Lesbian Sister-in-Law Accidentally 'Turns' SIL Gay? 😲 The Shocking Truth!

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Diply | Diply

Imagine living with your brother and sister-in-law, only to be accused of 'turning' her gay. This is the bizarre and dramatic situation one woman found herself in. After moving in with her brother and SIL to escape a dangerous living situation, she thought she was doing everything right. But when her SIL comes out as a lesbian, her brother blames her, and their once-happy family is thrown into chaos. 😨🏳️‍🌈

The Living Arrangement

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The Reason for Moving In

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Brother's Job and SIL's Loneliness

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The Agreement

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Quarantine Changes

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SIL's Odd Behavior

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The Tension Between Brother and SIL

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The Big Blowup

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The Accusation

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The Shocking Revelation

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Brother's Anger

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SIL's Defense

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The Heartbreaking Ultimatum

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Seeking Advice

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The Update

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The Aftermath: Divorce and Healing

After moving out, the woman finds a new place to live, and her brother and SIL are getting a divorce. The brother eventually apologizes for his outburst, and they start to mend their relationship. Both brother and SIL are seeking support and understanding, as they navigate this unexpected turn of events. While the situation remains complicated, they're all moving forward and learning from the experience. 💔🏳️‍🌈

Embracing oneself can inspire others to embrace their truth. 💜

d1scworld | d1scworld

Supportive comment receives no replies. Family drama ensues. 😢


Living your best life 😎

[deleted] | [deleted]

Supportive comment calls out SIL for playing with brother's heart.

ashakilee | ashakilee

No blame game here! NTA supports SIL's coming out 🙌

SereniaKat | SereniaKat

Stay strong, OP! 🙌 NTA for standing your ground.

Trip4Life | Trip4Life

Brother can't handle sister-in-law coming out as gay. NTA.

Mareep123 | Mareep123

Supportive comment to SIL, advises patience with brother's reaction. 👍

mcolt8504 | mcolt8504

Being gay isn't contagious, NTA has it right 👍

DeificClusterfuck | DeificClusterfuck

SIL is the a**hole for not being honest with her husband 🔥

Ciqbern | Ciqbern

Brother's anger towards sister-in-law is misplaced, she was always gay 👨🏻‍🌾

Depsycho | Depsycho

Commenter compares situation to blaming mistress for husband's cheating.

disco__daisy | disco__daisy

NTA offers support to SIL, hopes bro will come around 😊

Jennyyy8675309 | Jennyyy8675309

Commenter calls out SIL for using closeted man, expresses disgust.

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA shuts down 'turning someone gay' myth with sass 😎

St_James_the_Assholy | St_James_the_Assholy

Brother clueless about sexuality. NTA for SIL's sexual orientation. 👍

the-kraken-awakes | the-kraken-awakes

Supportive comment defends homosexuality against 'virus' myth. 👍

jakesaysknee | jakesaysknee

Supportive comment section with a hopeful resolution 🙏

cantnothurtmyself | cantnothurtmyself

Supportive comment shows NTA despite brother's hurt and anger. 😊

The-Shaffy | The-Shaffy

Supportive comment acknowledges brother's pain and SIL's insensitivity. 👍

wood_elf_ranger | wood_elf_ranger

SIL may be TA if she knew she was gay before marriage 🤔

mechspaghetty | mechspaghetty

Confused commenter needs help with acronyms. 🤔

94BitterThoughts | 94BitterThoughts

Passionate response, but not relevant to the discussion. 🤣

IncredulousBumblebee | IncredulousBumblebee

No one's at fault. Brother upset, SIL came out. 👍

420cavemanspongebob | 420cavemanspongebob

NTA stands up to brother's unfair treatment with fiery comment 🔥

nik_cool22 | nik_cool22

Existing is not a crime! 👏 NTA comment wins hearts.

