Teen Refuses to Share Room with Future Baby Sibling 😱👶

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Imagine being a 17-year-old girl, with college on the horizon, and your parents drop a bombshell: they're expecting a baby and want the newborn to share your room. That's the dilemma one girl is facing, and she's not having any of it. She's already juggling school, college entrance exams, and the anxiety of waiting to see if she got in. Now, she's expected to share her sanctuary with a crying baby? 🚫👶 Read on to find out how this family conflict unfolds.

The Family Setup 🏠

perfect_ad5464 | perfect_ad5464

The House Situation 🛏️

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Parents' Request 🍼

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Her Suggestion 🗣️

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Possible College Solution 🎓

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Parents' Reaction 😡

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Her Concerns 😖

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Alternative Solutions 🔄

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Basement Issues 🏚️

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Timing Matters ⏰

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Stressful Times Ahead 😓

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Personal Note 📝

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Possible Bias? 🤷

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The Big Question ❓

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A Battle of Wills: Teen vs. Parents 😤

This 17-year-old girl's life is about to change drastically, and she's not ready to give up her space. With college looming and the stress of exams, she's standing her ground against her parents' request to share her room with a newborn sibling. She's proposed alternatives, like the baby staying in their parents' room or moving to the basement, but her parents aren't budging. Is she being selfish, or do her concerns hold weight? Let's see what the internet thinks of this situation... 💬

NTA for not wanting to share room with crying baby 😱

anneisangy | anneisangy

Teen refuses to share room with baby sibling, commenters discuss family drama. 😱

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA, parents trying to dump newborn responsibilities on teenager. 😱

Queen_Sized_Beauty | Queen_Sized_Beauty

Teen refuses to share room with baby sibling. Commenters suspect ulterior motive 😱

teresajs | teresajs

Teen refuses to share room with baby sibling. NTA, set boundaries. 👍

Velocityg4 | Velocityg4

Sharing a room with an infant sibling? NTA for refusing! 😱

IAmHerdingCatz | IAmHerdingCatz

Sibling doesn't want to share room with newborn 😱👶, commenters discuss normalcy of situation 🤷🏼‍♀️

StellarManatee | StellarManatee

NTA and senior year is important. Suggest basement studio suite 🙌

stinstin555 | stinstin555

Teen refuses to share room with baby sibling. NTA. 😤

Internal_Set_6564 | Internal_Set_6564

Teen raises valid concerns about sharing room with baby sibling 😱

RainbowSparklePie | RainbowSparklePie

Sibling rivalry at its finest. 🤦‍♂️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Teen doesn't want to share room with baby sibling. NTA.

MerlinBiggs | MerlinBiggs

NTA. Commenter sympathizes with OP's situation and suggests moving out.

pepperpat64 | pepperpat64

Teen refuses to share room with baby sibling. NTA suggests alternatives.

consectariana | consectariana

Teen reluctant to share room with crying baby 😱

VastPainter | VastPainter

Teen doesn't want to share room with baby sibling. NTA. 😱

starswirlpearl | starswirlpearl

A simple solution: Swap rooms with parents? 🤔

dwells2301 | dwells2301

Commenter suggests moving to basement for new baby sibling 😊

Emotional-Ebb8321 | Emotional-Ebb8321

Teen refuses to share room with baby sibling, NTA explained 👶

SideAggressive420 | SideAggressive420

Teen refuses to share room with baby. Commenters agree: NTA 😊

nuts_n_bolts | nuts_n_bolts

NTA. Commenters agree that parents are pushing responsibility onto OP 😑

Schlobidobido | Schlobidobido

Teen refuses to share room with baby sibling. NTA.

gofigure62 | gofigure62

NTA prioritizes baby's safety, parents being selfish 😱

LilShortyMama | LilShortyMama

Teen refuses to share room with baby sibling. Parents irresponsible? 😱

GonnaBeOverIt | GonnaBeOverIt

Teen refuses to share room with baby sibling. NTA suggests moving.

elladee000 | elladee000

Suggests sharing room with half brother for 6 months 🤔

Miikami | Miikami

Curious commenter asks for more context about stepbrother.

TheOneWearingPants | TheOneWearingPants

Sharing a room with a baby? NTA, it's recommended! 👶

No_Communication4813 | No_Communication4813

Teen refuses to share room with baby sibling. NTA suggests charging for babysitting.

Fennec_Fan | Fennec_Fan

Kid refuses to share room with baby sibling. Not the a**hole.

lkvwfurry | lkvwfurry

Teen refuses to care for baby sibling, seeks guidance counselor help 🙏

benfranklin-katniss | benfranklin-katniss

Don't fall for the trap of raising your sibling. NTA 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Redditor gets called out for being detached from reality 🤣

kavalejava | kavalejava

Teen refuses to share room with baby sibling. NTA. Possible solutions?

OctavusM | OctavusM

Commenter advises teen to set boundaries with future baby sibling 👶

Only-Ingenuity7889 | Only-Ingenuity7889

Commenter suggests extreme solution to sibling room-sharing conflict 🤯

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA for refusing to share room with future baby sibling 😱👶. Commenters agree mother and stepdad are terrible.

socialjusticecleric7 | socialjusticecleric7

Set boundaries and prepare backup plan. Baby in your room? 😱

Intrepid-Fox6255 | Intrepid-Fox6255

Sibling rivalry already starting? Not the a**hole here! 😏

LangyLangLang69 | LangyLangLang69

Newborns are tough. NTA for not wanting to share room 😱

IggyBall | IggyBall

Sibling rivalry sparks debate on sharing bedrooms. #NotTheA**hole 🤔

NotherOneRedditor | NotherOneRedditor

Setting boundaries is important to avoid parentification abuse. 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Teen refuses to share room with baby sibling. NTA.

ImpossibleBlanket | ImpossibleBlanket

Don't let them use you for free childcare 🙅🏼

Trasl0 | Trasl0

Sibling refuses to share room with baby, commenters support decision.

Sarah_J_J | Sarah_J_J

Consider alternate arrangements when baby arrives to avoid sleep disturbance 😴

Cleantech2020 | Cleantech2020

Teen won't share room with baby sibling. NTA, move to basement.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Parental lack of empathy. Basement room is acceptable compromise. NTA 👍

Business-Public3580 | Business-Public3580

Teen refuses to share room with future baby sibling. NTA.

Minute_Box3852 | Minute_Box3852

Escape plan approved 😎👍

Traveling-Techie | Traveling-Techie

Teen sets boundaries with parents who want free babysitting. NTA 👏

Creative_Trick_3818 | Creative_Trick_3818

Teen refuses to share room with baby sibling. NTA. 😱

Lea_R_ning | Lea_R_ning

NTA. Supportive comment about SIDS prevention methods and college exams 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Don't be a free babysitter! You're NTA 👏

EvilFinch | EvilFinch

Sleeping with a baby in your room? Parents suck. NTA 👍

Introvertedhotmess | Introvertedhotmess

Teen refuses to share room with baby sibling. Not the a-hole.

shannamarie91 | shannamarie91

Empathetic reply to teen's dilemma about new sibling. 👍

dianaprince2022 | dianaprince2022

Commenter defends OP, calls parents 'Aholes' and supports NTA

ImNotCreativeSo | ImNotCreativeSo

Teen refuses to share room with baby sibling, NTA comment agrees.

JurassicParkFood | JurassicParkFood

Teen refuses to share room with baby sibling. NTA explained. 👶

Street_Importance_57 | Street_Importance_57

Sibling room sharing can be tough, NTA for refusing.

blackbutterfree | blackbutterfree

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