🔥 Woman's Holiday Drama at Work: Fired or Quit? 😲

Diply Social Team
Diply | Diply

Picture this: you've booked your holiday weeks in advance, and suddenly, a new colleague demands you give up your time off for her. 😒 That's exactly what happened to a 31-year-old woman in the UK, who works for her local council doing rehab for people recently discharged from the hospital. The holiday booking system at her workplace is first come, first served, and she had her week off planned well in advance. But when a colleague with kids asked her to give up her week, things took a dramatic turn. 😱

Holiday Booking Rules

snoopy_garfield | snoopy_garfield

August Holidays

snoopy_garfield | snoopy_garfield

The Request

snoopy_garfield | snoopy_garfield

The Suggestion

snoopy_garfield | snoopy_garfield

Persistent Pleas

snoopy_garfield | snoopy_garfield

The Breaking Point

snoopy_garfield | snoopy_garfield

The Office Call

snoopy_garfield | snoopy_garfield

Setting the Record Straight

snoopy_garfield | snoopy_garfield

Filing a Complaint

snoopy_garfield | snoopy_garfield

Social Media Attacks

snoopy_garfield | snoopy_garfield

The Mysterious Rota

snoopy_garfield | snoopy_garfield

Fired or Quit?

snoopy_garfield | snoopy_garfield

Mixed Reactions

snoopy_garfield | snoopy_garfield

The Great Holiday Showdown 🏖️🥊

So, our protagonist found herself in the middle of a workplace drama when a new colleague demanded she give up her holiday week because she has kids. 😤 Despite offering alternatives, the colleague persisted and even tried to manipulate the situation behind her back. 😡 When our protagonist stood her ground and filed a complaint, she was met with a barrage of insults on social media. 🤬 Now, the colleague's name is mysteriously absent from the work schedule, leaving everyone wondering if she was fired or quit. 🤔 As opinions are divided, the question remains: was our protagonist in the wrong for not giving up her holiday week? 🧐 Let's see what the internet thinks of this situation...

Entitled coworker tries to confirm time off after being denied 😲

mers67 | mers67

NTA. The scheduling manager saved the day with a call 👏

Klowned | Klowned

NTA stands their ground and exposes coworker's lies. 👏

clouise91 | clouise91

Coworker's entitled behavior and harassment warranted involvement by higher-ups. NTA.

ShakeSlow | ShakeSlow

NTA fired coworker for lying and harassment, hopefully learns lesson 🤞

X-cessive-leader | X-cessive-leader

NTA for not giving up holiday week, and reporting colleague.

Puzzleheaded_4779 | Puzzleheaded_4779

Standing up for holiday time and childless coworkers. 👏

OutlandishnessNew259 | OutlandishnessNew259

Standing up for oneself at work 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Boss Mommy tried to steal vacation week, got caught lying 🤥

Pleasant-Coconut8376 | Pleasant-Coconut8376

Don't let entitled coworkers guilt you for taking time off 🙌

Kewege | Kewege

Don't let coworkers guilt you into giving up your vacation! 😊

FL1ghtlesswaterfowl | FL1ghtlesswaterfowl

Employee fired for lying and harassing, commenter supports HR actions. 👍

Irmaplotz | Irmaplotz

Defending against a backstabber, NTA 🙅‍♀️

MagicalPJ | MagicalPJ

Standing up for yourself at work 💪

Kris82868 | Kris82868

Don't let anyone shame you for not having kids! 🙅‍♀️ NTA

[deleted] | [deleted]

Standing up for yourself at work, NTA wins.

Neville2MyLuna | Neville2MyLuna

NTA for not accommodating her expectations and lying.

FulloYoghurt | FulloYoghurt

Don't mess with OP. NTA, co-worker lied and harassed.

HonorMeThis | HonorMeThis

Commenter highlights dangerous behavior of fired employee in rehab facility 👀

Mcwhiskers666 | Mcwhiskers666

Don't let someone else's lack of planning cost you your job! 👎

Thediciplematt | Thediciplematt

Don't let parents guilt you into sacrificing your vacation time! 💪

nikokazini | nikokazini

🤔 Suspended or fired? HR should be involved. 📝

Double_Reindeer_6884 | Double_Reindeer_6884

Fairness in holiday rotations at work - NTA 🎄👨‍👩‍👧

Janetaz18 | Janetaz18

You're not the a**hole for taking your personal leave.

SamSpayedPI | SamSpayedPI

Employee stands up for themselves and HR does the right thing 👍

evelbug | evelbug

Taking holiday entitlements and standing up to rude colleagues. 👍

HannaaaLucie | HannaaaLucie

Employee lies and cheats, NTA for firing her 👏

lkowg | lkowg

Commenter defends OP and suggests evidence was necessary. 👍

Michalusmichalus | Michalusmichalus

Sassy reply to social media message about holiday drama. 😎

Ace_Vulpes | Ace_Vulpes

👏 NTA! Report the social media messages to HR ASAP. Your friends suck.

