Auntie's Polar Express Nightmare: Family Drama Unleashed 🚂😱

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Imagine a cozy night babysitting your nieces and nephew, watching a beloved Christmas movie, and then waking up to a family drama storm. That's exactly what happened to this 29-year-old aunt, who thought she was doing her brother and his wife a favor by taking care of their kids. Little did she know that her movie choice would lead to a Christmas catastrophe and a family feud! 🎄😬

Babysitting on Christmas Eve Eve 🎅

throwawaytrainddw | throwawaytrainddw

Polar Express Movie Night 🚂

throwawaytrainddw | throwawaytrainddw

Christmas Day Chaos 🎄😱

throwawaytrainddw | throwawaytrainddw

Tracks Behind the House 🛤️

throwawaytrainddw | throwawaytrainddw

Waiting for the Polar Express ❄️

throwawaytrainddw | throwawaytrainddw

A Chilling Discovery 😨

throwawaytrainddw | throwawaytrainddw

Cold and Scared 😞

throwawaytrainddw | throwawaytrainddw

Hypothermia Scare 😰

throwawaytrainddw | throwawaytrainddw

Brother's Anger Unleashed 😡

throwawaytrainddw | throwawaytrainddw

Family Feud Begins 🥊

throwawaytrainddw | throwawaytrainddw

Aunt's Defense 🛡️

throwawaytrainddw | throwawaytrainddw

Unaware of the Tracks 🚂

throwawaytrainddw | throwawaytrainddw

Believing in Santa 🎅

throwawaytrainddw | throwawaytrainddw

Mixed Reactions 😕

throwawaytrainddw | throwawaytrainddw

Feeling Awful 😔

throwawaytrainddw | throwawaytrainddw

Polar Express Pandemonium: Who's to Blame? 🚂❄️😨

This aunt thought she was doing her brother a favor by babysitting his kids and showing them a classic Christmas movie. But when the kids snuck out to wait for the Polar Express on the train tracks behind their house, things took a chilling turn. Now, the family is divided, with some blaming the aunt for her movie choice and others saying it's not her fault. The brother is furious, refusing to let her see the kids again, while the aunt feels awful but thinks she's not to blame. Let's see what the internet thinks of this frosty family feud... ❄️🥊

NTA comment and replies highlight irresponsible parenting and sibling's attitude.

GundyGalois | GundyGalois

Commenter expresses concern for children's safety near train tracks 🚨

AnotherHopeless | AnotherHopeless

NTA played age-appropriate movie. Brother blames for kids' actions. 😱

Lemon6Starburst | Lemon6Starburst

NTA defends against brother's blame for showing 'dangerous' movie 😱

DinaFelice | DinaFelice

NTA - Brother blames aunt for kids sneaking out. Aunt not at fault.

TipTopC | TipTopC

Commenter and reply agree on kids' unpredictable behavior 🤷‍♀️

LexGuy12 | LexGuy12

Brother gave no rules, NTA for showing age-appropriate movie 🎄

NerdyHalfling | NerdyHalfling

Brother blames OP for kids sneaking out at night. NTA 👍

Educational-Good-652 | Educational-Good-652

NTA. Film can't kill kids. But did they find train tracks? 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA. Basic parenting is ensuring the safety of your kids 🙏

pjeans | pjeans

Girls went out without waking brother: NTA 🧒👧🚪

AzSpence | AzSpence

Commenter defends babysitting actions with humor and movie suggestion.

nottelling411 | nottelling411

Commenters prioritize child safety over family drama 🙌

RoyallyOakie | RoyallyOakie

Defending against unfair blame with NTA and logic 🤔

Fatt3stAveng3r | Fatt3stAveng3r

Safety concerns raised for kids living near train tracks 🚨

dancingwithoutmusic | dancingwithoutmusic

Brother's negligence puts kids at risk, blames auntie for speaking up 😱

shuckaladon | shuckaladon

Mom of 5 shuts down criticism of her child's behavior 😎

makerblue | makerblue

Commenter suggests parents were drinking, receives agreement from reply.

