Dad Skips Son's Graduation Party for Step-Daughter's Birthday 🎓🎂: Fair or Foul?

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Diply | Diply

Imagine being a dad and having to choose between your step-daughter's birthday party and your son's graduation party. That's the tough decision one father faced when both events fell on the same day! 😬 He ended up staying at his step-daughter's party, thinking he could make it up to his son later. But things didn't go as planned, and now he's left wondering if he made the right choice. 🤔 Let's dive into this family drama and see what happened!

Meet the Family 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

throwawayyyy7718 | throwawayyyy7718

The Ultimate Dilemma ⏰

throwawayyyy7718 | throwawayyyy7718

Emma's Request 🎂

throwawayyyy7718 | throwawayyyy7718

Sam's Expectations 🎓

throwawayyyy7718 | throwawayyyy7718

Party Day Arrives 📅

throwawayyyy7718 | throwawayyyy7718

A Change of Plans 🔄

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Time Flies ⌛

throwawayyyy7718 | throwawayyyy7718

The Realization 😨

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The Aftermath 🌪️

throwawayyyy7718 | throwawayyyy7718

Sam's Reaction 😡

throwawayyyy7718 | throwawayyyy7718

The Fallout 💥

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Older Son's Opinion 🗣️

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Feeling Guilty 😔

throwawayyyy7718 | throwawayyyy7718

Dad's Dilemma: Did He Make the Right Choice? 🤷‍♂️

Caught between his step-daughter's birthday party and his son's graduation party, this dad made the tough decision to stay with his step-daughter, thinking he could make it up to his son later. But his son's furious reaction has left him questioning his choice. 🤯 With both his ex-wife and current wife calling him an idiot, and his older son accusing him of favoritism, it seems like nobody's on his side. 😕 Now, he's left wondering if he's really a horrible father or if his son is simply overreacting. Let's see what the internet thinks of this sticky situation...🔍

Father chooses step-daughter's birthday over son's graduation and 18th birthday. Commenters agree he's the a-hole (YTA) and have noticed a pattern of favoritism towards the step-daughter.

notlucyintheskye | notlucyintheskye

Skipping son's graduation for step-daughter's birthday: OP is YTA 👎

Daskesmoelf_8 | Daskesmoelf_8

OP's son feels rejected and hurt by his father's pattern of behavior. Continuing this pattern may result in future rejection. 💔

Motor_Crow4482 | Motor_Crow4482

Father skips son's graduation party for step-daughter's birthday: Commenter calls him out for being a bad father. 😡

ProfPlumDidIt | ProfPlumDidIt

Father chooses step-daughter's birthday over son's graduation, labeled YTA by family.

SteampunkHarley | SteampunkHarley

Skipping son's graduation for step-daughter's birthday? YTA according to comments.

Sha-Nanegins | Sha-Nanegins

Father prioritizes step-daughter's birthday over son's graduation party. YTA.

happybanana134 | happybanana134

Father chooses stepdaughter over son's graduation, labeled YTA by commenters 😑

Kooky-Today-3172 | Kooky-Today-3172

Father chooses step-daughter's birthday over son's graduation. Commenters agree: YTA.

Worried_Story9638 | Worried_Story9638

Father chooses step-daughter's birthday over son's graduation. YTA confirmed. 👎

DragonFireLettuce | DragonFireLettuce

Choosing step-daughter over son's graduation party: YTA, irreparable damage.

alana_r_dray | alana_r_dray

Father chooses step-daughter's birthday over son's graduation party. YTA.

Hjortronet79 | Hjortronet79

Dad prioritizes step-daughter's birthday over son's graduation party. Commenters say YTA.

Slow_Orange_239 | Slow_Orange_239

Dad skips son's graduation party for step-daughter's birthday: YTA

lologd | lologd

Dad prioritizes step-daughter's birthday over son's graduation party. YTA.

gofigure62 | gofigure62

Dad skips son's graduation for step-daughter's birthday. Neglecting sons? YTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Dad chooses step-daughter's birthday over son's graduation party. YTA.

