Siblings Battle Over Secret Recipes and Custom App: Who's the Petty One? 🤔

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Diply | Diply

Ah, sibling rivalries - they can be the source of endless amusement or the cause of family drama. In this case, we have a tech-savvy brother who built a custom app for his daughter and a sister who has perfected her family-favorite dishes. When the sister asks for the app's source code, her brother refuses, citing the need for proper compensation. But when the tables turn, and he requests her secret recipes, she uses his own words against him. Is she being petty, or is this a case of fair play? Let's dive into this deliciously dramatic story. 😏🍽️

Brother's Custom App 📱

intelligent_peach135 | intelligent_peach135

Sister Wants the App 🙋‍♀️

intelligent_peach135 | intelligent_peach135

The Price of Customization 💸

intelligent_peach135 | intelligent_peach135

Source Code Denied 🚫

intelligent_peach135 | intelligent_peach135

Fast Forward to Potluck 🍲

intelligent_peach135 | intelligent_peach135

Sister's Secret Recipes 🥘

intelligent_peach135 | intelligent_peach135

Brother Wants the Recipes 📧

intelligent_peach135 | intelligent_peach135

Sister's Price for Recipes 💰

intelligent_peach135 | intelligent_peach135

Brother Calls Sister Petty 😠

intelligent_peach135 | intelligent_peach135

The Tension Builds ⚡

intelligent_peach135 | intelligent_peach135

Brother's Argument 📚

intelligent_peach135 | intelligent_peach135

Sister's Response 🤷‍♀️

intelligent_peach135 | intelligent_peach135

Fair Play or Petty Sister? 🧐

So, we have a tech-savvy brother who refuses to share his custom app's source code without proper compensation, and a sister who's perfected her family-favorite dishes. When the brother requests her secret recipes, she uses his own words against him, demanding appropriate compensation. He claims the two situations are entirely different, while she argues that a recipe is just a way to program food to taste a specific way. The tension between them continues to build, but who's really in the wrong here? Let's see what the internet thinks of this culinary conundrum... 🍽️💻

NTA claps back at avaricious brother over petty app dispute 😂

Puppyjito | Puppyjito

Cooking and coding are the same thing? NTA explains why. 😍

rusty0123 | rusty0123

Intellectual property lawyer confirms NTA's entitlement, Atticus Finch approves. 👍

DontKillMockingbirds | DontKillMockingbirds

Sibling rivalry overcharging each other for family favors. 😂

mckinnos | mckinnos

NTA wants brother to share code for free, but replies disagree.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sibling rivalry gets spicy with a programming comeback. NTA.

Mavakor | Mavakor

Embrace the pettiness! OP is NTA for keeping their recipes.

ladyk1487 | ladyk1487

This commenter loves the pettiness, and so do we! 😂

SlightlyBiggusDickus | SlightlyBiggusDickus

Sibling rivalry over app and recipes, who's the petty one? 😂

motherhagrid | motherhagrid

Protecting secret recipes is a gem 💎

calli22 | calli22

NTA defends copyrighting recipes, reply clarifies what can be copyrighted.

deadhoe9 | deadhoe9

Supportive comment receives praise for standing up for themselves. 👏

moodyvee | moodyvee

The siblings' professions are not related to the dispute 👨‍🍳💻

Babbit_B | Babbit_B

Sibling love vs control. NTA for not sharing recipes.

Arthur_CS | Arthur_CS

Petty siblings refuse to share recipes and app code 😑

shewy92 | shewy92

Sibling rivalry over app and recipes leads to silent treatment. 😶

amitathrowa | amitathrowa

Sibling's recipe dispute reveals deeper issues. NTA stands firm. 😊

apracticalpoet | apracticalpoet

Commenter finds situation amusing and declares NTA.

