Birthday Girl Contemplates the Ultimate Gift Re-Gifting Revenge: Will She or Won’t She? 🎁🍾

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Ever received a gift that felt more like a slap in the face than a token of affection? Well, meet our Birthday Girl, who's stuck in a friend group that seems to have a knack for gifting her the one thing she despises - alcohol. Now, she's contemplating a bold move that could either serve as a wake-up call or stir up a cocktail of drama. Buckle up, folks, because this is about to get interesting! 🎁🍹

The Birthday Blues 🎂😕

rosekaioh | rosekaioh

The Unwanted Gift Saga 🎁🍾

rosekaioh | rosekaioh

A Birthday Dinner Turned Sour 🍽️😠

rosekaioh | rosekaioh

The Silent Sufferer 😔

rosekaioh | rosekaioh

Birthday Spotlight Hijacked 🎂🔦

rosekaioh | rosekaioh

The Pain of Disregard 😢

rosekaioh | rosekaioh

Supportive Spouse, Unsupportive Friends 🤵💔

rosekaioh | rosekaioh

The Unfair Birthday Treatment 🎈👎

rosekaioh | rosekaioh

Feeling Left Out 😔

rosekaioh | rosekaioh

The Husband's Stand 🤵✋

rosekaioh | rosekaioh

A Bold Suggestion 💡

rosekaioh | rosekaioh

The Ultimate Re-Gifting Revenge? 🎁😏

rosekaioh | rosekaioh

A Dilemma of Epic Proportions 🤔

rosekaioh | rosekaioh

The Real Issue 😢

rosekaioh | rosekaioh

A Decision to Make 🤷

rosekaioh | rosekaioh

A Toast to the Ultimate Re-Gifting Revenge? 🍾🎁

Our Birthday Girl is caught in a whirlwind of emotions after a series of disappointing birthday experiences. With a friend group that can't seem to understand her disdain for alcohol, she's left feeling overlooked and unappreciated. Now, with the holiday season around the corner, she's contemplating a bold move: re-gifting the unwanted alcohol back to her friends. Will she follow through with this audacious plan? Or will she choose to swallow her resentment and keep the peace? Let's see what the internet thinks about this dilemma! 🎄🍹

NTA. Friends gave unwanted gift. Revenge gifting is justified. 🎁

Any-Play2960 | Any-Play2960

NTA for wanting to re-gift. Friends were assholes on your birthday 🎁

Bearx2020 | Bearx2020

NTA. Re-gifting revenge is reasonable. Awful people, NTA. 🙅

TheLacosteCroc | TheLacosteCroc

NTA- Receiving unwanted alcohol as a gift? Play a prank back! 🍾

pandalover001 | pandalover001

Regifting: NTA! It's your gift, do what makes you happy! 😊

highwaygirl2004 | highwaygirl2004

NTA, but be careful! Re-gifting alcohol might start a running joke 😂

ollyator | ollyator

Revenge of the Birthday Girl: Turning the Tables on Ungrateful Friends 👊

TheEscapeButton | TheEscapeButton

Friends ignore her wishes, she's done with their empty gestures. 🙄

mranster | mranster

🎁 Friends bought unwanted alcohol, ignored birthday, not real friends. 😔

RollingKatamari | RollingKatamari

NTA: Giving it back is the ultimate revenge. 🎁

PracticalToday2365 | PracticalToday2365

Engaging revenge plan: mix up gifts, but who is J?

SammyLoops1 | SammyLoops1

Struggling with communicating boundaries? YWBTA if you seek revenge! 🙅

cskelly2 | cskelly2

Soft YWBTA. Regifting alcohol to friends won't solve the issue. 🙅

Triscuitmeniscus | Triscuitmeniscus

Risk friendships for revenge? Sometimes you gotta be the a**hole. 🤪

sra19 | sra19

NTA: Group's alcohol gift is a slap in the face 😠

Smudgikins | Smudgikins

Gift was thoughtless and rude, but re-gifting would be passive aggressive 😐

anxiousSOB | anxiousSOB

NTA, regift the alcohol with a small token gift to soften the blow. 👍

floobidedoo | floobidedoo

"Roses are red, violets are blue, this was a s**tty gift to me, so I'm giving it back to you" 🍾

climbingbookworm | climbingbookworm

NTA, it would make you SASSY af and a conversation starter. 🍰

Lizakaya | Lizakaya

NTA. Re-gifting revenge: free and liberating! 🎁

abjectobsolescence | abjectobsolescence

Friends ignored spouse's request, artistically repurpose alcohol bottles instead. 🥰