JBB2002902 | JBB2002902

Don't blame yourself, NTA. Brother overreacting. Hope you laugh later 😄

caedmonfaith | caedmonfaith

Babysitting gone wrong 😱, but at least it's over 😂

Takemetothelevey | Takemetothelevey

Dad's kids sneak out at night, blames Auntie. NTA wins 👏

just-jen57 | just-jen57

Don't let your brother's parenting issues ruin your holidays! 🎄

Liammac77 | Liammac77

Parenting and safety discussed in a Christmas movie debate 🎄

[deleted] | [deleted]

Commenter defends OP's innocence in tragic Polar Express incident.

indesomniac | indesomniac

Commenter defends OP, questions parents' responsibility. Replies skeptical.

Cold_Light_299792458 | Cold_Light_299792458

NTA for showing age-appropriate movies while babysitting on Christmas Eve 🎄

baronessindecisive | baronessindecisive

Brother projecting guilt and anger, mom afraid of losing grandkids. NTA 👍

No1_Nozits_Me | No1_Nozits_Me

Avoid Home Alone, NTA takes the win 👏

Blas_Wiggans | Blas_Wiggans

Guilt-tripping kids to believe in Santa? 🤦‍♂️

urologicalwombat | urologicalwombat

Blaming her for his kids' actions? NTA all the way! 👏

Sea_Caramel_5300 | Sea_Caramel_5300

Commenter points out safety concerns, reminds family of priorities. 👍

sonny-v2-point-0 | sonny-v2-point-0

Commenter deemed not the a**hole, no replies.

wheretfisjay | wheretfisjay

Predicting family drama: OP not psychic, NTA 🤷‍♀️

Dizzy_Negotiation_71 | Dizzy_Negotiation_71

Savage comment shuts down brother's parenting skills with humor 😂

KittHeartshoe | KittHeartshoe

Parenting paranoia at its finest 😅 NTA

SoupNo682 | SoupNo682

NTA suggests Die Hard as a holiday movie, Brave Heart agrees.

MadWifeUK | MadWifeUK

NTA babysitter takes heat for brother's lack of childproofing. 😱

Designer-Ad2465 | Designer-Ad2465

Passports and planes? NTA wins this family drama 😊

Jess1ca1467 | Jess1ca1467

Commenter receives validation for their actions. 👏

dwells2301 | dwells2301

Commenter defends OP's innocence in family drama 😊

SkiPhD | SkiPhD

Sibling blames aunt for brother's lack of supervision 🤷‍♀️

ausernamebyany_other | ausernamebyany_other

Brother blamed aunt for kids leaving his house, but NTA.

ptazdba | ptazdba

Defending the Polar Express movie, NTA, and setting boundaries. 🎥

Livetorun123 | Livetorun123

Defending innocence: NTA for watching a movie with kids 😊

AutumnKoo | AutumnKoo

NTA defends against blame for family's lack of child safety measures.

YourCatChoseMeBirch | YourCatChoseMeBirch

Parents criticized for not being responsible with their children 🙄

The_Mystery_Is_Bees | The_Mystery_Is_Bees

Dad's responsibility to watch kids during Polar Express, NTA 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sibling's parenting fails, NTA for not babysitting their kids 👍

Certain_Effort598 | Certain_Effort598

Secure your home! NTA suggests alarm system investment 🚨

[deleted] | [deleted]

Commenter defends kids' actions, blames parent's poor parenting skills 😐

Ladyughsalot1 | Ladyughsalot1

No child locks?! 🤯 Parenting fail or innocent mistake? 😕

Slow-Card-8426 | Slow-Card-8426

Film blamed for bad parenting? NTA comment shuts it down 🙌

[deleted] | [deleted]

Brother's poor parenting blamed on auntie, not securing home. NTA.

Inner_Aerie7747 | Inner_Aerie7747

Parent blames aunt for kids' actions, NTA gets support 👍

goodwima | goodwima

Commenter defends OP, calls out brother's bad parenting skills 👏

PhilOfTheRightNow | PhilOfTheRightNow

Brother's kids disappeared for 1.5 hours, blames aunt. NTA 👍

bokatan778 | bokatan778

Defending a snowman from kids, NTA wins with logic 🧠❄️

SpiralTap304 | SpiralTap304

Engaging comment defending OP's actions as a babysitter. 🙌

Coffeeforcobwebs | Coffeeforcobwebs

Brother's parenting failure blamed on auntie after house escape 🤪

Username_Taken_Argh | Username_Taken_Argh

NTA comment suggests hilarious alternative movie choices 😂

blabbermouth777 | blabbermouth777

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