Woman Escapes Toxic Roommates, Leaving Them High and Dry 😲

Diply Social Team
Diply | Diply

We all have our fair share of roommate horror stories, but this one takes the cake! 🍰 A 21-year-old woman moved in with her high school friends, only to find herself in a living nightmare. She was stuck with the smallest room, paid more rent, and did all the chores. To top it off, her roommates had no boundaries when it came to intimate moments on her furniture! 😳 Fed up with the situation, she decided to break the lease and move out, leaving her roommates in a bind. But was she in the wrong? Let's dive into this drama-filled tale! 🍿

Moving in with Friends: A Recipe for Disaster? 🤔

chinamieville | chinamieville

The Unfair Living Situation 🏠

chinamieville | chinamieville

Cleaning, Cooking, and Chauffeuring 🧹🍳🚗

chinamieville | chinamieville

No Boundaries in Sight 😳

chinamieville | chinamieville

Intimate Moments on Communal Furniture 😱

chinamieville | chinamieville

The Breaking Point 💥

chinamieville | chinamieville

The Escape Plan 🚀

chinamieville | chinamieville

The Big Reveal 😮

chinamieville | chinamieville

The Roommates' Reaction 😡

chinamieville | chinamieville

The Guilt Sets In 😔

chinamieville | chinamieville

The Roommates' Situation 📚

chinamieville | chinamieville

So, Who's the Real A**hole Here? 🧐

Our protagonist was stuck in a living situation that would make anyone's skin crawl. She was paying more, doing all the chores, and had her boundaries constantly violated. 😖 But when she decided to break the lease and move out, her roommates were left in a tough spot. They couldn't afford the rent and bills and lost all the furniture she provided. 🛋️ Was she in the wrong for leaving them high and dry? Or did they bring it upon themselves with their selfish behavior? Let's see what the internet thinks of this juicy dilemma! 🍿

NTA, good riddance to three freeloaders 😲

PlasticEzekiel | PlasticEzekiel

Toxic roommates take advantage of OP, but she escapes. NTA 💯

ughneedausername | ughneedausername

NTA pays more, yet gets the smallest room? Fairness matters 👏

queencuntpunt | queencuntpunt

Self-care first 👍. Commenters support woman's decision to leave toxic roommates.

wright65 | wright65

Commenter defends OP, sarcastic replies follow 😂

Apprehensive_Sand_77 | Apprehensive_Sand_77

Commenter defends woman who left toxic roommates, suggests calling out lies.

Bookish4269 | Bookish4269

Escaping toxic roommates like a boss! NTA 💪

Snorlax5000 | Snorlax5000

Woman escapes toxic roommates and potential rent liability. NTA 😊

Unlucky-Profession41 | Unlucky-Profession41

NTA: Roommates had sex on furniture, boundaries were crossed 😱

Helpful_Eye_9771 | Helpful_Eye_9771

Commenter initially thought OP was in the wrong, but changed mind.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Roommate turned parent to spoiled brats, NTA for leaving 🙌

UnsureandUnvalidated | UnsureandUnvalidated

Stand up for yourself, have more self respect 💪

banerises19 | banerises19

Taking back furniture from toxic roommates after leaving 🚪🛋️

throw_away_800 | throw_away_800

Paying to be their chef, maid, and chauffeur? NTA for leaving 😲

RamenNoodles620 | RamenNoodles620

Toxic roommates called her bluff, she left them high and dry. #NTA 😲

Dookwithanegg | Dookwithanegg

Escaping toxic roommates: NTA, guilt-free new place 🙌

bamf1701 | bamf1701

👍 Standing up for yourself and leaving toxic roommates. #NTA

ksarahsarah27 | ksarahsarah27

Victory! Woman escapes toxic roommates and their mooching ways 🎉

4humans | 4humans

Roommates take advantage and get upset when she leaves. NTA 👍

Tinnitus_Maximouse | Tinnitus_Maximouse

Roommate nightmare: new couple disregards agreements, gets a puppy 🐶

dgab94 | dgab94

Roommate gets karma for taking advantage of NTA 👏

JennaFarce | JennaFarce

Roommate horror story turns into rent and food theft advice 😍

somedude456 | somedude456

NTA wins at life, leaving toxic roommates high and dry 😲

anathema_deviced | anathema_deviced

Escaped toxic roommates get what they deserve 👏

Bunnyaimee | Bunnyaimee

Commenter relieved OP is NTA, avoids being the a**hole 😄

[deleted] | [deleted]

