Boss Fires HR Head for Ridiculous Job Requirements! 😱🤯

Diply Social Team
Diply | Diply

We've all heard of job postings with unrealistic expectations, but this one takes the cake! 🎂 A company owner noticed that their HR department was posting entry-level job openings with outrageous requirements, like three years of experience for an entry-level position! 😲 The boss confronted the HR head, but their excuses didn't cut it. In a fit of anger, the boss fired the HR head, but now they're being bad-mouthed all over town. 😡🗣️ Did the boss overreact, or were they justified in their actions? Read on to find out! 👇

A Strange Hiring Situation 🤔

financialcabinet56 | financialcabinet56

The IT Department Needs Help 💻

financialcabinet56 | financialcabinet56

Three Months, Zero Hires 😕

financialcabinet56 | financialcabinet56

A Meeting with HR 📅

financialcabinet56 | financialcabinet56

Outrageous Requirements! 😱

financialcabinet56 | financialcabinet56

HR's Excuses 🙄

financialcabinet56 | financialcabinet56

Boss Takes Action 💥

financialcabinet56 | financialcabinet56

Confrontation Time ⚔️

financialcabinet56 | financialcabinet56

The Firing 🔥

financialcabinet56 | financialcabinet56

Bad-Mouthing Begins 🗣️

financialcabinet56 | financialcabinet56

Second Thoughts? 🤔

financialcabinet56 | financialcabinet56

Was the Boss Justified or Overreacting? 🤷

So, the boss took a stand against the HR head's absurd job requirements and fired them. But now, they're facing backlash and being called names all over town. 😖 Was the boss justified in their actions, or did they overreact? 🤔 Let's see what the internet thinks of this situation... 👇

NTA for standing up against ridiculous job requirements 🙌

Miss_Magpie_ | Miss_Magpie_

Companies wanting experienced candidates for entry-level pay is a sham! NTA.

prairiemountainzen | prairiemountainzen

Firing HR head for ridiculous job requirements, NTA wins!

inappropriateFable | inappropriateFable

NTA boss fires HR head for ridiculous job requirements

Illuminator007 | Illuminator007

NTA but hiring process needs improvement. Ask a Manager recommended. 👍

NoItsThatWay | NoItsThatWay

Clear instructions and refusal to comply led to justified firing. 💪

SnakesCantWearPants | SnakesCantWearPants

Firing justified? NTA boss gets rid of HR head 👏

ex-inteller | ex-inteller

NTA fires head of department for unreasonable job requirements. Staff unaware?

ansi1937 | ansi1937

Redditors call out fake news in hilarious comment section 😂

lemongrenade | lemongrenade

Boss fires HR head for ridiculous job requirements, commenters agree.

BlameChina4it | BlameChina4it

Get expert advice from Ask A Manager! NTA wins.

CakeOrDeath98 | CakeOrDeath98

Firing justified, but termination package needed improvement 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Fired HR head receives NTA for standing up for principles 👏

Aramisua | Aramisua

NTA HR worker praises boss for firing HR head with ridiculous job requirements 👏

Hello725 | Hello725

HR's ridiculous job requirements causing unfilled positions for 3 months 🤯

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA. Companies requiring experience for entry-level positions is ridiculous 😑

naranghim | naranghim

Owner defends job requirements, not discriminatory. NTA reigns supreme! 💪

NotHisRealName | NotHisRealName

Senior union rep defends boss's firing decision. NTA wins! 👏

rleaky | rleaky

NTA who understands the importance of entry-level investment and company values.

PurpleConversation36 | PurpleConversation36

Legal consequences for bad-mouthing ex-employer with non-disparaging clause. 🤔

Natalie2536 | Natalie2536

Boss makes tough call to fire HR head for poor work. NTA.

Fugly0the0first | Fugly0the0first

HR head fired, suggests HR apply for entry-level job. NTA 👏

Servantofbosco | Servantofbosco

Protect your company! Consider consulting an attorney 💪

terrapharma | terrapharma

NTA commenter calls out bad HR practices and lack of understanding 💪

CatOutrageous9135 | CatOutrageous9135

NTA! Entry level means training from ground up. Ridiculous requirements!

