Teacher Fails Student, Forcing Him to Repeat 7th Grade: Right or Wrong? 😲

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We've all had that one student who just can't seem to remember to do their homework. But what happens when the consequences of their forgetfulness could change their entire academic future? One middle school teacher was faced with this exact dilemma when their student, Zach, consistently failed to complete assignments and was on the verge of failing 7th grade. The teacher's decision has left the internet divided, and we're here to share the story with you. 🤯🍎

The Struggles of Virtual Learning 🖥️

amiabadteacher | amiabadteacher

Zach's Forgetfulness 🤦‍♂️

amiabadteacher | amiabadteacher

Attempts to Help Zach 🆘

amiabadteacher | amiabadteacher

Grading Policy 📝

amiabadteacher | amiabadteacher

Teacher's Discretion 🤔

amiabadteacher | amiabadteacher

A Chance for Redemption 🙏

amiabadteacher | amiabadteacher

The Moment of Truth ⏰

amiabadteacher | amiabadteacher

Failing the Course 😢

amiabadteacher | amiabadteacher

Repeating 7th Grade 🔄

amiabadteacher | amiabadteacher

Second Thoughts? 🤷‍♀️

amiabadteacher | amiabadteacher

A Tough Decision with Lasting Consequences 😨

This teacher found themselves in a difficult situation when their student, Zach, consistently forgot to do his homework and was on the brink of failing 7th grade. Despite attempts to help him remember and even offering a last-chance assignment, Zach still failed to complete the work. The teacher ultimately decided to fail Zach, causing him to repeat the grade. Now, they're left wondering if they made the right decision. Let's dive into the top responses from the internet to see what people think about this controversial situation! 🌐💬

NTA. Teacher did everything possible to help the student.

warrinerdot | warrinerdot

Undiagnosed ADHD suspected as cause of student's academic struggles 👀

Jaded_Cryptographer | Jaded_Cryptographer

Undiagnosed learning disabilities and mental health issues should be considered. 🤔

Vanilla_Chinchilla96 | Vanilla_Chinchilla96

Concerned commenter suggests testing for learning disabilities and mood disorders 🙏

milehighphillygirl | milehighphillygirl

Teacher fails student, but commenters suggest ADHD evaluation for him. 🤔

xracrossx | xracrossx

NTA gives student a reality check, with summer school suggestion 👍

Available_Nobody_404 | Available_Nobody_404

Teacher's worksheet solution questioned, YTA verdict in comments 😕

misanthropydestroyer | misanthropydestroyer

Teacher goes above and beyond to help student, but is it enough? 🤔

Master-Manipulation | Master-Manipulation

Student fails two subjects, repeats 7th grade. NTA.

PrivateEyes2020 | PrivateEyes2020

Commenter suggests teacher is the a**hole, questions student's home life. 🤔

LhasaApsoSmile | LhasaApsoSmile

Retaining students during a pandemic? YTA. 🙄

mikeyesque | mikeyesque

Undiagnosed ADHD can ruin lives. Advocate for mental health evaluations. 🙏

queenhadassah | queenhadassah

Former teacher calls out original commenter for failing student alone. 💼

IcyIssue | IcyIssue

Fair expectations set, consequences upheld. NTA 👍

GuacwardSilence | GuacwardSilence

Importance of considering personal issues affecting academic performance 🙏

thicklover | thicklover

Suggesting special education resources for struggling student with empathy ❤️

Railroader17 | Railroader17

Debate over whether holding back a struggling student is helpful 🤔

heyyyyharmanoooooooo | heyyyyharmanoooooooo

Debate over grading compliance versus mastery of concepts 🤔

PRG311 | PRG311

Online learning challenges and personal issues may impact student success 👨🏻‍🎓

[deleted] | [deleted]

Early intervention and accommodations could've made a huge difference. YTA 😠

[deleted] | [deleted]

Retaining students has negative lifelong effects, referral for intervention needed. 👍

sidewaysfalling | sidewaysfalling

Failing a student can have lasting negative effects. 😢

VikingQu33n | VikingQu33n

Math is foundational, failing would set him back. Mixed opinions.

memyselfandI4 | memyselfandI4

Virtual school isn't for everyone 😕

lamamaloca | lamamaloca

Compassionate suggestion for helping struggling students 👍

Stuckinacrazyjob | Stuckinacrazyjob

Supportive comment suggests ADHD or dyslexia testing for struggling student.

millhouse_vanhousen | millhouse_vanhousen

NTA, student didn't take chances to fix grades. 👍

bane00xx | bane00xx

Homework vs Math skills: What should determine a student's grade? 💡

Baby-cabbages | Baby-cabbages

Teacher's grading based on student's ability to perform: YTA or NTA?

lyssyboo96 | lyssyboo96

Importance of checking for ADHD before failing a struggling student 🤔

suspiciouslygrey | suspiciouslygrey

NTA. Teacher followed proper steps and gave generous accommodations. 👍

Techsupportvictim | Techsupportvictim

Grade retention has negative effects, ESH in this situation 😕

[deleted] | [deleted]

Rewarding laziness? NTA comment stands firm 💪

Head_Fail_1422 | Head_Fail_1422

Parent shares personal experience with student struggling in school due to possible undiagnosed ADHD. Commenter suggests evaluating for inattentive ADHD. 👍

whynousernamelef | whynousernamelef

Commenter not the a**hole for supporting student's academic rights. 💪


NAH except parents failing child. Real-world consequences may help Zach.

emmmmme_in_wien | emmmmme_in_wien

When sarcasm meets frustration in the comment section 😑

Beek-Dragonflylady | Beek-Dragonflylady

Teacher fails student due to pandemic, causing him to repeat grade 😔

Dudakis | Dudakis

Commenter points out teacher's lack of support for struggling student. 👏

barleyqueen | barleyqueen

Failing needs to happen early so they understand. 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Parental involvement crucial in ensuring completion of homework 👨🏻‍🏫

QuitaQuites | QuitaQuites

Student fails math, gets 3 chances, learns actions have consequences. 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Retaining students past 3rd grade has more social impact. 👍

Water_Lilly_A | Water_Lilly_A

Teacher fails student, but commenter defends teacher's decision. 💪

AmethysstFire | AmethysstFire

Debate over authenticity of story and IEP necessity for student.

nah328 | nah328

Expert counselor and teacher supports NTA and suggests IEP for Zach 😉

LurkerToPoster100 | LurkerToPoster100

Understanding the struggles of ADHD students. Help them succeed. 👍

quietlyobservingthis | quietlyobservingthis

Chunking assignments and setting smaller goals could help struggling students 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Teaching responsibility: NTA for failing a student. 💪

YesterdaySalt9464 | YesterdaySalt9464

Suggesting ADHD testing for struggling student 👨‍🎓

[deleted] | [deleted]

Teacher struggles with failing students despite admin pressure for passing.

somethingclever1712 | somethingclever1712

Commenter defends teacher's decision, suggests student has ADHD. 🤔

calsey16 | calsey16

ADHD and academic failure: a devastating impact 😢

Skid_Th_St0ner | Skid_Th_St0ner

Zack's parents at fault? NTA comment sparks discussion 🤔

Even_Speech570 | Even_Speech570

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