Smellius-Sockus | Smellius-Sockus

Skipping son's milestones? YTA according to commenters 😠

annoymous1996 | annoymous1996

Father prioritizes step-daughter's birthday over son's graduation party. Commenters call him out for lame excuse. 😑

[deleted] | [deleted]

Step-daughter's only parent figure chooses her birthday over son's graduation. YTA

Certain_Effort598 | Certain_Effort598

Father's poor time management leads to hurtful prioritization of children 😢

TinyRascalSaurus | TinyRascalSaurus

Father's favoritism towards step-daughter angers son on graduation day 😠

GardenDivaESQ | GardenDivaESQ

Internet agrees with family: YTA for missing son's graduation

thebings_bing | thebings_bing

Father's decision to skip son's graduation for SD's birthday is unfair

DarthLokiii | DarthLokiii

Skipping your son's graduation for a minor birthday party? YTA.

Rookie_66 | Rookie_66

Father's absence at son's graduation party sparks YTA verdict.

Leather_Ad_3112 | Leather_Ad_3112

Father prioritizes step-daughter's birthday over son's graduation: YTA

TheGodMother007 | TheGodMother007

Father chooses step-daughter's birthday over son's graduation: YTA

abnie | abnie

Prioritizing step-daughter's birthday over son's graduation: YTA according to comment.

LouisV25 | LouisV25

Ignoring step-daughter's birthday for son's graduation? YTA.

lightheartedmusings | lightheartedmusings

Choosing one child over the other: YTA or NAH? 🤔

nearly_normal | nearly_normal

User calls out fake post, deems OP YTA. 😑

KimChiDiva | KimChiDiva

OP is criticized for skipping son's graduation for step-daughter's birthday.

Minerva9544 | Minerva9544

Father chooses step-daughter's party over son's graduation. YTA.

OrangeCubit | OrangeCubit

Step-daughter's birthday overshadowed son's graduation. 🤔

ndcollector | ndcollector

Skipping son's graduation for step-daughter's birthday: YTA, says comment.

Mindless-Warning-504 | Mindless-Warning-504

Father's favoritism causes hurt feelings and perceived neglect. 😢


Father skips son's graduation for step-daughter's birthday: Commenter calls YTA

Substantial_Night619 | Substantial_Night619

Father's priorities questioned after missing son's important milestones. 🤔

AwareWealth9764 | AwareWealth9764

Commenter calls out absent father for prioritizing stepdaughter over son.

TypicalManagement680 | TypicalManagement680

Father's history of neglecting son makes YTA comment fitting 😠

GingerSnapNV | GingerSnapNV

Choosing a step-daughter's birthday over son's graduation? YTA.

bertiebastard | bertiebastard

Commenter calls out dad for favoring step-daughter over son 😠

hahahawow1312 | hahahawow1312

Commenter calls out dad for skipping son's graduation party 🎓

PotentialityKnocks | PotentialityKnocks

OP gets called out for not responding to comments 🙄

Active_Somewhere8248 | Active_Somewhere8248

User warns father of consequences for prioritizing step-daughter. YTA.

Beck2010 | Beck2010

Father's actions at son's graduation party deemed selfish and unfair

Aoidivine | Aoidivine

Commenter condemns absent father with strong language 😱

theweapon2000 | theweapon2000

Father's decision to skip son's graduation party is deemed selfish. 😔

highlandcow75 | highlandcow75

Arriving late and skipping your son's graduation party? YTA 😒

Micellangelo | Micellangelo

Redditor calls out step-parent for neglecting biological children. 😱

Beneficial-Pen-5459 | Beneficial-Pen-5459

A sobering reminder to prioritize family over petty disputes 👪👨

UnicornCackle | UnicornCackle

Father's favoritism sparks outrage, commenters call him out for neglecting son. 😡

Moon96Moon | Moon96Moon

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