Roommate Drama: Evicted After Condo Purchase? 😱

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Diply | Diply

Imagine living in a small condo with a roommate, and suddenly the landlord decides to sell the property. You see an opportunity and decide to buy it, but your roommate has other plans. This is the story of a 26-year-old who found themselves in a sticky situation after buying the condo they shared with their roommate, Caitlin. Let's dive into the drama and see how this unexpected turn of events unfolded. 😬🍿

The Condo Opportunity 🏠

tombanel | tombanel

A Sweet Deal 💰

tombanel | tombanel

Caitlin's Celebration 🍾

tombanel | tombanel

The Misunderstanding 😕

tombanel | tombanel

Breaking the News 💔

tombanel | tombanel

Caitlin's Reaction 😡

tombanel | tombanel

Bargaining Begins 🤝

tombanel | tombanel

Feeling Guilty 😔

tombanel | tombanel

The Dilemma 🤷

tombanel | tombanel

Landlord's Promise 📝

tombanel | tombanel

Caitlin's Assumption 🤔

tombanel | tombanel

Legal Issues ⚖️

tombanel | tombanel

Landlord's Responsibility 🧾

tombanel | tombanel

Still Buying the Condo 🏠

tombanel | tombanel

Condo Drama: Whose Side Are You On? 🤨

So, here's the deal: our protagonist buys the condo they share with their roommate Caitlin, thinking it's a given that she'll have to move out. But Caitlin had other ideas, assuming she'd live rent-free and even tried bargaining for a room swap. With emotions running high and legal issues in play, it's a tricky situation for both parties. What do you think? Was our condo buyer in the wrong for not discussing the purchase with Caitlin beforehand, or is Caitlin being unreasonable in her expectations? Let's see what the internet has to say about this drama! 🧐📣

Roommate assumed she wouldn't pay rent after condo purchase. NTA.

educatedvegetable | educatedvegetable

Roommate expected free rent and larger room. NTA 👍

sucksatchess666 | sucksatchess666

Legal action necessary to evict roommate after condo purchase. NTA.

Comment7215 | Comment7215

NTA for evicting entitled roommate. Similar experience with difficult renters.

lisanotmuch | lisanotmuch

NTA but communication could have been better 👍

tatersprout | tatersprout

Assuming no rent and bigger room? Definitely not the a**hole! 😎

lonnielee3 | lonnielee3

Congrats on homeownership! NTA for evicting freeloading roommate. 💪

CatsEatGrass | CatsEatGrass

Congrats on the new home! NTA for evicting entitled roommate 😊

pfashby | pfashby

Roommate expects free living space, OP is NTA. 😊

dewittrm | dewittrm

Commenter finds situation hilarious, deems OP NTA. 😂

OhLizaLittleLizaJane | OhLizaLittleLizaJane

Roommate expects free rent after condo purchase? NTA wins 👏

beatupcar | beatupcar

OP not at fault for evicting roommate after condo purchase 🏠

kr0mb0pulos_michael | kr0mb0pulos_michael

Landlord sold condo, NTA evicting roommate. No free rides 🚫🎟️

RedditDK2 | RedditDK2

Roommate won't let you stay for free. Get legal notice. NTA 😊

ErnestBatchelder | ErnestBatchelder

Congrats on your new home! NTA for expecting rent payment. 😎

diewitasmile | diewitasmile

Roommate evicted after condo purchase? NTA, but lack of communication.

poddy_fries | poddy_fries

Congratulations on the condo purchase! NTA for evicting roommate.

BoxedWineIsClassy | BoxedWineIsClassy

Don't be a doormat, but also protect yourself legally. 😍

stilljenni | stilljenni

Roommate drama: NTA for not paying to house Caitlin 🤷‍♀️

Kris82868 | Kris82868

Assuming a free ride? NTA saves money, roommate assumes entitlement. 😎

Annual-Contract-115 | Annual-Contract-115

Tenant's lack of eviction notice raises concerns of squatting. 😳

MakeupForBarnie | MakeupForBarnie

Roommate thinks new owner means free rent? Delusional much? 😂

soph_lurk_2018 | soph_lurk_2018

Buying a condo means evicting your roommate? NTA says comment.