SA_Starling_ | SA_Starling_

Legal action advised for defamation, but not to be discussed online. 👍

Mithrander_Grey | Mithrander_Grey

NTA boss makes right call in firing HR head 💪

Renamis | Renamis

Owner fires HR head for ridiculous job requirements, commenters agree NTA 👍

Kettlewise | Kettlewise

Giving chances to those in need without absurd requirements! 👏

ImAlreadyTracerBoii | ImAlreadyTracerBoii

Experience shouldn't be a requirement for entry level positions! 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Fired HR head praised for standing up against ridiculous job requirements 💪

fckoffshthead | fckoffshthead

Fired HR head thought they knew better, NTA. Good riddance! 💯

Regediot | Regediot

Experience required for entry-level jobs? NTA or ludicrous? 🤔

knightfrog1248 | knightfrog1248

Employee fired for ridiculous job requirements. NTA. 👍

SarsippiusJackson | SarsippiusJackson

Commenter praises boss for firing HR head with misleading job requirements. 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Standing up for entry-level requirements. Book recommendation for leadership.

ContrarianArgument | ContrarianArgument

IT worker praises executive's attitude towards job requirements. NTA wins!

nmar5 | nmar5

Experienced person reminds us to communicate clearly with employees 🤔

No-Agent-1611 | No-Agent-1611

HR's ridiculous job requirements lead to firing. NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Experienced workers won't settle for entry-level jobs 🙅

Chance-Contract-1290 | Chance-Contract-1290

Enforcing entry-level standards is a blessing 🙏

SquirrelGirlVA | SquirrelGirlVA

Experience required for a position means it's not entry-level. NTA 👍

SlaterVJ | SlaterVJ

Owner rightfully fires HR head for ridiculous job requirements! 🙌

3340bronqen | 3340bronqen

Fired HR head for ridiculous job requirements. NTA wins!

indianajoes | indianajoes

Boss fires HR head for ridiculous requirements, commenter supports decision

benjm88 | benjm88

Boss takes responsibility for company culture and values, fires HR head. 👏

WhatABaker | WhatABaker

Firing HR Head for Ridiculous Job Requirements - NTA 👍

Katreborn | Katreborn

Fighting for fairness in hiring 💪🏻

Knittingfairy09113 | Knittingfairy09113

Discover great workers through Vocational Rehabilitation programs! 🤝

Lazy_Initiative1464 | Lazy_Initiative1464

NTA boss fires HR head for ridiculous job requirements! 😱🤯

TheSoyBear | TheSoyBear

Firing the HR head was the right move. NTA 👍

KnightofForestsWild | KnightofForestsWild

Firing HR head over ridiculous job requirements - NTA wins!

CantEatCatsKevin | CantEatCatsKevin

NTA HR professional fired for ridiculous job requirements. Bad mouthing employer.

Gagirl4604 | Gagirl4604

Boss fires HR head for ridiculous job requirements. NTA wins!

KittyKiitos | KittyKiitos

NTA owner recognizes importance of experience over cheap labor 💪

Thisismytakeonthings | Thisismytakeonthings

NTA: Comment suggests reasonable hiring requirements for HR positions.

papscanhurtyo | papscanhurtyo

Job requirements for entry-level positions are ridiculous and hurt companies. 😱

Renbarre | Renbarre

Communication breakdown led to HR head firing 📞

tomatocucumber | tomatocucumber

Boss fires HR head for ridiculous job requirements, but could have handled it better according to ESH comment.

OkAnywhere0 | OkAnywhere0

Commenter calls out unrealistic job requirements and lazy post. 🤔

Uncleumbra | Uncleumbra

HR head fired for ridiculous IT job requirements. NTA comment agrees.

dreamsuggestor | dreamsuggestor

IT leader questions HR's role in job requirements, seeks clarification. 🤔

AndFyUoCuKAgain | AndFyUoCuKAgain

Supportive comment applauds boss for firing non-compliant employee 👏

fukexcuses | fukexcuses

Boss rightfully fires HR head for job requirements. NTA 👍

TheMaStif | TheMaStif

Appreciative comment on ridiculous job requirements in IT 🙏

Kayos9999 | Kayos9999

HR worker calls out boss for poor management and communication 👏

babyfrien | babyfrien

Firing justified! NTA for letting go of arrogant HR head 👏

brita998866 | brita998866

Agreeing with NTA comment about going against boss's wishes 👍

stephapeaz | stephapeaz

NTA stands up for HR head's job requirements. 💪

canvasshoes2 | canvasshoes2

Employee fired for prioritizing personal views over company values. NTA.

GeeWhiskers | GeeWhiskers

Unrealistic job requirements make it hard for new grads 😔

vrcraftauthor | vrcraftauthor

Breaking the cycle of unrealistic job requirements 💪

ZirriQ | ZirriQ

Firing an incompetent employee? NTA! 👏

AtariConCarne | AtariConCarne

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