Wife Calls Husband Selfish for Ruining Boat Tour 🚢😠 Can You Believe His Response?

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Meet 'Jack' and his wife, a history-loving couple with a 3-year-old daughter named 'Daisy'. The wife works in a museum and has always been passionate about history and geography. She loves going on tours and trips to learn more about different buildings and places. Recently, they booked a tour guide boat, which she was really looking forward to. However, things took a turn for the worse when their daughter wanted to go downstairs due to the heat. 😓🔥

A Family Outing 🚢

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Wife's Love for History 📚

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Excited for the Boat Tour 🌊

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Heat Wave Strikes ☀️

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Wife's Request to Husband 🙏

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Husband Refuses 😤

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Wife's Counter Argument 🗣️

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Downstairs Disappointment 😞

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Mood Ruined 😠

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Husband's Upset Response 😡

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Tension in the Air ⚡

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Clarification on Daughter's Wellbeing 🌞

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Wife's Frustration 😖

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Wife's Sacrifices for Husband 🎶

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Boat Tour Drama: Who's in the Wrong? 🤔

The wife's love for history and excitement for the boat tour was crushed when her husband refused to take their daughter downstairs to escape the heat. 😞🔥 Instead, he told her to "get over herself" and take their daughter downstairs herself, leaving her feeling like her feelings were disregarded. To make matters worse, she often takes over parenting duties while he enjoys music concerts. 🎶👶 So, who do you think is being selfish in this situation? Let's see what the internet thinks... 🌐💭

NTA and husband is selfish for not considering wife's interests 😠

Admirable-Frog-3748 | Admirable-Frog-3748

Husband's selfish behavior and parenting mindset criticized by commenters. NTA

puppyfarts99 | puppyfarts99

Co-parenting fail 🙄 Husband's laziness causes boat tour disaster.

residentvixxen | residentvixxen

NTA comment and reply suggest solo trip for enjoyable experience 😊

Aggravating_Art_4809 | Aggravating_Art_4809

NTA dad prioritizes daughter but still ruins boat trip 🚢

ladygreyowl13 | ladygreyowl13

NTA calls out husband's hypocrisy. Is he always this selfish? 🤔

True_Task_6816 | True_Task_6816

Husband shirks parenting duties on boat tour 🚢😠

No_Stage_6158 | No_Stage_6158

Splitting time would have been fair, husband wrong to call selfish 😕

Away-Caterpillar-176 | Away-Caterpillar-176

Lazy husband ruins boat tour, wife's anger justified 😠

not-telling-sorry | not-telling-sorry

Commenter asks for more context on husband's behavior. Replies agree NTA.

tanzie2503 | tanzie2503

Wife called husband selfish for not going on boat tour 🚣‍♂️

Finnick4 | Finnick4

Partner's selfish behavior on boat tour sparks NTA comment

Sel-Reddit | Sel-Reddit

🤔 Are you the default parent? Moms deserve time too.

mandsdavis | mandsdavis

Commenter and reply agree: husband is a disrespectful a**hole 😠

Shoddy-Put1109 | Shoddy-Put1109

Commenter suggests solo boat tour after husband's selfish behavior. NTA 👍

Tudorprincess1 | Tudorprincess1

Savage response to wife's husband bashing 🤪

SilverPlantains | SilverPlantains

Father should take on parenting duties during tour. 👨🏻‍📺 NTA comment.

Elleketel | Elleketel

New dad empathizes with wife, worries about impact on child 👨🏻👩🏻

DB-aa23 | DB-aa23

Equal parenting responsibilities - NTA comment section is supportive 👍

Marc123123 | Marc123123

Concerned commenter questions distribution of childcare responsibilities. 👨🏻‍🎤

sparklesparkle5 | sparklesparkle5

Husband prioritizes his comfort over family, causing conflict 😔

jrabbot | jrabbot

Commenter suggests husband is sexist for not helping wife. 🤔

amymari | amymari

3-year-old daughter bored on boat tour, ESH for not considering.

pastelpixelator | pastelpixelator

Demanding equality as a parent 👨🏻‍👩🏻‍👦🏻‍👧🏻‍‍👦 is important ✊

lamadelyn | lamadelyn

Hypocritical husband called out for not putting daughter first 👏

SnooSprouts6437 | SnooSprouts6437

Husband prioritized daughter, but what about his wife? 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Boat tour not for toddlers 😕👌, commenter suggests child-friendly alternatives.

Amara_Undone | Amara_Undone

Solo boat tour: the ultimate selfish adventure ✈

Frosty_System_9715 | Frosty_System_9715

Husband's bad attitude ruined boat tour, wife calls him out 😠

Jenuptoolate | Jenuptoolate

Take control 💪🏼 and show him how it's done 👍🏼

practicallyperfectuk | practicallyperfectuk

NTA commenter supports wife, suggests husband's behavior is a pattern.