Gwendywook | Gwendywook

Consider re-gifting revenge? 🎁 Don't be an a**hole to yourself!

alipal01 | alipal01

Revenge regifting? NTA! Shitty friends won't even notice. 🎁

timmyturtle91 | timmyturtle91

ESH: A sensitive birthday situation with a lesson in empathy. 🤷‍♀️

WebbieVanderquack | WebbieVanderquack

Revenge re-gifting? NTA! Get better friends. 🎁🔥

Illustrious-Band-537 | Illustrious-Band-537

Passive-aggressive gift re-gifting revenge: Share the drinks at their party! 🍾

Sophisticunted | Sophisticunted

NTA re-gifting revenge: inconsiderate gifters get a taste of karma 🎁

sundayshadow007 | sundayshadow007

Husband problem? 🤔 Let's dive into this juicy drama!

tri220987 | tri220987

NTA: Re-gifting revenge! Show them you don't need toxic friends. 👍

AWhooter | AWhooter

NTA considers regifting alcohol to test her friends' true intentions. 🤔

moktailhrs | moktailhrs

Subtle revenge: Deadpan your way through unwanted gifts. 🤪

Raida7s | Raida7s

Get revenge by re-gifting their least favorite alcohol. NTA! 🍾

Djhinnwe | Djhinnwe

Subtle revenge: Give useless gifts like a tiny pot of jam 🥖

foxyfree | foxyfree

Revenge gifting: reclaiming power and standing up for oneself! 🎁

Humble-Cheesecake778 | Humble-Cheesecake778

Don't give back the alcohol! Stick to your original plan. #NTA

Underscore1976 | Underscore1976

Savage move! 🤣 YWNBTA - Turning unwanted wine into cash!

badboringusername | badboringusername

Revenge gift-giving can backfire and ruin friendships. Think twice! 😬

Whenapplethenafter | Whenapplethenafter

NTA. Relatable! It's frustrating when friends don't reciprocate thoughtful gestures. 😠

littlereddingo | littlereddingo

Gifting alcohol back may not yield desired results. Consider other options. 🤔

freeeeels | freeeeels

NTA gives the ultimate gift re-gifting revenge. Stay tuned! 🎁🍾

[deleted] | [deleted]

Revenge gift dilemma: Do it! You're not the a**hole! 🤪

unknown_928121 | unknown_928121

NTA. Ditch the friends, save money, and party with others! 👍

Ok_Size_8987 | Ok_Size_8987

Revenge and alcohol: the perfect combination for new friends! 🍹🍺

moosigirl | moosigirl

Revenge regifting: NTA for standing up against pushy friends. 👏

Remote-Cloud1224 | Remote-Cloud1224

Revenge re-gifting? 🎁🔙 Say it and find new friends! 😡

ElaraMalfoy99 | ElaraMalfoy99

NTA: Receiving unwanted gifts from friends can be hurtful 😢

ebwoods1 | ebwoods1

Revenge gifting? NTA! Give back the alcohol and move on. 👌

Many-Rest | Many-Rest

Clever revenge plan: re-gifting with a twist! 🤜

issa_h26 | issa_h26

NTA. Regifting revenge: subtle and satisfying. 🤓

cerebral__flatulence | cerebral__flatulence

Revenge is sweet! 🍾🌸 Turn unwanted gifts into a charitable party.

Warrior_123 | Warrior_123

Get your revenge! Return their gifts. 🎁😈

loki93009 | loki93009

Re-gifting alcohol to friends? Find new friends 🤷🏼‍♂️

notunhuman | notunhuman

Revenge gifting: NTA and a clever friend's suggestion 😎

Buckeye_Birdy | Buckeye_Birdy

"YWNBTA It's honestly the perfect answer. They're not your friends."

MikkiTh | MikkiTh

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