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA OP. Your SIL is gay, not your fault. 🌈

NosamTheWise | NosamTheWise

NTA, a series of bad coincidences, leave a message for brother 😢

Serenity_Sirens | Serenity_Sirens

Supportive comment defends against brother's unfair blame. 👏

katyaschulzberg | katyaschulzberg

NTA sister-in-law comes out, brother's reaction understandable but not an a**hole

qaQaz1-_ | qaQaz1-_

SIL comes out after marriage, but who's really the a**hole? 🤔

missmacchiato18 | missmacchiato18

NTA. SIL's orientation is not your fault. Brother needs counseling 🙏

dodgyhashbrown | dodgyhashbrown

Lesbian sister-in-law gets NTA verdict. No drama here.

scatmandu22 | scatmandu22

Sexuality is personal. You can't 'turn' someone. NTA. 👍

LxSky90 | LxSky90

NTA defends SIL's sexuality while acknowledging brother's hurt feelings. 👏

Kelliisbelli | Kelliisbelli

NTA calls out absurdity of 'turning someone gay' claim 😂

[deleted] | [deleted]

You can't 'turn' people gay. NTA for being blamed.

alliwiththegoodhair_ | alliwiththegoodhair_

Brother blames lesbian SIL for his own hurt. NTA wins!

cranberry58 | cranberry58

SIL can't be 'turned gay', but she's a huge a**hole 🤨

Acalson | Acalson

Off-topic comment receives no validation from comment section

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Being out and proud is never wrong. 👏

DisasterGenderqueer | DisasterGenderqueer

Brother's relationship with SIL broken. NTA suggests letter to reconcile.

Djhinnwe | Djhinnwe

Pray for your brother? 🙏🏽 NTA comment gets religious.

Kindheartedness_Glad | Kindheartedness_Glad

SIL accused of duping brother into turning gay. NTA.

DanteShmivvels | DanteShmivvels

Supportive comment shuts down baseless accusations of 'turning' someone gay.

teafarer5 | teafarer5

Supportive comment defends SIL's coming out, advises against hooking up.

markdmac | markdmac

Supportive comment suggests talking to brother after cooling off. 🤝

justbeingannonomous | justbeingannonomous

Compassionate response to a difficult situation. 🤝

ptolemysein | ptolemysein

A witty NTA comment with a surprising plot twist 🤪

Sharikacat | Sharikacat

Brother's homophobia leads to sister-in-law's sexuality, NTA calls out.

murdocjones | murdocjones

Humorous comment with no replies 😂

Kushthulu_the_Dank | Kushthulu_the_Dank

Sister-in-law accidentally 'turns' SIL gay without even touching her. 😲

aquila-audax | aquila-audax

Skepticism abounds in this comment section 🤔

Deadcody | Deadcody

Can you really 'turn' someone gay? NTA says no.

tvtastegood25 | tvtastegood25

Supportive comment calls for update and questions love's authenticity.

PenisColada21 | PenisColada21

Misconception debunked: You can't 'turn' someone gay. 🙌

buttfreakgirl69 | buttfreakgirl69

NTA, brother's wife is at fault for hiding her sexuality.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Short and sweet: NTA says it all! 👍

Magi0229 | Magi0229

Accepting yourself can inspire others to embrace their truth. 👍

d1scworld | d1scworld

Supportive comment defends SIL's coming out, calls out brother-in-law's behavior. 👏

writer_girl-18 | writer_girl-18

Keeping calm during conflicts is key to avoiding misunderstandings. 🙌

RaxisPhasmatis | RaxisPhasmatis

Short and to the point - NTA shuts it down 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Realization of SIL's sexuality after marriage. 🤔

shredmaster6661 | shredmaster6661

Supportive comment advises therapy for SIL and brother, offers comfort ❤️

taliadya | taliadya

Living your life can't 'turn' someone gay. 👮‍🌈

Jazzhands52 | Jazzhands52

Standing up to entitled men. NTA can't be kicked out.

witchesfire | witchesfire

Supportive comment helps sister-in-law come out. 👏

PennyArcane80 | PennyArcane80

NTA. Your brother is confused and lashed out at you. 🤷‍♀️ Give him time.

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA. Short and sweet judgement, no drama here.

KeiylaPolly | KeiylaPolly

NTA commenter shuts down ridiculous claim with hilarious quote.

FullmetalPinetree | FullmetalPinetree

NTA for living authentically. OP's brother's overreaction is uncalled for. 🚫

letsmcfreakinloseit | letsmcfreakinloseit

Lesbian sister-in-law was always gay, NTA for being herself 👍

piflavored_pie | piflavored_pie

Supportive replies to NTA comment on accidental gay conversion

jkell2000 | jkell2000

Clear-cut NTA verdict with no room for debate 👍

gunnyhunty | gunnyhunty

Debunking the myth of 'turning' someone gay 👍

ThatMuscle7 | ThatMuscle7

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