Gamer Parents Choose Video Game Character Name for Baby Boy, Grandma Goes Ballistic! 😱🎮

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Meet a gaming couple who found love through their shared passion for video games. Now expecting their first child, they've decided to pay tribute to their favorite game character by naming their baby boy after him. But when the soon-to-be grandma found out about their choice, she went on a rampage! The couple's decision has sparked a family feud, leaving them to wonder if they're in the wrong. 🤷‍♀️🎮

A Gaming Love Story 💕🎮

bloofykins8675309 | bloofykins8675309

Baby Boy on the Way! 👶

bloofykins8675309 | bloofykins8675309

Inspiration Strikes! 🌟

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A Name to Honor Their Hero 🏆

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Family Pressure Intensifies 😬

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The Name Leak 🤦‍♂️

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Grandma's Furious Road Trip 🚗💨

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Standing Their Ground 💪

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The Ultimatum 😳

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A Painful Decision 💔

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Wife's Wise Words 🙌

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Baby Name Battle: Video Game Hero vs. Family Tradition 🎮vs.👪

This gaming couple found love and now they're expecting their first child. Wanting to honor their favorite video game character, they've chosen the name Arthur Morgan for their baby boy. But when grandma-to-be found out, she was livid and demanded they name the child after her late brother. After a heated confrontation, she's now threatening to cut ties with the family if they don't change the name. The couple is left wondering if they're in the wrong or if they should stand their ground. What do you think? Let's check out some of the top reactions to this dilemma... 🍿

NTA, media impacts our lives and sometimes it's great enough that we choose to honor it. If the mother chooses to 'disown' her grandchild over this, that's on her. People name their kids after fictional characters from a book or show all the time. It's no different here just because the character in question comes from a story told in a video game.

NotaVampire2 | NotaVampire2

Naming a baby after a video game character - NTA or ESH? 🎮

lovelycosmos | lovelycosmos

NTA parents choose classic video game name, grandma overreacts 😱

keesouth | keesouth

Family feud over baby name honoring a deceased relative. 😬

nerdstramomus | nerdstramomus

Stand your ground, it's your child. Don't let grandma dictate. 💪

mamawiz92 | mamawiz92

Naming a child after a video game character: NTA or nah? 🤔

ChocolatePotatoFudge | ChocolatePotatoFudge

Naming a child after a video game character: NTA or ESH? 😬

WiseBat | WiseBat

NTA, Arthur Morgan is a cool name, with sentimental value ❤️

salukiqueen | salukiqueen

Standing up to emotional blackmail with humor. 😂

rx_khaleesi | rx_khaleesi

Grandma can't control your baby's name. NTA.

Several-Pay-8964 | Several-Pay-8964

Grandma overreacts to baby name inspired by video game character. NTA.

kj_eeks | kj_eeks

Supportive comment on baby name choice despite grandma's disapproval 😊

MurasakiYugata | MurasakiYugata

A compassionate NTA comment and a suggestion for the brother.

EmpressJainaSolo | EmpressJainaSolo

Naming baby after a video game character is NTA. Grandma over-reacted 😱

scrapqueen | scrapqueen

Family feud over baby name sparks NTA comment.

Neptune23456 | Neptune23456

Misreading RDR2 as R2D2 leads to confusion and amusement 🤣

TeepShow76 | TeepShow76

Normal baby name sparks grandma's outrage. NTA wins.

AwsomeKingdomGabe | AwsomeKingdomGabe

Grandma disowns baby over video game name, commenter advises low-contact. NTA.

mowgli0423 | mowgli0423

Naming your child is your choice, not your grandma's 🤷‍♀️

fugly16 | fugly16

Naming your child after a video game character? NTA! 🎮👶

RepresentativeOwl518 | RepresentativeOwl518

Sibling named after game character, grandma not happy 😱

brinichole7 | brinichole7

Arthur Morgan: a meaningful name, NTA for not choosing relative's name.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Naming baby after video game character causes family drama. NTA.

recoveredcrush | recoveredcrush

Grandma's out of line, NTA for not letting her dictate.

