Love Nest or Pigsty? Woman's Dilemma with Messy Boyfriend 🐷💔

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Who doesn't love a good romance? But what happens when the love nest becomes a pigsty? Our heroine (29F) finds herself in a pickle with her boyfriend (28M) who moved into her apartment four months ago. Despite her warnings about his long commute to work, he was eager to leave his parents' house. Now, she's juggling graduate school, teaching, and caring for her sick mother, only to return home to a mess. Let's dive into this domestic drama...🏠🐷

A New Roommate Arrives 🏠👫

cthulhulem0n | cthulhulem0n

Warning Signs Ignored 🚧🙉

cthulhulem0n | cthulhulem0n

Life Takes a Turn 🔄😰

cthulhulem0n | cthulhulem0n

Home Sweet...Mess? 🏠🗑️

cthulhulem0n | cthulhulem0n

The Laundry Saga Continues...🧺🙄

cthulhulem0n | cthulhulem0n

Grocery Ghost 👻🛒

cthulhulem0n | cthulhulem0n

Toilet Troubles 🚽😠

cthulhulem0n | cthulhulem0n

Excuses, Excuses...🙄🗣️

cthulhulem0n | cthulhulem0n

A Tough Decision Looms...🤔💔

cthulhulem0n | cthulhulem0n

Messy Love: A True Test of Patience and Tolerance 😓💔

Our heroine's life has been a whirlwind lately. Between finishing her graduate degree, preparing to teach, and caring for her sick mother, she barely has time to breathe. But instead of coming home to a sanctuary, she's greeted by a mess, courtesy of her boyfriend. From smelly bedsheets to urine on the toilet seat, it seems he's not quite ready to adult. And while he's quick to cite his fatigue and financial reasons for his behavior, she's left wondering if he's really cut out for independent living. Is it time for him to pack his bags? Let's see what the internet thinks of this situation...🤔🌐

Living alone won't necessarily teach him to clean up 🏠

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA: Kick him out! 🚮 Give him 2-3 months notice. Good luck!

lifetooshort4bs | lifetooshort4bs

Dump his smelly a** and focus on yourself 🐷💔

Gorilla_girl17 | Gorilla_girl17

NTA, communicate clearly and directly with your messy boyfriend 🐷💔

oldforgottenhall | oldforgottenhall

NTA, messy boyfriend causing emotional toll. Supportive but emotionally drained. 😔

LicoriceSucks | LicoriceSucks

NTA. Relationship red flags and a mommy-expectant boyfriend 🐷💔

khotekki | khotekki

🏃‍♀️ Cut the dead weight and move on! You're NTA!

Riommar | Riommar

NTA -- Kick this one to the curb. 🚩🐷💔

Alarming_Paper_8357 | Alarming_Paper_8357

Take back your apartment and your life! 💔

Auntienursey | Auntienursey

Dump the slob! 🚮 Your nostrils will thank you later.

Hefty_Candidate_4902 | Hefty_Candidate_4902

NTA. Communicate your boundaries and help him understand your needs 👆

one_bad_larry | one_bad_larry

🚮 NTA. Disrespectful boyfriend? Time to kick him to the curb.

fuxkyouforever | fuxkyouforever

Take time to reflect on the future of your relationship 💜

SnooRecipes821 | SnooRecipes821

NTA. Prioritizing self-care and expressing concerns about partner's hygiene 🐷

Swadapotamus | Swadapotamus

Messy boyfriend's gotta go! NTA. 😂

thekristastrophe | thekristastrophe

🚫 Prepare for breakup? If you can handle it, end it!

SelfishscarabYT | SelfishscarabYT

🚮 Polite breakup advice: focus on your own life and stuff.

Mother-Firefighter-2 | Mother-Firefighter-2

NTA. Set clear cleanliness standards or consider ending the relationship 🤷‍♀️

Then-Parking5635 | Then-Parking5635

Dump the man-child and find a mature partner 💔

steezyschleep | steezyschleep

NTA: Take back your home from the messy boyfriend! 🙌

metro-mtp | metro-mtp

🚫 NTA. Messy boyfriend's hygiene standards lower than yours. You deserve better.

xpotential31 | xpotential31

"NTA! Kick him out and don't make babies until he changes! 😷🙄"

AlphaQueen3 | AlphaQueen3

NTAH. You do you. F that guy. 😎

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA: Be assertive and have an honest conversation about expectations. 👍

filmcrit | filmcrit

Curious about his living situation before moving in with her 🤔

tlf555 | tlf555

NTA. Boyfriend needs to clean up his act. Good luck with dissertation! 👍

RevKyriel | RevKyriel

NTA, messy boyfriend lacks hygiene and support, you need a partner 💔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Teach him to clean before kicking him out 🐷💔

Shiny_Happy_Cacti | Shiny_Happy_Cacti

Messy boyfriend? She's not the a**hole for calling him out 🐷

grianmharduit | grianmharduit

NTA. Experience living alone is important for a responsible partner. 🐷

lmco_ed | lmco_ed

🚫 Don't be his maid forever! Consider moving on. 🚶‍♀️

aussielife28 | aussielife28

NTA. Prioritize yourself and your goals. Communicate your needs clearly.

esgamex | esgamex

NTA. Gross boyfriend? Kick him out! 😷👎

[deleted] | [deleted]

🚫 Don't settle for a messy partner! Kick him out!