No-Diet-9870 | No-Diet-9870

Communication breakdown leads to ESH verdict 😑

stonerd808 | stonerd808

Generous eviction notice, NTA. No need to feel bad. 😊

[deleted] | [deleted]

Congrats on the apartment! 🎉 NTA evict her officially if needed.

papa-hare | papa-hare

Congrats on being a homeowner! NTA for evicting roommate. 💪

terranape | terranape

Roommate evicted after condo purchase? NTA takes the big room.

mltrout715 | mltrout715

Congrats on the new place! NTA, roommates can be crazy 😱

abjectobsolescence | abjectobsolescence

Roommate drama resolved: NTA, owner evicts freeloading roommate. 👏

C_Majuscula | C_Majuscula

Congrats on the new purchase! NTA, don't let her manipulate you. 😊

opinionreservoir | opinionreservoir

Roommate wants to freeload after condo purchase? NTA, give notice 😱

Ecstatic_Tangerine21 | Ecstatic_Tangerine21

Fair to evict roommate after condo purchase. NTA 👍

Mabelisms | Mabelisms

Renting comes with drama 😕 but you're not the a**hole 👏

ettubrute_42 | ettubrute_42

Don't let guilt make you a doormat. You're NTA 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

OP should have communicated better before evicting roommate. ESH. 😒

grizzlyaf93 | grizzlyaf93

Compassionate eviction? NTA offers roommate a chance to relocate. 😊

nettiespaghettie | nettiespaghettie

Roommate buys condo, but is it AH behavior to assume rent-free living?

quarantineinthesouth | quarantineinthesouth

Being NTA doesn't excuse lack of communication 📱

Greedy_Educator3593 | Greedy_Educator3593

Roommate learns life lesson after condo purchase 😂

Dry-Clock-1470 | Dry-Clock-1470

Living in a tiny space with a roommate? No thanks. 😬

GennyNels | GennyNels

Roommate should have assumed rent payment and room switch. Generous 3 months. ESH.

maypopfop | maypopfop

Awkward situation with a not-so-friendly roommate 😕

chalaismyig | chalaismyig

Roommate drama resolved with NTA buying condo. 🏠

Gypsy-Nyx | Gypsy-Nyx

Roommate got a reality check 🤔👀 but NTA!

SprSnkySnickerdoodle | SprSnkySnickerdoodle

First-time homeowner evicts non-paying roommate. NTA 👏

PolyDoc700 | PolyDoc700

Roommate gets evicted for condo purchase, commenter calls out entitlement. 😎

Particular_Bid5976 | Particular_Bid5976

NTA for buying condo and not wanting roommate. Roommate is off.

Jujulabee | Jujulabee

Navigating legal grey areas when evicting roommates 🤔

b1lllevansatmariposa | b1lllevansatmariposa

Roommate's entitlement questioned, relationship status hilariously probed 😂

TechnicianOk1466 | TechnicianOk1466

Claim bigger room, charge rent for smaller room, give 6 months. 👍

drusilla14 | drusilla14

Offered grace period, still NTA. Reminder after 3 months 👍

matei1789 | matei1789

NTA defends OP's landlord obligations in eviction drama. 💪

AggravatingPatient31 | AggravatingPatient31

Don't feel bad for wanting to live alone in your condo 😊 #NTA

Realistic_Low_1577 | Realistic_Low_1577

Lease agreement and eviction explained with helpful info 👍

Calm_Initial | Calm_Initial

Owning the property doesn't mean free rent. NTA but communicate better. 😊

Either_Coconut | Either_Coconut

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