Older Sibling Helps Sister Report Job for Wage Theft, Ignites Family Drama 😱🔥

Diply Social Team
Diply | Diply

Picture this: you're a protective older sibling, and you find out your teenage sister's boss is forcing her to work unpaid overtime. What would you do? 🤔 One 22-year-old decided to help their sister report the shady employer to the Department of Labor, despite knowing their parents might disapprove. The result? A family feud that has everyone questioning who's in the right here. 🥊👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Let's dive into the story!

Sister's Summer Job 🌞

protectiveoldersiss | protectiveoldersiss

Breaking the Rules 😡

protectiveoldersiss | protectiveoldersiss

Boss's Demands 📢

protectiveoldersiss | protectiveoldersiss

Wage Theft 💸

protectiveoldersiss | protectiveoldersiss

Under-reporting Hours 😠

protectiveoldersiss | protectiveoldersiss

Protective Sibling Steps In 💪

protectiveoldersiss | protectiveoldersiss

Reporting the Boss 🚔

protectiveoldersiss | protectiveoldersiss

Texting the Boss 📱

protectiveoldersiss | protectiveoldersiss

Boss's Confession 😳

protectiveoldersiss | protectiveoldersiss

Reporting to the Department of Labor 🏛️

protectiveoldersiss | protectiveoldersiss

Justice Served ⚖️

protectiveoldersiss | protectiveoldersiss

Boss Furious 😤

protectiveoldersiss | protectiveoldersiss

Parents' Disapproval 😒

protectiveoldersiss | protectiveoldersiss

Family Feud 💥

protectiveoldersiss | protectiveoldersiss

Sibling Standoff 🥊

protectiveoldersiss | protectiveoldersiss

Sisterly Support or Overstepping Boundaries? 🤷‍♀️

So, there you have it: a 22-year-old sibling helps their 16-year-old sister report her employer for wage theft and violating labor laws, only to ignite a family feud. The parents are furious, accusing the older sibling of sabotaging their parenting decision to teach responsibility and hard work. But the 22-year-old argues they were just looking out for their sister's rights. Who's in the right here? 🧐 Let's check out what the internet has to say about this explosive situation! 💬

Teaching someone to be used and not stand up for themselves is a dangerous lesson 👍. Good on OP for teaching their sister to report wage theft and not comply with abuse. #NTA

Onequestion0110 | Onequestion0110

Standing up for fair pay in the workplace 💰👊

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sibling stands up for sister's wage theft, teaches valuable lesson 👍

Giana2896 | Giana2896

Empowering sister to stand up against wage theft. 💪

Cavane42 | Cavane42

Breaking free from toxic work culture, but not family drama 😱

TCGislife | TCGislife

Sibling stands up for sister's rights, calls out parents' hypocrisy 💪

mm172 | mm172

Sibling stands up against wage theft, parents upset with lesson learned 😱

misslo718 | misslo718

Empowering comment on standing up to wage theft 💪

DerpDevilDD | DerpDevilDD

Sister reports wage theft with concrete evidence, proves NTA. 👏

downvotingprofile | downvotingprofile

Standing up against wage theft, family drama ensues 😱

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sister reports wage theft, parents don't believe in government oversight 😱

InternationalKick126 | InternationalKick126

Sibling stands up against wage theft, sparks family drama 😱

ShouldahWouldah | ShouldahWouldah

Sibling stands up against wage theft, parents risk losing both kids 😱

ReignBeauxBrite | ReignBeauxBrite

Sibling helps sister report wage theft, parents side with manager 😔

baileymac14 | baileymac14

Sibling stands up for sister in wage theft case. NTA 👏

monsteramoons | monsteramoons

Sibling stands up against wage theft, gets threatened. NTA 💪

Ummokkayyy | Ummokkayyy

Teaching sister to value her time, parents are the AHs 👎

Odd-ball_Otter | Odd-ball_Otter

Sibling solidarity against wage theft, but parents disapprove 👍🏻

Familiar-Awareness10 | Familiar-Awareness10

Sibling exposes wage theft, parents enable free child labor 🤪

Sacred_Apollyon | Sacred_Apollyon

Sibling stands up against wage theft, sparks family drama 😱

pnutbuttercups56 | pnutbuttercups56

Sibling reports wage theft and harassment, parents side with employer 😱

Comprehensive_Fly350 | Comprehensive_Fly350

Sibling stands up against wage theft, sparks family drama 🤯

akcocaflornj | akcocaflornj

Sibling stands up against wage theft, father takes side. 👏

jeepsaintchaos | jeepsaintchaos

Standing up against wage theft and harassment is important. NTA!

