Roommate Eats *Special* Brownie and Demands $3000 for ER Bill: Who's to Blame? 😲

Diply Social Team
Diply | Diply

Living with roommates can be a rollercoaster of emotions, and sometimes, things can get a little out of hand. Imagine coming home to find out that one of your roommates had helped themselves to your *special* brownies, ended up in the ER, and now wants you to pay the bill! 😱 That's exactly what happened to a 21-year-old woman who lives with three other girls. But is she really responsible for her roommate's wild ride? Let's dive into this dramatic tale. 🍿

The *Special* Brownie Incident 🍫

a--ntium | a--ntium

A Trip to the Hospital 🚑

a--ntium | a--ntium

The Brownie Discovery 😳

a--ntium | a--ntium

The Aftermath: Blame and Bills 💸

a--ntium | a--ntium

Roommate Reactions 🤔

a--ntium | a--ntium

Edit: Seeking a Solution 🕵️‍♀️

a--ntium | a--ntium

Edit: Urgent Update 🚨

a--ntium | a--ntium

Mini Update: Skipping Class 🏃‍♀️

a--ntium | a--ntium

UPDATE: The Shocking Truth 😱

a--ntium | a--ntium

The Devious Plan Unveiled 😈

a--ntium | a--ntium

The Missing Necklace 💔

a--ntium | a--ntium

Confrontation and Moving Out 📦

a--ntium | a--ntium

The Aftermath: Blocked and Moving On 🚚

a--ntium | a--ntium

The Dramatic Conclusion: Betrayal, Lies, and Moving Out 🎭

In a shocking twist, it turns out there was no ER trip at all! 😲 Mary and Kate had concocted a devious plan to trick their roommate into paying a fake $3000 bill. But their scheme was exposed by Gwen, who recorded their conversation and showed it to the protagonist. With the truth revealed, the betrayed roommate is now packing her things and moving out, leaving Mary and Kate behind. 💔 Let's see what the internet thinks of this jaw-dropping situation... 🍿

Roommate eats brownie, gets just *desserts* and demands $3000.

rika84 | rika84

Roommate steals and eats *special* brownie, blames OP for ER bill. NTA.

VlaxDrek | VlaxDrek

why_doineedausername | why_doineedausername

Roommate steals food, gets sick, demands $3000. NTA, don't give in.

DarkAthena | DarkAthena

Roommate demands $3000 for ER bill after eating *special* brownie. Commenters agree NTA, suggest roommate is afraid of asking anti-use parents for money.

DancinginHyrule | DancinginHyrule

Roommate eats special brownie, demands money, and invades privacy. NTA.

Affectionate_Log7215 | Affectionate_Log7215

Roommate eats special brownie and invades privacy, OP confronts.

the_contrary | the_contrary

Commenter receives gentle roast for missing iconic name reference 😂

tanksandthefunkybun | tanksandthefunkybun

Roommate gets instant karma after eating brownie without permission 😲

Acedia_spark | Acedia_spark

Roommate eats *special* brownie, snoops through room, demands money. NTA.

Tricky-Flamingo-7491 | Tricky-Flamingo-7491

Roommate knowingly eats pot brownies, demands $3000 for ER bill. 😂

Excellent_View_9191 | Excellent_View_9191

Roommate eats secret brownie, demands $3k for ER bill. NTA.

ZestycloseNeck7985 | ZestycloseNeck7985

Roommate eats brownie from OP's room, demands $3000 for ER bill. NTA.

mscromulent | mscromulent

Roommate eats special brownie without permission, demands $3k for ER bill. NTA.

Vaxental | Vaxental

Roommate steals *special* brownies, demands $3000 for ER bill

getstrongandlean | getstrongandlean

Roommate steals brownies, demands $3000 for ER bill. NTA wins.

Distinct-Practice131 | Distinct-Practice131

Roommate steals and demands money for ER bill. NTA wins.

SDstartingOut | SDstartingOut

Roommate snoops, eats brownie, blames and demands money. NTA.

poeadam | poeadam

Respect personal boundaries and food, or pay the consequences. 😒

PlanktonOk4846 | PlanktonOk4846

Snooping roommate eats *special* brownie, demands $3000 for ER bill

ICWhatsNUrP | ICWhatsNUrP

Roommate steals brownie, demands $3000 for ER bill. NTA wins.