User sympathizes with woman's situation and calls out toxic roommates.

melbournemeanderer | melbournemeanderer

Food theft and sex on furniture? Not the a**hole here 😂

joogiee | joogiee

NTA but needs to work on setting boundaries and self-advocacy 👍

0B-A-E0 | 0B-A-E0

OP is NTA and sets good boundaries with inconsiderate roommates 😍

kb-g | kb-g

Roommate drama: Woman escapes toxic situation, leaves them hanging 🤷‍♀️

Simple-life62 | Simple-life62

Two weeks notice, no action taken. NTA wins 👏

jednorog | jednorog

NTA. Lesson learned by toxic roommates 🙌

Mpg19470 | Mpg19470

Congrats on kicking out toxic roommates! 🎉

thicklover | thicklover

Commenter finds it annoying that some AITA questions are obvious.

thundermuffin54 | thundermuffin54

Cut toxic friends loose 👋, NTA for leaving roommates.

sangfoudre | sangfoudre

No guilt necessary. Move on happily. You're not the a**hole. 😊

darkstarsxx | darkstarsxx

Fair bill distribution causes butthurt among toxic roommates 😒

RCRMoon | RCRMoon

Escaping toxic roommates - relatable NTA comment wins the thread 🙌

[deleted] | [deleted]

Parasitic roommates get what they deserve. NTA wins 👏

constantly-pissed | constantly-pissed

Rent split regret: commenter questions OP's initial agreement 🤔

catzrob89 | catzrob89

Leaving toxic roommates high and dry, NTA wins the day 👏

RequirementOdd | RequirementOdd

Escaping toxic roommates: NTA takes the fee and leaves 😲

Glittering-War-5748 | Glittering-War-5748

Walking out on toxic roommates is justified. 😲

sapphire8 | sapphire8

OP escapes toxic roommates, no regrets. 😊

[deleted] | [deleted]

Cutting off dead weight. NTA for leaving irresponsible roommates 👏

Darogaserik | Darogaserik

Roommate revenge! Woman escapes toxic roommates 😎

Brooklyn_Bunny | Brooklyn_Bunny

Cutting ties with toxic roommates - NTA takes the high road 👏

lionchild85 | lionchild85

NTA and ready to defend against online smears 💪

CodFatherFTW | CodFatherFTW

Toxic roommates got what they deserved. NTA wins with evidence. 💯

PettyHonestThrowaway | PettyHonestThrowaway

Escaped toxic roommates, NTA. Landlord leniency possible? 😊

animalwitch | animalwitch

👍 Right move! Commenter praised for escaping toxic roommates.

Leafingblueberry | Leafingblueberry

Roommates act like children, commenter becomes new mommy. NTA 😍

Jerkrollatex | Jerkrollatex

Roommate drama ends with satisfying escape. NTA 😎

bryanthehorrible | bryanthehorrible

Tips for successful house sharing and cautionary tales 🚨

MsAnj77 | MsAnj77

Mark Ruffalo's Hulk approves: NTA, free of freeloaders 👏

phegs | phegs

Consent is key to sex positivity. NTA for setting boundaries 👍

ietwiik | ietwiik

Setting boundaries with entitled roommates. NTA 👍

OG_Panthers_Fan | OG_Panthers_Fan

Roommate situation turns parental? Commenter not at fault. NTA 😊

BeautifulChaos98 | BeautifulChaos98

Standing up to toxic roommates and leaving them behind. 🙌

Ariyanwrynn1989 | Ariyanwrynn1989

NTA and insightful comment on problematic trends. 👏

dayda | dayda

Spicy revenge? A comment suggests a vengeful solution 🌶

antantantant80 | antantantant80

Commenter calls out toxic roommates, receives unanimous support 👏

juswundern | juswundern

Escaping toxic roommates like a boss 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA! Roommates treated her like a mom. She escaped! 🙌

musicteacher45 | musicteacher45

Commenter claims 'Not the a**hole' status in roommate escape 😊

thezatch2 | thezatch2

Commenter declares clear NTA verdict with enthusiasm 💯

Claire_Bee | Claire_Bee

Don't let toxic roommates shame you for leaving 🙌

sugarandspicearenice | sugarandspicearenice

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