Throwaway_fml_T_T | Throwaway_fml_T_T

NTA. Calling out a liar and thief at work 💯

SunnyBunnyHopHop | SunnyBunnyHopHop

No special treatment for employees with kids. NTA. 👍

SigSauerPower320 | SigSauerPower320

👏 NTA stands firm against vacation time theft.

ProsaicEggnogg | ProsaicEggnogg

Standing up to a lying coworker, justice prevails! ✌🏻

WiseBat | WiseBat

Don't let having kids be an excuse for unfair time off 👍

bcm_pennylane | bcm_pennylane

Don't use kids as an excuse to be an a**hole 😑

terribleterrabyte | terribleterrabyte

Don't let anyone guilt trip you for not having kids. 👏

LuckyRoux89 | LuckyRoux89

Booked holidays late, got fired. NTA according to comment.

OwnedByACrazyCat | OwnedByACrazyCat

Booking ahead for school holidays, NTA commenter supports OP's vacation 😊

hwasn | hwasn

Woman stands up for her vacation rights, called 'a**hole' unfairly. 😠

Raineyb1013 | Raineyb1013

Setting boundaries is important. NTA for saying no. 👍

trash_panda_lou | trash_panda_lou

Entitled coworker tries to guilt people into giving up holidays. 🙄

originalgenghismom | originalgenghismom

Revenge is a dish best served... professionally? 🤔

hoopadinga | hoopadinga

NTA! First come first serve and she lied. 🤥

linclark17 | linclark17

Childfree worker faces discrimination, stands up for herself. 💪

GrayBunny415 | GrayBunny415

👍 Planning ahead for vacation time is responsible and deserved guilt-free.

cawatxcamt | cawatxcamt

Victory or manipulation? 🤔 Commenter weighs in.

Snoozzcat | Snoozzcat

Child-free worker stands up for herself, gets justice! 🙌

voluntold9276 | voluntold9276

Stand up for your vacation rights! 🍷💪

MaximumCade | MaximumCade

Fraudster gets caught, commenter not the a**hole. 👏

unknownpoltroon | unknownpoltroon

Parenting shaming? Not cool. NTA stands up for herself 💪

Slokoki | Slokoki

Truth prevails 👏. Commenter defends OP's honesty and integrity.

tipper420 | tipper420

Child-free worker stands up for their right to holiday time 🙌

justducky4now | justducky4now

Standing up for oneself at work 🙌 NTA prevails

athynz | athynz

You're NTA and she got herself fired 👏

Prettysuccess88 | Prettysuccess88

Sending work emails to prove someone's holiday trickery. NTA 🙌

Sabai_interim | Sabai_interim

Screenshots can save your job! NTA wins this round. 📷👍

Professional_Emu8922 | Professional_Emu8922

Commenter defends working mothers, declares NTA with frustration 🤯

[deleted] | [deleted]

Employee receives unfair treatment for not having children. 🤔

BethyBoop26 | BethyBoop26

Childfree woman's coworker tries to steal her vacation. 😡

haptic-wave | haptic-wave

NTA for calling out unprofessional behavior and social media harassment 🙌

Kelp-Thing | Kelp-Thing

No drama here! This commenter is NTA and drama-free. 😎

Adv3ntureQueen | Adv3ntureQueen

Be the first to speak up! NTA comment wins.

tip963 | tip963

👍 Polite refusal of vacation days theft, gave advice. NTA.

Witchgirl1232 | Witchgirl1232

Standing up for yourself at work: NTA 👏

Familiar_Sir_8542 | Familiar_Sir_8542

👍 NTA calls out coworker's lie and resulting consequences.

jcaashby | jcaashby

Following the rules > Having/not having kids 👍

calaakla | calaakla

Short and sweet: commenter is not the a**hole. 👍

clavenloft | clavenloft

👍 You're in the clear, NTA! 🎉

[deleted] | [deleted]

Discrimination works both ways, vacation restrictions are unacceptable. NTA 👍

Capable_Ad_976 | Capable_Ad_976

Employee rightfully stands up for herself against manipulative coworker. 💪

Baconpanthegathering | Baconpanthegathering

Not the a**hole in entitled parents subreddit 🙌

ljross87 | ljross87

Standing up for yourself pays off 💪👊

MrPKitty | MrPKitty

No favoritism for parents in vacation time. NTA 👍

whitecloudesq | whitecloudesq

Standing up for yourself at work: NTA and good advice 👍

itstasmi | itstasmi

Fairness at work: having kids doesn't mean special treatment. ✌

Realistic-Animator-3 | Realistic-Animator-3

Following HR rules is crucial, NTA for not meddling.

disguised_hashbrown | disguised_hashbrown

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