KatMeowxx | KatMeowxx

Commenter calls out partner's behavior, asks why tolerate it. 🙅

UsernameTaken93456 | UsernameTaken93456

NTA's comment suggests husband was selfish and childish 😠, advises wife to take power back 💪

Educational_Guard488 | Educational_Guard488

Don't let anyone undermine your good time 😎 #NTA

SexualDepression | SexualDepression

Husband thinks wife should watch child while he has fun 😠

JCBashBash | JCBashBash

NTA comment warns wife of husband's disrespect 😠

daguro | daguro

Consideration is key in a relationship 👭👯‍♂️👯‍♀️

Daffy666 | Daffy666

Husband called wife selfish for asking him to parent. NTA.

Ladyughsalot1 | Ladyughsalot1

Parent frustrated with husband's lack of teamwork on boat tour 😠


NTA commenter suggests leaving selfish husband at home 👍

Quiet_Progress_355 | Quiet_Progress_355

Commenter agrees with OP but criticizes husband's behavior 😑

ExplanationNo6063 | ExplanationNo6063

Parenting requires sacrifices from both parents. Don't be goofy 😉

ekbellatrix | ekbellatrix

Putting daughter first, but husband ruins boat tour. NTA wins.

TA-Sentinels2022 | TA-Sentinels2022

Father prioritizes daughter, wife calls him selfish. NTA wins.

Chay_Charles | Chay_Charles

Commenter calls out husband for selfish behavior on boat tour. NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Commenters agree: husband's a tool 🙈

Trishshirt5678 | Trishshirt5678

Parenting disagreements ruin boat tour 🚢😠, ESH takes blame.

Turbulent_Cow2355 | Turbulent_Cow2355

Commenter shares unrelated accomplishment in NTA section 🤔

Inbar253 | Inbar253

Wife calls husband selfish for ruining boat tour. Commenter suggests parenting schedule.

Apprehensive_Title38 | Apprehensive_Title38

Communication is key to avoid ongoing issues 👍

Opposite_Leopard9360 | Opposite_Leopard9360

Partner ruins boat tour, commenter says set boundaries. NTA.

ErrghDoIHaveTo | ErrghDoIHaveTo

Leaving kids behind for adult venues is okay sometimes 😊

ksarahsarah27 | ksarahsarah27

Putting daughter first 💛👨‍👦‍👦 over husband's selfishness 😠

tickingkitty | tickingkitty

Husband prioritized pictures over wife's interest in tour guide 🙄

PickleNotaBigDill | PickleNotaBigDill

Parenting equality defended in boat tour dispute 👨🏻‍👩🏻🚢

winstoncadbury | winstoncadbury

Being the default parent sucks 😔 NTA for calling out.

No_Fox_423 | No_Fox_423

Husband prioritizes daughter and own enjoyment over wife's desires 😠

[deleted] | [deleted]

Husband fails to take one for the team 🙄

annswertwin | annswertwin

Advice for dealing with a selfish partner and prioritizing activities 👍

readbackcorrect | readbackcorrect

Selfish husband puts himself first, NTA according to comment.

ProfessionalAnt937 | ProfessionalAnt937

Redditor suggests sending post to husband after boat incident 💻

Lara-El | Lara-El

Partner ruins museum visit, NTA for being upset 😠

ChaiSlytherin | ChaiSlytherin

Mother questions husband's priorities in caring for their daughter.

2ndcupofcoffee | 2ndcupofcoffee

Husband's lack of interest on boat tour leads to conflict 🙄

throwaway_72752 | throwaway_72752

Parenting issues and dismissive behavior. NTA wins.

Astyryx | Astyryx

Commenter calls out husband's behavior, questions wife's decision to stay. 🤔

HelenAngel | HelenAngel

Daughter comes first, husband comes second. NTA wins.

soaringseafoam | soaringseafoam

Parenting disagreements on boat tour 🚢😠

vlbb13 | vlbb13

Savage response to selfish husband's boat tour behavior 🤬

CakePhool | CakePhool

Parenting inequality? Commenter calls out selfish husband. NTA

Dogmaneverhappened | Dogmaneverhappened

Gender bias and invalidation in parenting roles. 🤔

shezza314 | shezza314

Curious about the husband's response? Read on... 🤔

2a3b66725 | 2a3b66725

Dad prioritizes photos over family on boat tour 😠 NTA

emorrigan | emorrigan

Empathetic comment suggests husband may not enjoy boat tour activities.

yeti_mann12466 | yeti_mann12466

ESH, parenting fail on both sides 🙄🚫

DaxxyDreams | DaxxyDreams

Parents prioritize own desires over daughter's happiness 😔

Nielleluvzu628 | Nielleluvzu628

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