MountainDewde | MountainDewde

Video game names causing controversy in baby names 😱

glassy_milk | glassy_milk

Gamer suggests naming baby boy after video game character Garrus Vakarian.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Naming baby after video game character causes family drama. NTA.

karskipellis | karskipellis

Naming baby before birth can lead to unexpected family drama. 😱

Ginger_brit93 | Ginger_brit93

Naming your baby before birth can lead to family drama 😱

Useful-Commission-76 | Useful-Commission-76

Grandma's empty threats won't stop Arthur Morgan's arrival! 😂

tikanique | tikanique

Stick to your boundaries and don't let demands steamroll you! 💪

DeshaMustFly | DeshaMustFly

Commenter approves but warns of potential family drama 😱

[deleted] | [deleted]

Choosing a baby name causes family drama. NTA wins.

flyingfred1027 | flyingfred1027

Grandma's overreaction to video game name prompts relationship evaluation. NTA.

conuly | conuly

Grandma's extreme reaction to baby name choice is unwarranted. NTA.

Seliphra | Seliphra

User defends parents' baby name choice, calls out grandma's hypocrisy. NTA 👍

boscabruiscear | boscabruiscear

NTA defends gamer parents' baby name choice, encourages confidence 🎮👶

No_Bookkeeper_5234 | No_Bookkeeper_5234

Setting boundaries with in-laws during pregnancy. 🤰🚫

Angel-4077 | Angel-4077

Grandma's tantrum over baby name choice is exhausting. Shut it down. 😒

SnooBananas7203 | SnooBananas7203

Grandma's not happy with gamer parents' baby name choice 😬

jg700 | jg700

Parents choose baby name, grandma not happy. NTA wins.

Sk111W | Sk111W

Parents choose baby name, grandma not happy! 😱👶

TheQuirkyReader | TheQuirkyReader

Choosing a baby name is a personal decision. NTA 👶

[deleted] | [deleted]

Naming baby after video game character? NTA says commenter.

pnutbuttercups56 | pnutbuttercups56

NTA, congrats on the baby! Set boundaries for unwanted advice. 👏

awonder1608 | awonder1608

Grandma's extreme reaction to baby name choice leads to family rift 😬

squidinosaur | squidinosaur

Petty but satisfying response to harsh grandma comment. 😂

Nausicaalotus | Nausicaalotus

Stand with your wife and child. No updates for grandma. 👍

Ok-Meaning-1307 | Ok-Meaning-1307

👍 Naming baby after video game character, grandma not happy 😬

SociallyAwkwardGeek | SociallyAwkwardGeek

Naming baby after video game character sparks concern for son's future.

Anakerie | Anakerie

Naming baby after video game character: NTA, but with limits 😊

[deleted] | [deleted]

Gamer parents choose video game name for baby boy, grandma outraged! 😱

artparade | artparade

Expecting a wild name but Artur is pretty standard. NTA.

Projectonyx | Projectonyx

Naming a baby after a video game character? NTA, says commenter.

bobandiara | bobandiara

Name your baby what you want! Grandma needs to chill 🙄

ugotmefdup | ugotmefdup

Red Dead Redemption reference earns NTA judgement and approval. 👍

DrewDonut | DrewDonut

Naming a baby after a video game character? NTA, says commenter 👏

wendy1792 | wendy1792

Username solidarity in unconventional baby names. 😎

The_Real_Gandalf1231 | The_Real_Gandalf1231

Sibling rivalry at its finest 😂

Single-Yak6304 | Single-Yak6304

Naming kids after video game characters: YTA or NTA?

JudgeJed100 | JudgeJed100

Naming baby after video game character: NTA, grandma overreacts 😱

WildflowerSunrise | WildflowerSunrise

Family feud over baby name choice, therapy needed 🤯

Smooth_Fee | Smooth_Fee

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