Gumgums66 | Gumgums66

Sibling stands up against wage theft, receives family backlash 😱

sharkdoododood | sharkdoododood

Empathetic comment supports sister's actions against wage theft 👏

bdar22 | bdar22

Breaking the cycle of employee exploitation. 👏👏

GrayDottedPony | GrayDottedPony

Sister reports wage theft, sibling supports. Important life skill emphasized 💪

DancinginHyrule | DancinginHyrule

Sibling stands up against wage theft, asks political views humorously 😂

DogFacedManboy | DogFacedManboy

Sibling stands up against wage theft, earns NTA judgement 👏

RealWillBettleheim | RealWillBettleheim

Sibling stands up against wage theft, sparks family drama 🤪

dwells2301 | dwells2301

Standing up against wage theft at work. 💪🏻

msmoseby | msmoseby

Sibling stands up against wage theft, sparks family drama 🤪

IamblichusSneezed | IamblichusSneezed

Sibling stands up against wage theft, parents side with employer 😱

Cpt_Lazlo | Cpt_Lazlo

Teaching siblings to fight wage theft: NTA wins family feud! 💪

loopylandtied | loopylandtied

Standing up against wage theft and abuse at work. NTA 💪

sbinjax | sbinjax

Empowering siblings to fight for their labor rights 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Standing up for fair labor laws and family drama ensues 😱

catladyblair | catladyblair

Reporting wage theft: NTA encourages more people to speak up 👏

ApplicationVast9100 | ApplicationVast9100

Sibling stands up for sister against wage theft, parents absent 👏

MrCantankerous | MrCantankerous

Sibling stands up against wage theft, parents disagree. 💪

SnooMacarons5460 | SnooMacarons5460

👏 Standing up for your rights at work is important! 👏

Major-Environment-29 | Major-Environment-29

Sibling stands up for sister's rights, teaches valuable lesson. 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Fighting for justice in the workplace 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sibling stands up against abuse, chooses sister over parents. NTA 👏

oieusouobixo | oieusouobixo

Reporting wage theft and child labor laws violation, NTA wins!

that-1-chick-u-know | that-1-chick-u-know

Fighting for fair wages sparks family feud. NTA stands firm.

Dixon_Kuntz73 | Dixon_Kuntz73

Standing up against wage theft, family drama ensues 😱

[deleted] | [deleted]

Standing up against wage theft, NTA sibling wins family feud 💪

LingonberryPrior6896 | LingonberryPrior6896

Breaking the silence on wage theft 💸🤐👊

noccie | noccie

Sibling stands up against wage theft, family drama ensues 😱

TheFlyingToasterr | TheFlyingToasterr

Former camp director supports reporting wage theft, calls out industry norms.

dailyrickman | dailyrickman

Teaching responsibility ≠ Allowing wage theft. NTA 👍

SegaNeptune28 | SegaNeptune28

Sibling stands up against wage theft, encourages sister's self-worth 👏

northstarette | northstarette

Parenting solidarity! Older sister saves younger from wage theft 💪

cdiddy19 | cdiddy19

NTA exposes employer's illegal actions, faces family backlash 🤯

holisarcasm | holisarcasm

Standing up against wage theft and bullying is commendable 💪

RosesBrain | RosesBrain

Sister stands up to wage theft, parents upset. NTA 👏

Cisco-NintendoSwitch | Cisco-NintendoSwitch

Breaking free from outdated parental views, NTA wins.

NewBromance | NewBromance

Unions causing family drama? 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sibling stands up against wage theft, parents side with employer 😱

SmartFX2001 | SmartFX2001

Parents side with employer against daughter in wage theft case 😠

Positive-Source8205 | Positive-Source8205

Standing up against wage theft, commenter challenges family's values. 💪

Educational_Cup9850 | Educational_Cup9850

Standing up against wage theft leads to family drama 🤪

easilybored1 | easilybored1

Empowering sister to fight wage theft, despite family drama. 💪

Own_Tip6648 | Own_Tip6648

Parent's skewed priorities worry commenter about 16 y/o's safety. 😱

popcornnpickles | popcornnpickles

Empowering siblings to stand up for each other 💪

Top-Amphibian1272 | Top-Amphibian1272

Empowering sister to stand up for herself against sucky parents 💪

JennieGee | JennieGee

Sibling reports wage theft, boss retaliates to parents. NTA wins!

NerdySwampWitch40 | NerdySwampWitch40

Sibling solidarity against wage theft, but family drama ensues! 😱

iglife | iglife

Sibling reports wage theft, boss speaks to parents. NTA advice.

Allthemuffinswow | Allthemuffinswow

Sibling stands up against wage theft, family drama ensues. NTA

StrangelyEstranged93 | StrangelyEstranged93

Sibling stands up against wage theft, parents' reaction sparks drama 🤪

chuchofreeman | chuchofreeman

Sibling stands up against wage theft, parents take wrong side 😔

missmandyloves | missmandyloves

Protecting minors from wage theft: NTA sibling sparks family drama 😱

No-Wrongdoer-7346 | No-Wrongdoer-7346

Sibling stands up against wage theft, sparks family drama 🤪

erlend_nikulausson | erlend_nikulausson

Be a hero! Help your sister escape wage theft 👏

PunditusMaximus | PunditusMaximus

Sibling stands up against wage theft, parents unsupportive 💪

MargotLannington | MargotLannington

Teaching sister to stand up for her rights at work ✊

RainbowCrane | RainbowCrane

Encouraging comment on sister's learning experience and family drama 👍

ktempest | ktempest

Standing up against wage theft sparks family drama. NTA wins!

tippytappy04 | tippytappy04

Sibling stands up against wage theft, but parents cause drama 🤪

HairTop23 | HairTop23

Sibling support sparks family drama in job wage theft incident 😱

CaptRory | CaptRory

Stranger's support for sibling standing up against wage theft. NTA 👏

turd_ferguson083 | turd_ferguson083

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