Artist Boyfriend Steals Childhood Keepsake for Art Project 😱

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Diply | Diply

Picture this: you have a cherished childhood keepsake, a shark tooth you found on a beach vacation when you were 11. It's a symbol of the good times in your life, and you hold onto it dearly. One day, it goes missing, and after weeks of searching, you discover your boyfriend has used it in his art project without your permission! 😨😡

A Keepsake from Childhood 🦈

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The Importance of the Tooth 🌊

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The Tooth Goes Missing 😱

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The Search Continues 🔍

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Boyfriend's Pokerface 😐

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The Shocking Revelation 😨

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The Art Project 🎨

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The Excuse 😒

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The Tooth's Fate 🤔

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The Emotional Struggle 😔

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The Update 📣

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Tooth Unharmed 🦈

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A New Plan 💡

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The Great Shark Tooth Heist 🦈🎨

After weeks of searching for her beloved shark tooth, our protagonist discovers her boyfriend has used it in his art project without permission. She's torn between anger and understanding, but ultimately gets her tooth back. Now she plans to get a tattoo of the tooth to ensure it's always with her. Let's see what the internet thinks of this emotional rollercoaster... 🎢😬

Chemical saves the day in art heist gone wrong 🤓

[deleted] | [deleted]

Dump him! 🚮 Stole and lied about it. NTA. 😡

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Protect your cherished belongings from your artist boyfriend 😱

dennismullen12 | dennismullen12

Short and sweet - NTA, dump him! 👍

wacko-warlock | wacko-warlock

Toothless artist boyfriend sparks outrage. NTA demands tooth return. 😱

River_Song47 | River_Song47

Artist boyfriend likely stole keepsake for art project without permission 🤔

FlyingDutchLady | FlyingDutchLady

Taking back stolen property: bold move or bad idea? 🤔

MelillaRosenante | MelillaRosenante

Dump the thief and get your tooth back 👍

NightKnight_24 | NightKnight_24

Commenter is definitely not the a**hole 👍

HRHArgyll | HRHArgyll

Dump the lying thief and get your sentimental necklace back 👍

LordJiraiya | LordJiraiya

Report stolen keepsake to exhibition owner and dump the boyfriend. NTA 👏

Pessimistic-Frog | Pessimistic-Frog

Art or theft? Commenter calls out lazy and shady behavior 🤔

Sugar_Spice_weird | Sugar_Spice_weird

Doubting the boyfriend's story, commenter suggests taking the keepsake back 😕

blaziken2708 | blaziken2708

Artist boyfriend steals childhood keepsake; commenter advises confronting and leaving.

radiopeel | radiopeel

Respect your boundaries and find someone who does too 👍

NhuQP | NhuQP

Betrayed by love 💔. Theft is never justified. #NTA

coatrack68 | coatrack68

Dump him! Artist boyfriend steals keepsake for art project 😱

Aramuis | Aramuis

NTA. Creative revenge plan involving nail polish remover and exhibition site.

Laurielpl3 | Laurielpl3

NTA. Take action to retrieve your stolen keepsake and move on.

MonPanda | MonPanda

Betrayal and lies. NTA for cutting him off. 🚫

MynameisMarsh | MynameisMarsh

Creative solutions for a stolen childhood keepsake 🤔

Jolima0725 | Jolima0725

Boyfriend steals keepsake for art project without asking, NTA.

LukaNacht | LukaNacht

Boyfriend steals childhood keepsake, commenters call him trash. 😒

bleachbabe03 | bleachbabe03

Comment section has been removed due to violation of rules.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Take back your tooth and let the professor handle the fallout! 😎

Pulling_Them_Off_ | Pulling_Them_Off_

Artist boyfriend steals and destroys keepsake, NTA for wanting it back 😱

kieraembers | kieraembers

Artist boyfriend steals keepsake, lies and disrespects partner. Dump him.

JippityB | JippityB

Artist boyfriend steals keepsake for art project. NTA seeks advice.

TeaWasOkay | TeaWasOkay

Demand it back and dump him! 🙅‍♀️💔

BlazingBolt2002 | BlazingBolt2002

Protect your valuables, even from loved ones! 👍

aelasercat | aelasercat

Respect personal belongings, even if they seem insignificant 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Artist boyfriend steals keepsake for art project, commenter suggests alternatives.