LilaValentine | LilaValentine

Sharing is caring, even if it's not equal in value 💜

runedued | runedued

Sibling feud over recipes and app, commenter enjoys the pettiness. 😂

WaDaEp | WaDaEp

Sibling rivalry heats up over cake and custom app 🍰

hailthemitten | hailthemitten

Freelancer boundaries and family drama over app customization. 👨‍💻

GarlicButterGarnet | GarlicButterGarnet

Fair trade or recipe extortion? NTA's clever plan 🤔

dolla55 | dolla55

NTA for not sharing recipe, but coding custom app is time-consuming ⏰

TattieMafia | TattieMafia

Breaking gender stereotypes on unpaid labor. Call out the inequality! ✌️

TheBaddestPatsy | TheBaddestPatsy

ABCmouse gets a shoutout in NTA comment section 👏

SnooMemesjellies7547 | SnooMemesjellies7547

Sibling's app vs recipe feud: Sexism and hypocrisy called out. 👏

Neechiesb4Cheezees | Neechiesb4Cheezees

Programmer husband values hard work, but is he being an a**hole? 🤔

Viperbunny | Viperbunny

Sharing is caring, but not everyone wants to share 🤷‍♂️

the_last_basselope | the_last_basselope

Monetize the recipe instead of fighting over it. NTA.

Erisedstorm | Erisedstorm

Recipe for peace: NTA suggests code-for-recipe exchange, but rejected 🤷

connicpu | connicpu

Sibling rivalry over sauce code sparks laughter 😂

MoralityOrCarrot | MoralityOrCarrot

Software pro defends recipe ownership against manipulative sibling.

ZestfulCone2705 | ZestfulCone2705

Cooking and app development are equally valid and worthy pursuits. 👏

pizzaslut2you | pizzaslut2you

Defending intellectual prowess and exposing sexism in cooking vs coding.

Slippydude | Slippydude

Sibling rivalry gets petty over recipes and app development 😑

jvrmrc | jvrmrc

Standing up for yourself: NTA shuts down gaslighting sibling 💪

randomalas | randomalas

Sibling rivalry over recipes and app ownership. NTA offers legal insight. 🤔

BellsOnHerToes | BellsOnHerToes

Recipe secrecy has legal implications. Brother is wrong. #NTA

Surfer_wave_dolphin | Surfer_wave_dolphin

Cooking costs add up, NTA for valuing recipe secrecy.

emp9th | emp9th

Fair trade for secret recipes code. Don't be a wanker! 😎

CantSpeakOutLoud | CantSpeakOutLoud

Brother's refusal to hand over app for niece's reading progress. NTA 👍

delilahjasmine123 | delilahjasmine123

Sibling feud over app and recipes, with a hint of pettiness 🤔

Filosifee | Filosifee

Commenter sympathizes with OP and wishes karma on brother 👏

idgitalert | idgitalert

Sibling defends recipe, sparks debate on favoritism. 😍

AmazingAd2765 | AmazingAd2765

Sibling harmony prevails with a NTA judgement 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sibling rivalry over secret recipes and custom app. NTA wins.

StellaLuna108 | StellaLuna108

Sibling feud over recipes and app sharing, justified or petty? 🤔

privlaged-and-white | privlaged-and-white

Sibling rivalry at its finest! Not the a**hole (NTA)

browneyeddatachick | browneyeddatachick

Exposing hypocrisy leads to NTA judgement 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Baker defends keeping secret recipes, NTA 🦄

michaelablair1 | michaelablair1

Charging family for professional skills: NTA with caveats 👍

cjw_5110 | cjw_5110

Petty adults fighting over recipes and app, while kids suffer. 😒

Thebuch4 | Thebuch4

Uncle refuses to share app code for his niece's education 😠

CanadianJediCouncil | CanadianJediCouncil

Programmer defends OP's decision, jokes about algorithms and cake recipes 😂

ContaPJogarForaHJMsm | ContaPJogarForaHJMsm

Brother gets a taste of his own medicine. 😋

DetectiVentriloquist | DetectiVentriloquist

Sharing recipes vs hoarding code: Who's in the right? 🤔

pacingpilot | pacingpilot

NTA stands their ground in recipe app dispute 😎

ArabGinger | ArabGinger

3* Michelin chef sells incomplete recipes for good money, NTA.

Pergamon_ | Pergamon_

Unapologetically petty and proud 😼👑 #NTA

politetemper | politetemper

Petty recipe battle leaves both parties looking bad �ace_with_hand_over_mouth

onethousandfishes | onethousandfishes

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