Sea-Confection-2627 | Sea-Confection-2627

Roommate eats special brownie, demands $3000, and snoops around. NTA

liligram | liligram

Conspiracy theories abound as to why Mary ate the brownie 🤔

Level_Quantity7737 | Level_Quantity7737

Mysterious urgent call for in-person talk leaves us curious 🤔

slynnc | slynnc

Roommate steals and eats brownie, demands $3000: NTA response.

reflexting | reflexting

Roommate eats *special* brownie, OP not at fault. 😤👩‍🍳

Falconfree42 | Falconfree42

OP considers getting a lock for their door 🚨

AkatieJxOxO | AkatieJxOxO

Respect boundaries: Don't eat your roommate's food 👍

cybersleuthin | cybersleuthin

Don't snoop and don't eat what's not yours! 😜

KnightofForestsWild | KnightofForestsWild

Roommate demands $3000 for ER bill after eating brownie. Commenter thinks she owes OP money. 🤔

Little_mis_rebel | Little_mis_rebel

Roommate eats *special* brownie, demands $3000 for ER bill: NTA

AlHazard33 | AlHazard33

Did she know what she was eating? Victim blaming?

wallowing-wallaby | wallowing-wallaby

Roommate steals and demands money for ER bill, you're NTA 😊

[deleted] | [deleted]

Food thief demands $3000 after eating *special* brownie. NTA.

gavrielkay | gavrielkay

Heartwarming support for a victim of irresponsible roommates. 😊

MssL666 | MssL666

Commenter sympathizes with OP and condemns roommate's extortion attempt 😱

bosslady2032 | bosslady2032

The case of choosing Gwen over Ashley? Spill the tea 🚩

PalpitationOk9802 | PalpitationOk9802

Respect boundaries. Don't pay for her mistake. #NTA 🙌

arlondiluthel | arlondiluthel

Roommate steals and demands money for ER visit. Not cool. 😑

ParsimoniousSalad | ParsimoniousSalad

Roommate steals and eats special brownie, demands $3000 for ER bill. NTA.

Fattdog64 | Fattdog64

Roommate steals and eats brownie, demands $3000 for ER bill. NTA.

DHCruiser | DHCruiser

Empathetic response to a wild roommate situation 🤪

Better_Newt_7450 | Better_Newt_7450

Redditors praise trust issues after roommate's brownie debacle 😂

Minimum-Banana-5225 | Minimum-Banana-5225

Trust no one, not even your roommate 😒

Summer_Spice89 | Summer_Spice89

A curious commenter asks for the recipe of the special brownie.

Aligirl520 | Aligirl520

No bleach, no blame: NTA for refusing to pay ER bill 😜

FollowingNo4648 | FollowingNo4648

Commenter eagerly awaits update on situation, declares NTA.

Dead-eyed-doe | Dead-eyed-doe

Roommate snoops, eats brownie, demands money for ER bill. NTA.

PleaseCoffeeMe | PleaseCoffeeMe

Roommate eats OP's special brownie, demands $3000 for ER bill

Sky146 | Sky146

Report extortion to authorities. You're NTA. 🚨

HRHArgyll | HRHArgyll

Roommate steals necklace, makes unsafe environment. Glad you moved out 👍

KimiTakoda | KimiTakoda

Victim of theft and fraud considers breaking lease due to circumstances.

pupperoni42 | pupperoni42

Roommate steals brownie, goes to ER, demands payment. YWNBTA.


Roommate steals brownies, eats them, and demands money for ER bill. NTA

solitarybydesign | solitarybydesign

Roommate steals and demands $3000 for ER bill. NTA prevails. 🙌

Trick_Bod_1111 | Trick_Bod_1111

Commenter blames roommate for eating *special* brownie and ER bill 😲

Cool_Story_Bro__ | Cool_Story_Bro__

Commenter praises friend for helping in a wild situation. NTA 🙌

pdubs1900 | pdubs1900

Taking revenge on a demanding roommate? 😒 File charges for extortion! 👊

PaintLicker_2022 | PaintLicker_2022

Roommate snoops, eats brownie, demands $3000 for ER bill. NTA charges back.

Popular-Emu7380 | Popular-Emu7380

Roommate eats stolen brownie, demands $3000 for ER bill: NTA calls out hypochondriac behavior 😲

Glittering-War-5748 | Glittering-War-5748

Roommate steals and eats brownie, demands payment for ER bill 🤦‍♀️

chefkimberly | chefkimberly

Roommate steals pot brownie, demands $3000 for ER bill: NTA

Darth_Loki13 | Darth_Loki13

Roommate steals jewelry and demands $3k for ER bill. YTA alert! 😑

growin_gardens | growin_gardens

Commenter suggests pressing charges against extortionist roommate 🤬

ParsleyMostly | ParsleyMostly

Roommate steals and demands $3000 for ER bill: NTA takes action 💪

slothenhosen | slothenhosen

Recording conversations may save you from criminal referral 😊

mphs95 | mphs95

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