Family Feud: Baby's Diet Sparks Heated Debate 🍼🍌

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Diply | Diply

Babies and their diets can be a touchy subject, especially when it comes to first-time parents. One woman found herself in the middle of a family feud when her mother fed her brother's baby mashed banana without permission. The baby's parents were furious, but the woman and her mother believe the baby isn't being fed enough. Now, the family is divided, and the baby's grandparents may not see their grandchild for the foreseeable future. 😱👶

Baby's Sleepless Nights 🌙

traditional-bell7492 | traditional-bell7492

Concerns About Feeding 🍼

traditional-bell7492 | traditional-bell7492

Exhausted New Parents 😴

traditional-bell7492 | traditional-bell7492

Breast Milk and Solids 🥣

traditional-bell7492 | traditional-bell7492

Suggestion Ignored 😒

traditional-bell7492 | traditional-bell7492

Grandma's Banana Move 🍌

traditional-bell7492 | traditional-bell7492

Angry Parents 😡

traditional-bell7492 | traditional-bell7492

Demand for Apology 🤬

traditional-bell7492 | traditional-bell7492

Taking a Stand ✊

traditional-bell7492 | traditional-bell7492

No Apology, No Baby? 😢

traditional-bell7492 | traditional-bell7492

Sticking to Opinions 💪

traditional-bell7492 | traditional-bell7492

CPS Not Necessary 🚫

traditional-bell7492 | traditional-bell7492

Parents' Love and Concern ❤️

traditional-bell7492 | traditional-bell7492

Starting Solids Slowly 🥦

traditional-bell7492 | traditional-bell7492

Trust Issues Remain 😔

traditional-bell7492 | traditional-bell7492

Family Torn Apart Over Baby's Diet 🥺

This family feud over a baby's diet has left everyone in a tough spot. The baby's grandparents believe the child isn't being fed enough, while the parents are adamant about sticking to their plan. Despite the woman's attempt to mediate, her brother and sister-in-law are still not talking to her mother, and the grandparents may not see their grandchild for a while. Let's see what the internet thinks of this situation... 😬

Debate over baby's diet sparks intense discussion and disagreement 😠

Pharmacienne123 | Pharmacienne123

NTA suggests calling CPS for baby's well-being, receives mixed responses 😐

blksoulgreenthumb | blksoulgreenthumb

Debate over baby's diet sparks concern and conflicting opinions 😕

Absolutelycarparked | Absolutelycarparked

Concerned commenter suggests calling pediatrician. Replies question sharing doctor info 🤔

wind-river7 | wind-river7

Debate over 7-month-old's diet sparks concern for malnutrition 🤯

TotallyAwry | TotallyAwry

Breastfeeding and solid food debate sparks heated discussion 📚

singing_stream | singing_stream

Grandma changed baby's diet without permission, but CPS is extreme 😱

Illustrious-Cycle708 | Illustrious-Cycle708

Is the baby healthy? Key factor in diet debate 🙌

BeccasBump | BeccasBump

NTA calls out parents for their baby's underfeeding, daycare debate ensues 😍

mom7890 | mom7890

Breast milk alone is fine for first year. YTA if not.

cpanma1920 | cpanma1920

NTA suggests formula for underfed baby, shares personal experience.

Maximum_Raisin9272 | Maximum_Raisin9272

Breastfeeding vs formula debate sparks YTA accusation and advice.

Awkward-Bee7498 | Awkward-Bee7498

Supportive commenter defends parent's feeding choices for baby 👍

Motorcycle-adikt | Motorcycle-adikt

Breastmilk is enough for babies before one. YTA. 🚫

MamasaurusHex | MamasaurusHex

Debate over baby's diet and family dynamics. Who's TA? 🤔

sesemepudding | sesemepudding

Breastfeeding mom defends baby's diet. Others agree with her. 👍

MagentaCloveSmoke | MagentaCloveSmoke

Pediatrician's opinion and baby's readiness important for feeding decisions 👨🏻‍🍳

disladypuppies | disladypuppies

Breastmilk adapts to baby's needs, feeding without permission is wrong 😡

nothisispatrick91 | nothisispatrick91

NTA receives support for seeking doctor's advice for baby's diet 👍

MiskiMoon | MiskiMoon

Commenter explains best practices for infant feeding, calls out OP.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Breastfeeding debate: Developmental milestones, wet diapers, and sleep patterns discussed 📚

Azyrith | Azyrith

Breast milk debate: Is 4 Oz enough for a baby? 🤱

crymeajoanrivers | crymeajoanrivers

Breastfeeding mom defends baby's diet, calls out judgmental family members 💁

LividConcentrate91 | LividConcentrate91

Parent defends baby's diet, calls out judgmental comment. 💪

RayWencube | RayWencube

Breastmilk adapts to baby's needs, YTA for interfering. Family drama 😐

Asmodean129 | Asmodean129

Debate over baby's diet and sleep, YTA for introducing solids early 😑

futato | futato

Debate over feeding 4-month-old baby sparks controversy 🤔

wanttimetospeedup | wanttimetospeedup

Breastfeeding mom calls out commenter for giving wrong advice 👍

Brocolisaurus | Brocolisaurus

Comment spreading misinformation sparks heated debate 💯

LadyJulieC | LadyJulieC

Commenter defends parents' feeding choices, calls out judgmental behavior 🍼

Queasy-Cherry-11 | Queasy-Cherry-11

Skeptical comment suggests simple solution for baby's diet 🤔

MakeYourMind | MakeYourMind

Debate over baby's diet sparks heated argument. YTA or NAH?

quzooh | quzooh

Breastfeeding and weaning are personal choices. Don't cross boundaries. 👉🏻

georgialucy | georgialucy

Concerned commenter asks about baby's feeding and growth 🙏

2tinymonkeys | 2tinymonkeys

Controversial comment sparks debate on baby's diet. 🤔

STcoleridgeXIX | STcoleridgeXIX

Breast milk is enough for babies. YTA for accusing starvation 🐕

LakejoV | LakejoV

Debate over baby's diet turns heated, with accusations thrown. YTA.

Ok_whatever_654 | Ok_whatever_654

Breastmilk recommended up to 2 years old 👍

sparklyfluff | sparklyfluff

Don't butt in unless there's actual abuse/neglect happening 🤫

tlf555 | tlf555

NTA, but tact is key. Apologize and offer help 🙏

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA commenter questions neglect claims, suggests working with parents for solution.

Ill_Comb5932 | Ill_Comb5932

Breastmilk is enough until 1 year. YTA for judging. 👍

wickedpossum | wickedpossum

Dairy intolerance can cause discomfort and affect sleep patterns 😴

Any-Witness4662 | Any-Witness4662

Commenter calls out OP for interfering with baby's healthcare. 😑

pinkwar | pinkwar

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