja1236

NTA for making your own plans and being independent. 🙌

PresentTiffany | PresentTiffany

Choosing a restaurant shouldn't spark drama. NTA, keep exploring!

super_grace_gale | super_grace_gale

NTA. Allergies shouldn't stop others from enjoying seafood. Geek Social Fallacies.

IllustratorSlow1614 | IllustratorSlow1614

NTA. Friends can do separate activities and accommodate allergies. 🚫

mfruitfly | mfruitfly

NTA You could have been more open and had a dinner for all inviting everyone and allowing Kate to decline. If I were Kate I would eat before and have side dishes with you to be social. 🚫

gastropodia42 | gastropodia42

"You can't please everyone all the time" - Wise words! 👍

Chickenmel | Chickenmel

NTA, but this could be the end of the dinner group. Let it. I don't need friends like Jen and Kate. 😤

Mabelisms | Mabelisms

NTA! People can eat and hangout with whoever they want!

HistorySweet9902 | HistorySweet9902

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