ThisGirlsTopsBlooby | ThisGirlsTopsBlooby

Protect your prized possessions, even from your loved ones 🙌

Kalamitykitty85 | Kalamitykitty85

Betrayed by artist boyfriend who stole childhood keepsake for art project 😢

Days_last_too_long | Days_last_too_long

Commenter says 'Oh hell no' to artist boyfriend's theft 🚩

moon_child621 | moon_child621

Savage revenge suggestion for tooth-stealing artist boyfriend 😎

Gylfie7 | Gylfie7

Trust broken: Boyfriend steals keepsake for art project 😭

LooseQuestion | LooseQuestion

Dump him! NTA comment suggests this isn't the first time 😱

IdKillForAGoodComa | IdKillForAGoodComa

Dump the lying thief 👋🚮 and move on 👏

Ak40-couchcusion | Ak40-couchcusion

Protect your keepsake, dump the thief 👋 😱

TaniLinx | TaniLinx

Boyfriend steals keepsake for art project, NTA for leaving him 😒

Agreeable_Ambassador | Agreeable_Ambassador

Respect for personal property is key. NTA 👍

spagbahagwag | spagbahagwag

Respect matters. Keep your keepsakes safe 👍

525600bitches | 525600bitches

Artist boyfriend steals treasured keepsake for art project 😱

studentfromnl | studentfromnl

Take revenge at the exhibition by exposing the thief. NTA 👍

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This commenter is not impressed 😕

edizzle62 | edizzle62

Report him to his uni teachers for stealing your keepsake 👊

lottieimogen | lottieimogen

Artistic theft? Not cool. NTA for feeling violated 🙄

TurnaKey | TurnaKey

Red flag alert! 🚩 NTA's boyfriend shows no respect for her personal belongings or feelings.

Arcturion | Arcturion

Red flag alert! Artist boyfriend steals keepsake for art project 😱

whatwhymeagain | whatwhymeagain

Dump the artist boyfriend who stole your keepsake 👋

squatheavyeatbig | squatheavyeatbig

Artist boyfriend steals valuable keepsake for art project 😱

SugarKyle | SugarKyle

Take back your tooth and dump the lying BF 👋🏻

[deleted] | [deleted]

🚩 Stole and lied, reconsider the relationship. NTA.

Redsox933 | Redsox933

Don't fall for his pretentious nonsense. He's just an a**hole 😱

PC_dirtbagleftist | PC_dirtbagleftist

Tooth stolen by artist boyfriend for art project. NTA seeks justice.

vagrantprodigy07 | vagrantprodigy07

NTA comment receives no replies. Short and sweet.

cinderash8972 | cinderash8972

Art school solidarity! A daring plan to retrieve stolen sculpture.

TinyHooman99 | TinyHooman99

Take action! Report the theft to the university 👏

InevitableGood6 | InevitableGood6

Artist boyfriend steals childhood keepsake for art project. NTA seeks justice 🤞

PedsILdoc | PedsILdoc

Girl, throw the whole boyfriend out. NTA 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Reclaiming your tooth from art project: NTA and WNBTA 😊

exxperimentt626 | exxperimentt626

Demand justice for stolen keepsake used in art exhibit 😡

iBeFloe | iBeFloe

Demand your tooth back, screw his stupid sculpture 😠

SeineAdmiralitaet | SeineAdmiralitaet

Reclaim your stolen keepsake from manipulative artist boyfriend 😱

solisie91 | solisie91

Tooth thief boyfriend? NTA. Report theft to police and exhibition.

elationonceagain | elationonceagain

Defend your integrity! Contact the committee for academic honesty 💪

catbot2020 | catbot2020

Do men really forget or just take what they want? 🤔

unicorn_345 | unicorn_345

Artist boyfriend steals keepsake for art project. Dump his ass. 😡

Shaudo | Shaudo

Stealing childhood keepsakes for art? Definitely NTA here! 😎

Ms_Bee_Bee | Ms_Bee_Bee

Trust issues in relationships can be a deal breaker 😔

surfershane25 | surfershane25

Artist boyfriend disrespects, lies, and steals. OP is NTA.

LittlePocketMonster | LittlePocketMonster

Artist boyfriend steals keepsake, lies about it. Commenter calls BS. NTA

sassyourfrass | sassyourfrass

Protect the shark tooth, dump the jerk. NTA 👏

samuelelienai8 | samuelelienai8

Commenter calls out artist boyfriend's bad behavior with sass.

Igottaknowthisplease | Igottaknowthisplease

Destroy the artwork, not the relationship. NTA wins.

MountainDewde | MountainDewde

Respect your partner's belongings and feelings 👫

CrSkin | CrSkin

Removing the tooth from his art and him from your life 😱

DogBoof | DogBoof

Boyfriend steals keepsake for art project, commenter calls BS. NTA.

Aspectrophy | Aspectrophy

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