When a 'Friendly' Joke Crosses the Line: One Woman's Dilemma 🤔

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Diply | Diply

We've all been there, right? When a joke, a comment, or a seemingly harmless tease goes too far and crosses the line. 😓 This is the story of a woman who found herself in a similar situation. Her boyfriend's best friend, let's call him 'S', made a couple of comments that left her feeling hurt and uncomfortable. And when the time came for apologies, 'S' didn't exactly step up to the plate. But here's where things get tricky: 'S' wants to apologize now, but our heroine isn't sure she wants to hear it. Let's dive into her story... 📖

The Unwanted Houseguest 🏠

megthedestroyer | megthedestroyer

The Comment That Started It All 👗

megthedestroyer | megthedestroyer

Adding Insult to Injury 📸

megthedestroyer | megthedestroyer

The Girlfriend Enters the Scene 🥂

megthedestroyer | megthedestroyer

A Heartfelt Conversation Interrupted 💔

megthedestroyer | megthedestroyer

Apology? What Apology? 🤷‍♀️

megthedestroyer | megthedestroyer

The Aftermath: Guilt, Anxiety, and a Broken Friendship 🌪️

megthedestroyer | megthedestroyer

To Forgive or Not to Forgive: The Question that Haunts Her 🎭

Our heroine is caught in a whirlwind of emotions. She's hurt by S's comments, angered by his half-hearted apology, and now, guilt-ridden by his anxiety. Her boyfriend is stuck in the middle, and she's unsure of how to navigate this emotional maze. While S has expressed a desire to apologize, she's hesitant to accept it. After all, the comments he made were deeply personal and hurtful. Should she let go of her grudge or stand her ground? It's a tricky situation, one that many of us might find relatable. Let's see what the world wide web has to say about this... 🌐

NTA. Holding your ground against a manipulative apology. 🤔

WeirdDragon01 | WeirdDragon01

NTA: The struggle of living with consequences. 😂

throwRA1a2b3c4d1 | throwRA1a2b3c4d1

🙅 NTA: S is a misogynist and an asshole. Total creeper vibes. 🤢

Verity_Fox | Verity_Fox

NTA. Supportive boyfriend and maturity win! 🙌

fraggletart | fraggletart

NTA: Standing up to a massive dick and setting boundaries 🙌

juibui | juibui

You owe him nothing. Choose who you spend time with. 👍

Prior_Lobster_5240 | Prior_Lobster_5240

Standing up against gross comments and setting boundaries 💪

Clare_Not_A_Bear | Clare_Not_A_Bear

"I'm sorry you feel anxiety," and leave it at that. NTA."

Senator_Bink | Senator_Bink

Empowered to forgive or not, you're not the a**hole! 👏

TheCatLady98 | TheCatLady98

A helpful guide to a sincere apology. 🙏

thegloracle | thegloracle

Stand your ground! Don't let him guilt trip you 😤

[deleted] | [deleted]

A**hole alert! This dude sucks. Not the a**hole, OP!

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA. Don't let his 'anxiety' make you feel guilty! 😏

ConsistentCheesecake | ConsistentCheesecake

NTA, boyfriend's support is crucial, but is he staying friends?

[deleted] | [deleted]

Stay strong 💪 and set your boundaries. Don't fall for manipulation.

Blonde2468 | Blonde2468

NTA - Standing up against harassment and insensitive comments. 💪

JudgeJed100 | JudgeJed100

NTA. Creepy guy with a fake apology. Trust your instincts.

ellegreenaway15 | ellegreenaway15

NTA: BF's friend drooling over GF? Bye bye, bloody revenge!

ScatheArdRhi | ScatheArdRhi

NTA. Don't let his gross comments ruin your peace ✌️

itsme_uglyasshoe | itsme_uglyasshoe

NTA. Unhealthy obsession? Keep your distance 🤔

deacon_deelystan | deacon_deelystan

Calling out trash: NTA shuts down offensive 'joke'

cowpowmonly | cowpowmonly

Stand up for yourself and cut toxic people out 💪

Piercedbunny | Piercedbunny

Don't apologize. Let him stew in his own guilt. NTA 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA. S is a little freak who can't keep it in his pants 😑

ThisRideHasTwoSeats | ThisRideHasTwoSeats

Forgiving doesn't mean forgetting. Boundaries matter. 💭

TotallyAwry | TotallyAwry

Don't fall for his lies! Stand your ground, you're NTA! 😏

fiio83 | fiio83

Stand your ground! Don't let S manipulate you with anxiety 😡

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA. Stay positive and don't let negativity bring you down 🙌

JFT8675309 | JFT8675309

Boyfriend's friend objectified and sexualized OP, boyfriend should've intervened 😡

thrwawy9988110 | thrwawy9988110

NTA. Stand up for yourself and enjoy your life! 👏

mrsrubo | mrsrubo

Calling out a creep and a jerk 😡

FenderMartingale | FenderMartingale

Clear-cut verdict: Not the a**hole. No dilemma here. 👍

peanutbutter_vibez | peanutbutter_vibez

Insults, inappropriate remarks, and blaming? Nope, you're not the bad person. #NTA 🙅

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA: S is awkwardly trying to express his feelings, but it's odd.

No-Interaction302 | No-Interaction302

NTA. Hilarious video teaches lesson about Helvetica font. 🤣

grandma_visitation | grandma_visitation

NTA: Consequences, baybeee! 🙌

boredalready456 | boredalready456

Standing up to bullies: NTA for defending yourself! 💪

Beautiful_mistakes | Beautiful_mistakes

NTA stands up for herself against S's anxiety comment. 😤

2werd2live2rare2die | 2werd2live2rare2die

Comment removed due to rule violation. Be civil, everyone!

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA! S sucks and sounds like a real d**k. 🤔

Lilkiska2 | Lilkiska2

NTA. He made a horrible comment to you and played victim 😔

EdwardRoivas | EdwardRoivas

"I'm sorry you got upset" vs "I'm sorry you're an anxious person" 😒

wytherlanejazz | wytherlanejazz

NTA. Stand up for yourself and set boundaries. 💪

knightfrog1248 | knightfrog1248

No a**hole here. Let's hear the story behind this dilemma 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA: His behavior is a red flag, trust your discomfort 😱

[deleted] | [deleted]

Setting boundaries: NTA stands up for herself, causing anxiety 😬

BluejayEmbarrassed | BluejayEmbarrassed

Not the a**hole. What happened? Tell us more! 🤔

TheDoNothings | TheDoNothings

Actions have consequences. NTA. He's gross. 😒

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA. Don't let him off the hook for his awful behavior 🤬

vega2306 | vega2306

NTA: Let him suffer consequences, forgiveness is for you 👍

a_m_s_ohio | a_m_s_ohio

NTA. Creepy guy, why would BF want to hang out? 😑

aliquilts71 | aliquilts71

NTA. Avoid the a**hole who guilt-trips you. Stand your ground! 🤔

Threadheads | Threadheads

Don't let apologies guilt you into hanging out with toxic people 😌

Uningo1306 | Uningo1306

NTA. Ignore him and his behavior causing anxiety. 🙌

CandyWalls | CandyWalls

NTA. Don't accept his apology. Cut ties and move on. 👍

fatfarko69 | fatfarko69

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