Mysterious_Hotel_55 | Mysterious_Hotel_55

Dump the slob and find your own clean sanctuary! 🐷

[deleted] | [deleted]

Privileged guy admits messy habits, vows to change for new place 💪

Landminan | Landminan

NTA - No hope for change 🙅

UnicornPanties | UnicornPanties

🚫 NTA: Messy boyfriend creates power dynamic, neglects shared space. 🧹

tdorn2000 | tdorn2000

NTA: Cleaning up after him? Being an adult sugar pie.

JoneseyP98 | JoneseyP98

NTA - Discovering your boyfriend's true colors after 4 years 😱

[deleted] | [deleted]

Financial fairness in love: Splitting rent and bills 💰

AndineB | AndineB

30 days. NTA. You're basically his parent. 🐷💔

Marie-Curie- | Marie-Curie-

"NTA - He's an adult, not your responsibility." 💁‍♀️

GrWr44 | GrWr44

NTA. Is this the future you want? 🤔

LadyDes91 | LadyDes91

"NTA - Be kind to yourself. Don't let stress consume you."

bookgirl225 | bookgirl225

Dump him! 💔

matramepapi | matramepapi

NTA, but are you mothering him? Let him learn life skills! 👍

ArtieZiffsCat | ArtieZiffsCat

🚫 NTA! Gross slob alert! Clean up or kick him out!

ConsistentCheesecake | ConsistentCheesecake

NTA: Kick him out or teach him how to adult? 🤷‍♀️

HexStarlight | HexStarlight

Dump him! 🚮 Don't be stuck with a man-child forever. 😤

Careless-Image-885 | Careless-Image-885

NTA. Kick him out of the apartment and the relationship. 🚫💔

daemonickz | daemonickz

NTA. Have a serious sit-down conversation with your messy boyfriend 🐷💔

MizRott | MizRott

NTA, but give him a chance to change. Communication is key 👍

jakeispwn | jakeispwn

"NTA - Kick him out and change the locks." 👌

SystemConfident399 | SystemConfident399

Man's adjustment to living with a woman made him cleaner

summershank2142 | summershank2142

Dump the slob! 👍

historygal75 | historygal75

Disgusting boyfriend vs. decent men: Is it worth staying together?

mochidog12 | mochidog12

Dump him! Your happiness and peace are worth it! 🐷💔

patrioticmarsupial | patrioticmarsupial

NTA. Ick 😷

Aggressive-Sample612 | Aggressive-Sample612

"Live with me and you'll know me." Not the a**hole, dump the motherf**ker already. 🐷💔

Queen_Sized_Beauty | Queen_Sized_Beauty

NTA: Time to clean up or kick him out 🐷💔

sun_cat_dog | sun_cat_dog

NTA. Set boundaries and give him a reality check 😈

[deleted] | [deleted]

Dump him! 🚮 You deserve better than a messy boyfriend.

Malibucat48 | Malibucat48

Mismatched vibes? 🤔

purple_yosher | purple_yosher

Real men never rest, always fixing and cleaning. Get you one! 💪

Jonmclean88 | Jonmclean88

NTA: Finding a partner, not a mommy 💔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Dump the messy boyfriend 🚮. You deserve better 💪

FlakyPineapple2843 | FlakyPineapple2843

🚫 NTA! Kick him out and clean up your love nest!

ribbonsofgreen | ribbonsofgreen

Dump the messy boyfriend! 🐷💔

psstsaywat2021 | psstsaywat2021

Messy boyfriend vs. clean girlfriend: Battle of the chores! 🐷💔

throwit_amita | throwit_amita

🙅‍♀️ NTA! Messy bf wants a maid, not a girlfriend! 🧹🍰

meifahs_musungs | meifahs_musungs

NTA. Time to kick him out and find someone cleaner! 🐷

crystallz2000 | crystallz2000

NTA: Dump the slob! You deserve better than a messy partner. 🐷💔

MysticWordNerd | MysticWordNerd

NTA. Messy boyfriend causing stress during mother's cancer treatment. Reconsider relationship. 😔

Azuthura | Azuthura

NTA. BF disrespectful & taking advantage. Incompatibility & stinky filth. 🐷💔

Feeling-better2day | Feeling-better2day

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